How did France get so good at soccer?

How did France get so good at soccer?

Attached: France.jpg (800x496, 245K)

How did USA get so good at Basket?

Attached: 636026554014180531-AP-APTOPIX-US-Roster-Basketball.jpg (3200x1680, 904K)

im sorry are these frenchmen or americans?


this team won jack shit tho, the lighter one did.

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They utilized the supeiror KARA BOGA Turk players. Wh*Teoids are inferior of course

these can't be frenchmen, too white

Are those refugees ?

100% identitarians

why are they so swarthy ?

Haha that's funny because they're blacks LOL

I like to think that i played a big part in our football renaissance

WRONG. They're french

Of course they are, black isn't a nationality :)

of course they are, they can play football they can't be italians.


France has a lot of talent and the best youth development system

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Why are you posting a Pic of France's reserve Team?

thank god blacks fucked french over
frogs are subhuman

provided you're not white
griezman had to train in spain lol

Wtf croatia I thought we were friends, we liberated you from austria that one time, and shit.

left: didn't qualify for the world cup
right: won the world cup
making the switch from arabs to blacks was the right call, lil dick nafris are good for nothing

you fucked evropa with your bullshit commie tier ideology
you deserve everything bad that comes to you

Because white people don't play povertyball in France.

>you fucked evropa with your bullshit commie tier ideology
>you deserve everything bad that comes to you

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t. mbappe

All jokes aside, I have to wonder how the average Frenchman can watch this band of Africans on TV and think to himself "Yep, that's my national team!". In what way exactly do they represent the French nation? Just give the team a different name at that point. Just change the name from "The French national soccer team" to "The penalty kickers" or something.

he's just an incel manlet that's butthurt that his slav*id team couldn't beat the superior KARA BOGA france team in the world cup final

I like French Catholics and art, but Croats hate revolution and love Habsburgs. Remember when we mobilized our peasants to kill the 1848 Hungarian revolution? Good times. French were not happy. Karl Marx wasn't happy either:"Croatian mud, sneaky serfs, they should be drowned in the Danube and wiped off the face of the Earth"

i am 6'5'', i have blue eyes and i mogged any blacky i've ever met
me pic related
your turn to post ur pic

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Imagine if your country was so fucking gay that Marx never wished a genocide on your people.

l m a o

>Remember when we mobilized our peasants to kill the 1848 Hungarian revolution?

Yes everyone remember that major event since it's the reason Croatia is now a superpower.

That's based. Fuck revolutionaries, fuck Voltaire, fuck Robespierre, fuck atheism, and fuck Carl Marx.

Superpowers have no soul.
Smaller countries are filled with SOUL.

why isn't any blacky posting their picture?

your existence is meaningless

>your brain on atheism

your behaviour out of butthurt

You're free to believe in fairy tales but please don't use it as an argument, thanks


only retards post their pics on Jow Forums idiot.

Because they are scared of your Croatian MED Dinarid KARA BOGA

nice lips :3

sounds to me that you're ashamed of your genetics tbhq

Because this isn't /lgbt/ you attention whoring faggot

sounds to me you're an attention whore living an incel life.


Made for sucking dicks ;)

>talks shit about slavs
>i post my pic
>he gets btfod
>b but you're an incel!!
i am superior to you in every single way


the only memory i have of football is watching i believe france facing brazil in a game somewhere around 2000. i was in the australian desert and it was broadcasted during night time. i remember the main man was some kind of zinadinaldo or something. probably not french, but payed pretty good iirc

Superior at dicksucking no doubt

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homosexuality is hated upon here in croatia

you're so stupid you don't even remember you posted "your"pic to answer an american flag tho.

>pretend tough guys
>insecure of their looks
Absolute state of frogs in this thread

probably am

Must be hard for you to live in Croatia then

he's probably a blacky too
i wouldn't live anywhere else, blacky, my country is perfect

>things third worlders says

i was thinking more about kissing desu

blackies in america or france probably live a better life than yours.

t. blacky living in a french country
i am more french than you

kissing dicks

Oh i see you're a romantic

nice buzzword

you're not french, with that behaviour you're anglo, no matter why your country is cultureless you need to larp as your masters online.

french 'people' are obssesed with dicks

>you're a romantic

i am not anglo because i am not genetically english, i am genetically croatian and that makes me croatian
you're genetically nigerian so that makes you nigerian, not french

you're stupid so you're probably anglo.

ok blacky

>i am genetically croatian

That's burger tier lmao

how is it?
i am r-m458 haplogroup, most of my genetics are eastern europe/balkan and north europe
my genetically most similar countries are slovenia, serbia, hungary and austria
my surname and name is croatian

why would you hate blacks since you behave like one.

>i am r-m458 haplogroup
Do you mention it often in discussions?

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this blacky cope lmao

I'll let you know I'm a lv45778-x myself

>muuh black
>muuh cope
>see how smart am i with such buzz words

if you actually talked to girls you'd know the right haplogroup can help you pull big time

for me the penis doesnt matter too much but i do like a man that has nice shoulder and back muscles alot

swedes are subhuman


not nice :(

Their players don't stay in their farmer league and play abroad in good teams

those lips, you look like you give some good blowjobs