Attached: SmartSelectImage_2019-05-05-13-12-28.png (1438x1584, 692K)
Shit just got real
Jaxon Wright
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Isaac Ward
Well ... you can't let Chinese eyes into the five eyes.
Evan King
All according to plan.....
Lucas Thomas
It would probably make the US safer. Less stuff would be getting to Pakistan.
Josiah Young
Oh no no no no
Ryder Sanders
The Gulf of Tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and Taliban Brazil 1964 Argentina 1976 Greece 1967 Haiti 1915 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in Latin America War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president
Luke Flores
US also stop Japanese gov from using it.
Cooper Ward
good guy usa saving the world from the chinese spooks and shia' terrorists
Nathaniel Richardson
you sunni dogs should all be hanged.
Brody Hill
Why u Hitoshi’s stupid enough to use chink tech
You were the ones trying to genocide them only 75 years ago
John Gonzalez
America merely adopted free market Capitalism. Britain was born in it, molded by it. We go where the money is, always have and always will.
Brayden Gray
Isaac Morris
That's like saying Vietnamese shouldn't allow McDonalds franchises because mutts napalmed them 50 years ago.
Zachary Torres
meanwhile a different headline
>china continues to buy Iranian oil despite us pressure
dont look at headlines and get hot and bothered retards
Adam Watson
The vietnamese really shouldn't allow it for that exact reason though
Kevin Jones
But still you chickened out when the workers protest
John Jones
Five Eyes would become five and a half eyes
Cameron Howard
>katrina yu
half of these feel good articles are drafted by self hating chinks
Blake Thomas
Maybe they didn't know China put some spyware in it. After USA warned it Japanese gov found out some chips in Chinese stuff actually.
Thanks USA.
Kevin Bennett
china's going to give up iran oil. irans not worth the hassle. and who will the iranians blame? won't be china.
Cameron Thompson
why are new world plebs so mutthurt about china?
Aaron Powell
they are not white
Wyatt Edwards
You have to go back.
Benjamin Kelly
>Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden
Lol how is any of this supposed to be bad? If anything it just makes me feel proud to be American.
Brayden Carter
That’s not a good analogy, my flat nosed monkey friend
Matthew Johnson
state of this actual cuckold
Brandon Brooks
Not an argument. And I bet my nose is more aquiline than yours.
Xavier Garcia
He thinks that his post is like the China copypasta that causes Chinese users to drop off the Great Firewall
But he's a retard who doesn't realize we live in a democracy and can shit on the US government openly all we want. What a fuckin mong, seriously. Fuck Trump, fuck Xi, fuck Putin
Wow what's gonna happen to me? (hint: nothing)
Hunter Reed
>we live in a democracy
You mean a republic. If you lived in a democracy, the popular vote would matter.
Chase Cox
mildly funny post until I realized that Singaporeans are geopolitical crypto-CCP in the 21st century
Zachary Garcia
Sure thing, shitskin
Juan Cox
A democratic republic, pick hairs, it's fine
The point of either is having a form of representation in a democratic manner. I can insult my representative or president all day, or political party, doesn't matter.
Meanwhile anyone who criticizes Xi or Putin gets caged. I don't envy them, their definition of "citizen" really means "animal" or "pet"
Ayden Walker
That’s called direct democracy, we’re not the Ancient Greeks. Only backwards societies operate off of outdated forms of Government.
Xavier Perry
>Meanwhile anyone who criticizes Xi or Putin gets caged
>implying america doesn't do the same
Ayden Young
ah the old mottle and bailey technique where "criticizing the USA" means "leaking classified information"
Fuck off Russki
Lincoln Reed
Cameron Lewis
He’s right though. You are cancer.
Nolan Russell
I bet that's what you wish you looked like.
Ryder Nelson
We are cancer for completely unrelated circumstances to "the USA does not jail its own citizens for criticizing government/representatives/political parties"
Any halfwit can compartmentalize issues. You and him barely make one half of a thirdwit.
Sebastian Lewis
How would you know that?
