I used to think my country was a tragedy... Now I realize... It's a comedy
I used to think my country was a tragedy... Now I realize... It's a comedy
Move out while you still can
Are you even native
Is Jow Forums so completely devoid of original thought that they always resort to co opting ruining other memes?
The joker movie is just a coopted meme to begin with.
Don't have to be Jow Forums to see the clown world
Where to? All of Europe is exactly the same and Canada is much worse and America is just Brazil 2.0.
What's wrong with Sweden?
>Inb4 supposed "no-go zones" that I, as a Chinese girl have gone through without ANY harassment.
Go to Japan or Korea, all naysayers saying it's just for losers are just jelly. Swedes are very popular in Japan too. Who cares about what incel pol tards think
That won't work, especially not when Japan is going to go full-banzai again this century and go to war with half the Asian continent.
That's not true
>pay 60% of what I earn from my sidebusiness in taxes
>go out and a gang of immigrant youth attempts to mug me
>no point in even contacting the police because they don't care
>go to seek medical help because of injury
>have to wait in the ER-room for 13 hours
>see people dying next to me
honk honk
It's 100% true. The continent is even worse.
Very unlikely, they are mega cucked now. Still not gonna open the gates to the third world, they get all their laborer immigration from culturally similar Asian countries. Most of the country is strongly against Abe trying to remilitarize.
Nowadays, Japan get laborers from 3rd world countries like M'lay, Indon and Sillypenis though. Still Asian cunts, but 3rd worlders.
Have gaysex
Don't lose hopes Swede bro
Your country might not be perfect and it might have serious problems, but compared to the rest of the world, your country is an amazing place to live where people would die just to live
Have hope for a better future, you are still capable of doing that, with big dreams, faith, and hard work you can make those problems dissappear.
>Canada is much worse
Oooh nooo brown people oooh I'm so oppressed clown world!
Reminder that people of colour have been living in "clown world" for centuries and it's the white man who ruined their idengious culture, tradition and religion also brought with him capitalism a force which has now enslaved everyone and commodified everything from relations to emotions
What's happening in Europe is not bad enough for you
Yeah, that's what I meant. There's a lot of Filipinos coming now for nursing since there's tons of old people. The vast majority of import labor is Chinese though. Also, those countries are much better than what Europe is getting for sure
>they are mega cucked now.
It has been true historically. But Japan is changing, slowly but surely, into a military power once again. The Japanese people have always been an extreme warrior culture, and this intermission of peace and silliness since WWII is going to be wiped away when the demographic crisis is really going to hit them. Then there will be a major shift in the public mind. All the pieces are there. Their main religion is quite literally nationalism and worship of their own race, for fuck's sake.
I wish I could, but I don't want to go out and fuck a random fag cause he might have STDs and wouldn't really feel that good since it's not a person I really love.
>tfw no bf
That is true to an extent. My girlfriend's dad has an imperial Japanese flag in his room so there's probably a lot of people who secretly want a Japanese empire again.
Have straight sex with me then, girls are way more horny even though we don't admit it
I don't think that is the case at all in Japan :/
but c'mon, a big amount of Swedes know the problems of their country
if you all work together and make your voice stand out respectfully you can be heard and changes might be made, you just not gotta lose hope
I believe in you, friend :)
Oh sure, just let me quickly go there to Singapore with my private jet just to meet you and fuck each other...
what's sad to me is that it's been going straight downhill since 2015. instead of trying to fix our own problems we decided to import a whole fuckton of new problems that noone (including the government) wants to take care of.
i miss being proud of sweden
When's the last time a meme originated on Jow Forums that wasn't a Pepe/Wojak variant?
I have lived in Poland and it was better than Sweden in every way. I think also if you're rich life is better in Latinamerica.
He's probably a Balkan immigrant thinking he's somehow better than medoid muzzies.
Before 2016 i think
Bring back the Baltic empire reeeeee
I'm Ethnic Finnish minority
He probably wants you dead btw.
What makes you think that? Inwhat way is Poland and parts of Latinamericabetter than Sweden?
Yeah probably, I was sure he was gonna chop my head off with a katana when he first met me. We get along well though since we both appreciate glorious Japanese history. Who knows maybe he will murder me some day
Poland had better:
>friendlier people
>more attractive and feminine women
>less faggotry and sjw-shit in your face
Latinamerica I assume is better if you're rich because you can buy everything and the taxes aren't too high?
Probably because Poland wants to be and stay polish. They have already experienced Muslim domination by the ottomans and subjugation by many other countries so I'm not suprised it's much more resistant to faggotry
Please be my gf
Superb ameripost
kys muhammed
nowdays territories of poland have never been under ottoman rule
I don't know about Europe so I can't talk about that with confidence
But I can tell you, everywhere is better if you are rich
>taxes aren't too high
maybe for a European not, but knowing how much you win here compared to the first world, it's not better at all
that or you commit tax evasion like many do
Drop the proxy,Cletus
Don't lose hopes Swede bro, I know that your country can do better
I know that YOU can do better, just give it a try :)
no gaijin are "popular" in japan or korea
Enjoy being Muslim in 50 years :)
Go back, Ahmet
Cletus drop the proxy
Canada isn't really that bad. At least the cops do something. Most muslim guys ive met here are potheads who play vidya all day lol. Autistic chink students doing their insect things. Its really not that bad
I even feel safe on the streets at night sometimes.
I'll fuck you
well, the southern parts of europa a little bit more based
at least the politicians in power try to do something against the migrants
>straight sex