Why do people eat raw meat? it's fucking disgusting.
Why do people eat raw meat? it's fucking disgusting
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Because they're animals who never evolved
Germans eat tartare and they are the biggest degenerates on Earth
It's not just a coincidence
it pains me to say this but...
Texan BBQ > Argentinean Asado
I used to be like this then i tried it and its not bad
My uncle likes his steak thrown on the grill for a second or two, flipped for another second or two and then served.
>Why do people eat raw meat? it's fucking disgusting.
>Because they're animals who never evolved
>Germans eat tartare and they are the biggest degenerates on Earth
>It's not just a coincidence
tastes good and it's safe enough as long as the outside is cooked
In a non-ground meat like steak there is virtually no chance of bacteria getting inside the meat. That is why you only need to cook the outside of a steak like this person said.
If it's ground then it's a different story as the bacteria that may be on the outside gets mixed in and you have to cook it all the way through. That's why people that get burgers cooks anything but all the way are fucking disgusting.
Kill yourself comepalomas
Eating raw meat "safely" is allowed only for some countries with civilized system
Eat any sashimi today Jap?
Nada mejor que un buen bife a la leña, los gringos usan carbón.
>it's grilled
>but calls it raw
are you a fucking retard or something
> should learn sashimi is not meat but fish.
How do you order when you eat steak in USA? well-done?
I could order "medium-rare " in one of the most civilized countries, USA, though.
He doesn't really, boomers just do that to act cool when everybody knows it's just pleb
Finns eat blood sausage
shut up limey what the fuck do you know about food?
fish is meat though
Enough to know that blue steak is a meme
>4 seconds max on the grill
so the steak is cold in the middle?
probably, my uncle is an oddball
Thanks for your new information though
because the fat doesn't melt and dissipate, giving the meat more flavour
I never knew Sweden was this based.
Blood sausages also exist in Spain so they probably do too in Argentina.
It's fucking raw you fucking animal
Because it doesn't taste cooked to shit.
this is called """raw""", not your pic. know the difference, retard.
No, it's still fucking raw inside and only animals eat raw meat. Meat should be fully cooked.
Most people prefer it a bit more cooked, that's a rare steak while medium rare is very popular.
>i-it's totally safe guys!
I don't care if it's safe, it's still disgusting when it looks like you've just taken a bite off a live animal
damn I guess swedes aren't based after all
Friendship ended with Swedes, Norway is my new best friend
Humans are animals in case you didn't notice
>Why do people eat raw meat? it's fucking disgusting.
>looks like you've just taken a bite off a live animal
Why would that be more disgusting then eating a cadaver?
If you are insecure and constantly need to prove your masculinity (mostly to yourself) you have to do disgusting shit sometimes.
>be argie
>be in Japan
>get served raw meat by my boss
>tell her I don't eat raw meat
>but geruman pepru eat raw meat
>so? I'm not german
There's a strong Anglo influence in Japan, therefore they believe that if you are remotely white you eat raw meat.
whether you like or not, it's cooked at least so it's not raw. open your eyes, fucking brainlet.
isn't prosciutto smoked and dried?
We call it morcilla
Americans truly are model humans
We get it you are an animal, move on insect.
not an argument, fuckhead :^)
raw fish, prepared properly, is fucking delicious. faggot
crudo is not smoked (others are), it's dried.
But it's still raw meat, unless raw == fresh
Tatar is delicious you soyslurping faggots
Hey Poland, let's blow this joint and get married, what do you say?
when will north korea take over you retarded faggots. fuck of gook
>Cured meat is raw
"When humans first learned how to control fire, it was an important step in their culture. It allowed humans to cook food and get warmth and protection. Making fire also allowed activity into the dark, and gave some protection from predators and insects.[1]
The cooking of food was probably the most useful effect of fire. There are foods like meat and fruits which do not need cooking, but others, such as root vegetables, mostly need cooking.
We do not know for sure when this step was taken. "Fire was first controlled by humans anywhere from about 230,000 years ago to 1.4 or 1.5 million years ago, depending on which evidence you accept as definitive".[2]
Evidence for the use of fire by Homo erectus beginning some 400,000 years ago has wide scholarly support.[3][4]
Claims for the earliest definitive evidence of control of fire by a member of Homo range from 0.2 to 1.7 million years ago (mya).[5]"
nice try zhang
the world isn't becoming vegan anytime soon. thank god :>)
I get mine rare-med rare
It all depends on how you serve it
Eating raw meat and controlling fire aren't mutually exclusive.
Rendering (cooking) fat breaks down the sugars and makes them taste better. That's basic cooking. It's why you turn a steak on its side and cook the strip of fat on the side
i am canadian of french canadian and first nation heritage. i am 0% NIP yellownigger. don't you absolute bitch faggots eat raw beef tongue or something?
To be edgy and appear both sophisticated and primal at the same time.
I think that was his point
>There are foods like meat and fruits which do not need cooking
>Meat preservation in general (of meat from livestock, game, and poultry) comprises the set of all treatment processes for preserving the properties, taste, texture, and color of raw, partially cooked, or cooked meats while keeping them edible and safe to consume.
American card revoked
>No, it's still fucking raw inside and only animals eat raw meat
Steak doesn't have to be brown on the inside to be cooked you stupid spic
>eating food has nothing to do with taste
No read the rest of the thread, this is the same Argentino autist who thinks rare steak is raw, I've seen him before.
brown= cooked
red= raw
I know you are used to burgers and BBQ garbage but try to not be an animal next time
Imagine being a fucking animal and eating cold raw meat like this
brown = overcooked
pink = rare
damm my mouth is watering
this is food porn
>he doesn't eat the meat while the animal is still alive
"Nooo im not an animal i just like to eat my meat like animals do"
You know why brown is called "Well done"?
god that looks so tasty
IP ban Argentinians, please
>god that looks so tasty
this is a little undercooked imo, still blue in the center
Your uncle might be a dog.
I've never seen anyone eat rare meat in my life. Is this just an amerimutt or yuro thing to look hard?
ip bans are easy to evade, think you mean rangeban
The fuck did you say about my uncle? Fuck you Denmark, wannabe Norway clinging to Sweden like piss droplets.
yeah, that's what I mean, it's late. Thank you Swede, maybe you guys aren't so bad after all,
>No, it's still fucking raw inside and only animals eat raw meat. Meat should be fully cooked.
Get a load of this retard.
>ip bans are easy to evade, think you mean rangeban
>yeah, that's what I mean, it's late. Thank you Swede,
maybe you guys aren't so bad after all,
It's a meme that has gotten out of hand. Memes before the internet took much longer to propagate and then die off, with lifecycles in decades or even centuries rather than days or weeks. All the boomers want to latch onto it so they can masturbate over being food konosoors
im dominican
>It's called "Well Done"
>Nooo you are not supposed to do it like that noooo!!
Nobody orders their meat rare because of memes, there are people who enjoy it like that. I work as a chef and about 70% of the time medium-rare is the standard while maybe 10% will want it cooked rare.
People ordering a rare steak typically have their limit though, most people would not like eating
Reply to me like a man you ratty fuck
I love you Norway!
Medium-rare really is the premium way to eat a steak, rare sacrifices taste for a more exotic texture and well done sacrifices even more taste.
>I work as a chef
Lower-middle class, working class and poor people don't go to resturants and either cook for themselves or buy fast food. Most people at home don't risk cooking rare or medium-rare meat out of fear of food poisoning.
>Reply to me like a man you ratty fuck
I think the funniest thing here is that an Argentinian is pretending to be civilized in comparison