Do you think China will be a benevolent and fair master when it inevitable become the dominant economic and military...

Do you think China will be a benevolent and fair master when it inevitable become the dominant economic and military force on the planet, despite America and its ally's effort to prevent it? I think America has done some great things, like winning World War II, but it also has done some very bad things, like invading Panama, Iraq and such

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china will be nice to their vassal states in asia, but i'm 99% postive they're going to pseudo colonize africa

No, the chinese will take revenge on Europe for the century of humiliation so eurofag wh*toids are fucked.
>I think America has done some great things, like winning World War II
at lmao

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Panama? What the fuck?

>America has done some great things, like winning World War II

it's USSR that actually done the most of the job

Love to see wh*Toids screaming like a literal 5 year-old

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USSR fought one a single front, retard.

i want to kill all whitoid


>i'm 99% postive they're going to pseudo colonize africa

They can't lol. Chinese migration is tiny in Africa. Especially since they can't carve themselves in as middle men because people just fucking order shit by themselves in China and al t he workers are temporary there until they can return.

china isn't even benevolent and fair now

>free pork and alcohol and dance sessions for minorities
You don't know what you're talking about

Europe is stronger than China.

To be fair you aren't either.

t. chink

I will be dead by then so idgaf

australia doesnt do anything

That's Canada.

I dont think China could become the dominant economic or have the best military force on the planet. If so, inevitably would have a Third world war most likely. As the same way burguer bros may think, its just not a good idea to give too much power to a communist country.

China will convert the entire world to communism and begin human colonization of space.

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don't worry. it will only be revenge against usa, Japan, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy Austria,Hungary, mongolia.

what's your problem manchu. Didn't you genocide them enough.

he's still right.

wtf I love china now

nice dreaming

Europe could do nothing without the Muttland

Attached: WhatWorldWar3LooksLike.jpg (580x421, 82K)

Wow daddy
Plz nuke India

t. upset Mutt

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we Golden Bulls are all brothers mate
Let's not get brainwashed by the divide and conquer shill the west keeps telling us in order to separate us to keep them somehow relevant

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he's a manchu that's why he hates mongols.

China is destined to be the next superpower

China will overtake the U.S. as world’s top economy in 2020, says Standard Chartered Bank

A colony doesn't just mean you settle people there, it means you use the area as a source of raw materials that are transported back to the mother country for manufacture.

I am completely willing to obey my Chinese overlords as long as I get a qt Chinese wife. Also more actually good Chinese restaurants in my area would be fantastic.

>betraying your country for pussy
Incel freak.


literally no reason for Manchus to hate mongols
why the fuck do Manchus even hate Mongols?
for beating the Jin dynasty into oblivion?
They conquered the Mongols during the Qing dynasty anyway

>pump and dump

Being persuaded by sex and food is the most American thing I can do

KYS netouyo freak mutt worshiping subhuman

what the hell are you even talking about
The Muttland is the world centre of incels

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Why are you so good at speaking english if you are japanese? You are just a gaijin pretending to be a jap, aren't you?

jurchens (jin dynasty) the predecessors of the manchus were defeated by the mongols, both group originated in the same general areas and competed with each other in the north eastern china over land for herding in Ming dynasty. After the founding of the Qing dynasty, manchus genocided a good portion of the mongols, and made Tibetan Buddhism the official religion for them

>revenge against usa
For what? putting an embargo on Japan during WW2 becuase it was raping china?

is this a vpn?

What did Austria ever do to China?

no, it's just someone who actually bought a pass.

Extra Nuke Japan and USA, please, MASTER.

Why not aim for a friendly economy-based World Peace instead of war and revenge? America started up as the good guy, but eventually bad leaders led it astray and quite evil. China could lead the entire world to a new golden age, but that is in your hands I guess, nothing I can really do since I'm just a Mexican :(

native american, here, I stand with my mongol, hungarian and uyghur brothers against the chink menace.

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Dumb mexicuck begging like a dog

fuck you Colombia, I'd make some witty retort but you shits are too nondescript. I'll just call you a cokehead, how's that?

>Do you think China will be a benevolent and fair master
All of China's neighbours hate them with a passion which can't be a coincidence, so no, I don't think they will.

Seconding this. Please unify Korea under Kim Jong Un, and turn America to ashes.

It still did 95% of work.

Small country of Mongols numbering barely a million nearly destroyed E*rope. Imagine what 2 billion of us could do

There is no stable entity quite like China today. It will probably usher in a dark age, there will be no such thing as critical thought, integrity, freedom of speech/information. These notions will be so dead as to be inconceivable, a more primitive yet technologically advanced world will result. Though it won't be so clownish as the West has been postww2, and continues to be so under the USA's hand.

No. They're going full 1984.
We could be. But as of yet "Europe" isn't much of a thing. Divided as we are, we'll fall one by one.


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Its a pipedream. The Russians destroyed any possibility for a Turan state a long time ago. Central asia is practically colonized by Russians