Attached: Iberia_regions_map.png (1997x1471, 293K)
Arab rape babies
Chase Wright
Austin Collins
>t. mongol rape baby
Connor Green
>t. spanish (arab) rape baby
Jose Brooks
>T. peninsulare - native rape baby
Easton King
it's moorish btw, and it's funny because you had the same situation with the tatars who also happened to be muslim
Josiah Phillips
I was expecting a Mexican flag
Ethan Ross
I was expecting an American flag
Levi Wright
Fucking racist, can't you see how European they are! They literally look like Nords, fucking Mongol rape baby
Daniel Ramirez
fuck russhits
Nathan Lewis
>arab rape babies
Logan Jones
Lincoln Bennett
Even there are no iberian posters until now
But Peru and Mexico
Isaiah Perry
CUTE Arab rape babies
Ryder Carter
Ethan Long
not a single drop of menaoid blood,
Matthew Flores
Place a moor next to an Aryan or me and they are a seperate species complete different skulls.
Aiden Foster
>Fucking racist
He is posting it for fun
Blake Martin
We are Moor rape babies and not Arab rape babies, Arabs were a minority in Al-Andalus.
Isaac Bailey
Southroons are moor rapebabies actual spaniards dont have a drop of moor blood, you are a moor who.would.look.alien next to me too
Carter James
That's a gypsy, muttboi
>Americans are so mixed they can't distinguish between different races
Jose Phillips
is that why Portuguese sounds Russian then?
Carson Murphy
das rite! we black yo!
Africa for blacks, Europe too!
Leo Johnson
nice semitic facial features, moor
Nolan Lopez
And that's a good thing (better than jewish&mongorien rape babies like you)