1. Cunt 2. The most inhuman aspect(s) of your country's history?
>German posters are excused from this thread.
1. Flag. 2a. India Pakistan Partition Violence and Migration Crisis 2b. 1984 Anti Sikh riots 2c. In recent time smaller scale semi organized riots between Hindus and Muslims in Bombay and the state of Gujarat.
Allying with a certain Austrian and adopting his crazy ideologies
Hudson Cox
Dont forget forced sterilisation
Daniel Wood
why the holocaust of course
Lucas Phillips
1. US 2. Pretty much nothing
Christian Anderson
Nothing comes to mind.
Kevin Hughes
I can't believe I'm reading something interesting here.
Chase Jackson
Come home white man
Nathaniel Perez
Tell me about anti Sikh riots Did Jow Forums lie to me about Sikhs being bros?
Nathan Sanchez
17th century famine. Grain stocks were full because prices were going up (cold weather destroyed new harvests) while 60% of population starved to death.
Aiden Gonzalez
1)flag 2) Nothing
Landon White
Flag Slave trade
Jacob James
Death Penalty is unholy and violates the sanctity of life
Landon Nelson
Sikhs are bros. There's no anti sikh sentiment any more. But after Indira Gandhi got assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards (related to a sikh secessionist movement that's pretty much died out now) her followers went apeshit and no pretty much organized a massacre. SikhHindu relations are pretty chilled now.
Partial cooperation of some of our citizens in the holocaust during WWII. Not much else i can think of. Anti-Soviet resistance was pretty brutal, but it's all mostly justified.
Owen Smith
It was the other way around, in terms of ideology.
Grayson Wright
1. aus 2. ending the aboriginal protection act 1869
>Held in the Colegio de San Gregorio, in the Spanish city of Valladolid, it was a moral and theological debate about the colonization of the Americas, its justification for the conversion to Catholicism, and more specifically about the relations between the European settlers and the natives of the New World.
The Stolen Generations Aboriginal population was dwindling and the Australian government did not want their population to go 'extinct' so to speak. Sounds pretty based in theory, but basically every Aboriginal child with any semblance of white heritage would be forced to live in Western societies away from their families, often never being able to see them again. If anything, it reduced the pure blood Aboriginal population even further because of how big a gap it left in Indigenous communities, hence the term 'Stolen Generations'
Lucas Phillips
>would be forced to live in Western societies away from their families The official policy for Aboriginals in the 20th century was that they were taken so whites could adopt them but most of them never got adopted, got given a second class education in the foster ghetto and if you were a girl you had a high chance of being sexually abused. This policy ended only in the 1970's.
This is probably the biggest reason why Aboriginals almost always come from broken homes nowadays.