Mexican suburbs

>Mexican suburbs

What the FUCK

Attached: zjxp6ho4g5w21.jpg (1200x1200, 556K)

Mexico is literally America 2.0

At least American suburbs have... breathing space.

I wish I had a house like this

i will kill myself before living in a place where everyfucking house looks the same, even in America, fuck that twisted garbage.

>t.Lives in a tiny apartment in BA

Far better than a fucking commieblock.

am i the onlt one who thinks these are comfy as shit?
how muich for that one can?

the people on the center bottom don't get to have even their tiny backyard

I can halp

Attached: Mexicosk.jpg (1200x1200, 360K)

underrated post

only brand new developments look the same. over time, people paint their houses different colors, renovate the exterior, or demolish and rebuild the entire house.

Based Russia solves the problem

Jesus Christ, without address numbers it would be fucking impossible to find your house.

>hey ese you wan sum of dis comunismo


Mexico City is THICC:

Attached: large[1].jpg (1908x2048, 1.13M)

Attached: large[1].jpg (2048x1152, 575K)

Attached: large[1].jpg (2048x1152, 963K)


that won't change the layout tho

This again? That’s not Mexico City, just another city that’s close to it.

great work comrade

Looks like a giant landfill


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Based comrade

What would happen if everyone flushed their toilet at once?

It would be extremely painful

They made Squidville a real thing.

Lads.. A-are we really the good guys in this planet ?

Attached: hello darkness my old friend.png (348x348, 192K)


Jesus Christo....


Attached: egypt.jpg (3648x2736, 2.41M)

Unironically better, at least you could do something like build stores or, god forbid, have some vegetation to fill out around and make it a little more bearable.

premiun post

Is this a jail?

we trying to copy the gringos
i hate that

All the roads on the left simply exist to connect the now-gone houses, you could convert that space into a park (statue goes in the middle) and have a whole bunch of lush greenery to make the community better.

you need to plant trees tho

top kek

Based, thank you Russia

Water pressure would drop so the flush wouldn't be very effective. But it could overload the sewers.

We need a world toilet flush day to coordinate everyone so we can wreak maximum havoc.

>tfw I have to use the brush and flush 2 or 3 times every time I take a shit because there are too many houses connected to my network

extremely based as always Russia

based Russian

if it wasnt for the wave street itd be perfect


fucking kek


top notch

well shit, it all makes sense now

It's full of Mexicans, so yes, it's basically a landfill.


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