Why do white people nowadays hate business and enterprise? Asians, Indians and Jews are disproportionately involved in starting new businesses and trying to make money for themselves. In the UK nearly all small businesses are owned by brown people. Increasingly they are becoming property owners and land lords.
Whites know they can be rich, others have done it before, so they care more about "experiences" "adventure" and "travel"
Isaiah Thomas
the amount of cope in one post
Thomas Evans
>the state of uk
Asher Gray
White people actually look down on Asians and Indians for starting small businesses. They don't realise that Pajeet makes far more from his shit petrol station that they do working at some corporation.
It's not just the UK, most of Western Europe, North America and Oceania are the same.
Chase Baker
Show me one brown billionaire and I'll show you a thousand white ones
Jacob Lopez
Since white people have realised that money isn't the main value in live
Easton Bennett
>Since white people have realised that money isn't the main value in live
Isn't it because they have a hard time getting a job that they have to start their own business? While white people have proper education and no problem getting into a normal job and therefore don't see any need to put themselves under all the stress and risk of starting a business of their own.
Ian Gray
What the fuck do Jews have to prove though? They've always been disproportionally sucessful for their population size. Garbage assessement as expected of a half-brained eastern european ape.
Logan Kelly
Maybe to some extent but they make up for it by employing family members and extended family members
Juan Morales
eh, poos are constantly getting robbed and killed in the little corner stores they own. I'm not going to devote my life to giving Shaniqua her cigs.
Okay Macedonian ape, this is why Alexander The Nigger was a flamboyant faggot who left India untouched, because when he heard of shitskin Indian bulls awaiting their massive army beyond the little lands he conquered by defeating a Shudroid and his glorified army of peasants, he realised the fate that foresaw him and is said to have pissed his pants in the Court itself. He then left and his advisors claim that he had nightmares about Indian retribution daily. One day his faggot heart gave up and he died. This is known.
Luke Ross
based pajeet
Ayden Murphy
>My cunt has been poor forever only because we don't need to prove we can be rich This is bogan level of shitposting
Angel Jones
No matter how hard I try, I can't take indian posts seriously
Luke Sullivan
>t. Rajesh
Ethan Thomas
Get raped by Ahmed retard
Charles Long
because now the emphasis in our education is fullfilment and self actualisation, that sort of thing instead of working to get money we don't do the "working hard so my children can do better" thing anymore, nowadays it's about living in the now, for ourselves
Tyler Torres
>They've always been disproportionally sucessful for their population size solely due to europeans letting them become bankers
Aaron Brooks
Because being a small buisness owner sucks ass, sure it might have its advantages, but its 24/7 stress.
I sleep peacefully at night and i dont have to worry about shit after 4pm
Ryan Russell
because white people start proper businesses, ones you as a NEET probably don't have much to do with because you don't use their services, but if you'd ever have a job your employee surely does
Jordan Anderson
Hmmmm Racism, but it's not like small business owners are inherently good people. They are still ultimately petit bourgeoisie regardless of race.
A white person is more likely to be a drug dealer in the usa than a small business owner in rural communities if he is under 30.
Aiden Scott
you say dealer i say entrepreneur
William Nguyen
if basic needs are guaranteed how come mass starvation so often comes with communism?
Jackson Wright
99.9% don't though. Pajeets and Jews start more successful businesses as well as shit ones
Ethan Jones
At least here its only white, mostly native german people starting businesses with the exception of restaurants and shops. I wish our immigrants would be more successful desu
Angel Fisher
Fell for the socialism meme. Happens to the best of us. See you in 90 years!
Austin Green
>capitalism Buisness cant keep up with demand, lose potential sales and profit as customers go to another brand.
>communism State cant keep up with demand, everyone starves because the product doesnt exist
Wyatt Powell
Whites just want to be happy. They don't want to take the stress of running a business.
Logan Campbell
>Implying F.Y.R.O.Macedonian slavs are actul greek Macedonians.
Angel Reyes
WTF are you talking. Asia has more billionaires than either Europe or America.
William Ward
these businesses are no where near as profitable without family labor white people don't have that sort of familial structure and would only be able to employ family at legal hourly wages
Sebastian Wilson
Both Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos are white, now fuck off