Zachary Barnes
Because we don't? The USA has drone-bombed some radical Muslim American citizen preacher in the past 10 years, that's about it.
I don't understand why people think Assange is a US citizen. He's not.
Meanwhile Xi is spending his days jerking off the monitored Great Firewall data, imprisoning political dissidents and harvesting the organs of those who don't cooperate. Even fucking teenage-20something girls who post pictures on social media of spraying ink on a poster of his face, no joke, no overstatement.
Her name was Dong Yaoqiong. Now she's gone.
Blake Gutierrez
it's only classified information because someone in a position of authority deemed it unnecessary for the public to have access to that information. if the public is deemed not worthy to have access to information, how democratic is the end result that is the system?this just means the government can withhold crucial information from the public at their own behest and jail anyone who makes it public
Ian Brooks
Kek you think they'll make a movie called "Dong Baby Dong"?
Isaiah Lee
>china still hasnt done anything
>lets say they are going to
for example what they did say is that this month no trade agreement would be reached
Carter Young
>it's only classified information because someone in a position of authority deemed it unnecessary for the public to have access to that information.
Correct, because it is information deemed able to kill people if it gets into the wrong hands.
> if the public is deemed not worthy to have access to information, how democratic is the end result that is the system?
Because we elected someone to handle that information and make the judgment call, just like we elected a president who has the power to press a little red button that can nuke other countries.
This is the process of representation. Chinese citizens do not enjoy it. And considering Putin has been in power for ~20 years, I do no think Russian citizens enjoy this either. It's a shame.
Isaac Long
they pick members all from the same party. you guys pick members from two parties. im not so convinced that you guys are all that different.
Elijah Cox
>classified information
like warcrimes
hey if you are going to commit warcrimes just do it, don't do it then act like a fucking bastion of rights and fairness, pot, kettle
Nathaniel Stewart
Oliver Foster
Well here if you go out and protest against that system nothing will happen to you while in China you will disappear.
Isaac Evans
Aaron Clark
I'm gonna blow your mind right now, user
Countries with 5-6+ political parties aren't much more democratic than a 2 party system like the USA. The reason is, your governments have to form coalitions to actually govern, and the decision to form a coalition/alliance is up to party leadership. This means you could be a Tory in the UK and get stuck with Christfag-eating DUP policies AFTER THE ELECTION even though you as a voter did not vote for DUP.
The USA is not like this. The Christfags are already packed into the Republican party, which means they are already implicitly represented on the ballot when you cast your ballot. This means you make a more informed decision at the ballot box.
Are there fewer choices, and are they more clumped together? Yes. But are voters more assured of what they're getting into, because coalitions don't have to be forged post-election? Yes. The two equal out. They're both mediocre. Ranked choice voting is much better than both of our systems.
Lol go look up our federal documents from the 1970-1990s sheepfucker. We declassify basically everything after ~30 years.
Christian Parker
>nothing will happen
whatever happened to occupy wall street anyway, bunch of dirty hippies, capitalism ho
Bentley Lewis
>declassify basically everything
so show me the CIA drug running documents that they did over south america during this period
or the "friendly" shipments of anti-aircraft arms to jihadists
multiple attempted assassination on castro, is that declassified too?
what about experiments using LSD for subduing informants
or are you going to claim none of it ever happened
oh of course you will, you will just brush it off as conspiracy theory, always worked that one
Elijah Sullivan
they certainly weren't disappeared and had their organs farmed for rich people like the falun gong.
seriously, maybe some of you pro-chink posters should actually spend time in china, it'll wipe that "grass is greener" mentality right the fuck out.
Ryan Cox
America will lose everything.
Jordan Rivera
>Countries with 5-6+ political parties aren't much more democratic than a 2 party system like the USA. The reason is, your governments have to form coalitions to actually govern, and the decision to form a coalition/alliance is up to party leadership. This means you could be a Tory in the UK and get stuck with Christfag-eating DUP policies AFTER THE ELECTION even though you as a voter did not vote for DUP.
that means they have to compromise. I'm not sure it's wise to argue that compromise is undemocratic, my dude. I happen to believe it's one of the two pillars of democracy.
