Arab rape babies

Attached: Iberia_regions_map.png (1997x1471, 293K)

>t. mongol rape baby

Attached: russian.jpg (471x400, 54K)

>t. spanish (arab) rape baby

>T. peninsulare - native rape baby

it's moorish btw, and it's funny because you had the same situation with the tatars who also happened to be muslim

I was expecting a Mexican flag

I was expecting an American flag

Fucking racist, can't you see how European they are! They literally look like Nords, fucking Mongol rape baby

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fuck russhits

Attached: tu 4.png (1427x340, 751K)

>arab rape babies

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Even there are no iberian posters until now

But Peru and Mexico

CUTE Arab rape babies

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not a single drop of menaoid blood,

Attached: moors.jpg (1200x800, 95K)

Place a moor next to an Aryan or me and they are a seperate species complete different skulls.

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>Fucking racist
He is posting it for fun

We are Moor rape babies and not Arab rape babies, Arabs were a minority in Al-Andalus.

Southroons are moor rapebabies actual spaniards dont have a drop of moor blood, you are a moor who.would.look.alien next to me too

That's a gypsy, muttboi
>Americans are so mixed they can't distinguish between different races

is that why Portuguese sounds Russian then?

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das rite! we black yo!

Africa for blacks, Europe too!

nice semitic facial features, moor

And that's a good thing (better than jewish&mongorien rape babies like you)