Andrew King
fucking based
Ryder Sanders
>actually believe falun gong
no doubt there are prisoners getting organ harvested, its right up those commie's alleyway but falun gong is a joke with a prosecution complex
who is pro-anything, sounds like you have an itch to scratch pointing fingers like that, your own leaf government sold half of canada to rich chinese so before you start pointing, start looking towards your own "representatives"
Juan Watson
>so show me the CIA drug running documents that they did over south america during this period
oliver north got a criminal record over that shit, bucko.
>or the "friendly" shipments of anti-aircraft arms to jihadists
this is also public knowledge
>multiple attempted assassination on castro, is that declassified too?
uh, the fact that you know about it should probably clue you in
>what about experiments using LSD for subduing informants
>Though Project MK-Ultra lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program didn’t become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world.
ah yes, but this is all very comparable to the chinese state security apparatus
get fucked you disingenuous cunt.
Joshua Scott
>I'm not sure it's wise to argue that compromise is undemocratic, my dude
It is when the voter does not get what he or she is promised. It is undemocratic for a Tory voter to vote Tory and then get stuck with Christfag policies even if that Tory is secular. As was very common in the last British election because the Tory leadership elected to sell out to DUP.
Liam Ross
Five round eyes
Robert Price
>public knowledge
documents please and stop changing proxies to canada
for someone who claims to have access to federal papers, I sure ain't seeing any
get fucked you CIA plant
Hunter Long
>but falun gong is a joke with a prosecution complex
If it's a joke why persecute it? Oh right because the CCP can't tolerate literally any criticism at all
Meanwhile Britain flies blimps of a fat baby Trump, various American mayors of major cities call him a dumbass outright, and the entire media skewers him like a fat oinking pig
Please continue equating us to China, jesus fucking christ. I would say something petty like "I can't wait until you're 80 years old and look back on the times the USA didn't annex my country's international waters unlike today" but I honestly don't wish you that outcome, even if you're being stupid today.
Angel Gutierrez
Not trying to equate one with the other, but I would like a better understanding about the differences because I don't think it's as simple as "this good, this bad." There seems to be more give and take than you're acknowledging. For instance, how does the U.S. system gel with long-term planning? If representatives are chosen by a poorly educated population (American public education is considered substandard given the level of industrialization), won't that be reflected in the leadership? Also, freedom of expression sounds great and all, but does America really have it to the degree that you're saying? For example,why is the U.S. government so beholden to Israel and Saudi Arabia, enough to overlook murder committed by citizens of those countries?
In China (and even much of Europe), people are allowed to say things that might come off as racist or sexist, or at the very least they're allowed to joke about those things without fear of losing their jobs. In the United States, people get fired all the time over those issues. This leads to a society that self-censors a lot more than many parts of the world. Sure you can criticize political parties more, but that's a really small piece of the everyday conversational pie.
If you want to publicly say Israel and Jews are disproportionately represented in U.S. policy-making, you've effectively ended your career and tarnished your record. Ditto if you're caught making objectifying comments about female coworkers and generalizations about minority groups. It's gotten to where you can't even entertain certain thoughts out loud about groups without constantly worrying you crossed a line.
How do you justify that?
Brandon Evans
>attempts at killing castro by glowniggers
>CIA armed jihadists
Aaron Cooper
the difference here is that you are fundamentally protected through the constitution from the government. it is not the goverments job to protect you from your employers because you blurted out FUCK NIGGERS at work.
Nathaniel Turner
>because I don't think it's as simple as "this good, this bad."
The US is mediocre, China is bad on a lot of issues that matter a whole lot if they want to be a superpower. If they wanted to just be a regional power I wouldn't care, there are a lot of regional powers on this planet with shit policies that the US ignores (see Brazil).
> won't that be reflected in the leadership?
>Also, freedom of expression sounds great and all, but does America really have it to the degree that you're saying?
Yes, but
>For example,why is the U.S. government so beholden to Israel and Saudi Arabia, enough to overlook murder committed by citizens of those countries?
Our main problem is that money is also freedom of expression, which is how AIPAC and those other organizations get funded. This is a problem I'm confident we'll fix though, because there's enough people angry about it in 2020.
>In China (and even much of Europe), people are allowed to say things that might come off as racist or sexist, or at the very least they're allowed to joke about those things without fear of losing their jobs
This is all very true but that's the private sector, not the government sector. I'm 99% certain you cannot say racist shit while a government official in China or the EU, at least not openly to the face of the person you're attacking.
Jeremiah Martinez
>multiple attempted assassination on castro, is that declassified too?
Are you claiming the CIA will have people arrested for knowing they tried to kill Castro? They've publicly admitted it themselves many times you stupid mainlander donkey.
Ian Wright
I get all that, but the point is end result. How does it affect the way you live? For example, I got friends from Europe and the States (mostly white but not all of them), who used to worry a lot about the lese majeste laws here. They thought they'd be looking over their shoulders all the time while they were here. But they soon realized the king was the ONLY thing they weren't really allowed to publicly discuss in a negative way, everything else was on the table, including politics in general. Since the topic of the king doesn't come up much in conversation anyway (especially among foreigners), they ended up feeling more free than at home to express themselves, not less.
For a lot of them, was the first time they felt like they were allowed to just be white or male. We'd talk about European colonialism and discuss the positives as well as the negatives. We would talk about tasks and activities that men and women are just better suited for. No one was saying women should be barred from certain jobs or that certain people shouldn't be allowed to work or live in certain countries. It was just conversation, juggling ideas, etc. It led to a better understanding of things. In fact the ONLY time they seemed to watch what they said is when they were with other Westerners (both white and nonwhite, men and women).
It's become this taboo thing and it really seems to be causing a lot of unnecessary tension.
Austin Jackson
>In China (and even much of Europe), people are allowed to say things that might come off as racist or sexist, or at the very least they're allowed to joke about those things
>(and even much of Europe)
I can guarantee every employer even in eastern European countries that don't care about racism would be considered well within their rights to fire someone for screaming "I HATE NIGGERS"
Justin Reyes
The real problem here is that you're equating "saying racist stuff is perfectly legal but of course in private life people are also within their rights to not work with you or attack you in turn for saying it" and "if you criticize the Party you will disappear"
Joshua Nelson
i agree that the west is going through a particularly painful infatuation with self censorship, but the fact remains that in the US, you can still get away with saying un PC things, criticize the government, say FUCK TRUMP and the FBI won't kick in your door and send you to club fed for 20 years.
yes, in asia you can say a lot of un PC shit, but thats because of the culture, and not due to any ingrained laws. if you do go against the grain and say something not kosher to the locals, asian society isn't any less willing than the west to socially ostracize you, but with the added pain of the government bending you over the table and sodomizing you.
Sebastian Smith
In the end, there is a good reason why 4channel™ servers are located in the US, and not fucking Thailand, mainland China or Singapore
Henry Fisher
>t. the most insanely regulated country in Europe, where cctvs watch your every step and you have to send your children for mandatory mosque visits and pay the telly tax as they are trying to strike a deal with the state-influenced company of a communist autocratic nation
Gavin Ramirez
I think the real problem is you think saying anything about race or reflecting positively on whites history in any way immediately equates to saying "racist or sexist stuff."
>you can still get away with saying un PC things, criticize the government, say FUCK TRUMP and the FBI won't kick in your door and send you to club fed for 20 years.
That's the same for most countries though. I can say whatever I want about the king at home and even at work without anyone "kicking in the door." Pretty sure chinks can get away with that too since we already know they try to get around the Great Firewall on a regular basis without getting raided. We also know they have protests all the time at the local government level. It's not as free as America, but then again America has race riots and constant looting.
Lucas Powell
>race riots and constant looting.
Except for the LA riots is been planned out, organized and heavily funded shit in a handful of crappy cities.
Commies groups literally bus people in to make it look like it's some grassroots uprising when really the people who live there are just like "WTF?"
Isaiah Diaz
Soros also helped fund the Tiananman protests. Why is it only bad when it happens in America?