What is life like in Flanders? Can anyone compare it to Japanese or American society? SPEAK
What is life like in Flanders?
99% sure you are a gaijin
They are third rate dutch people, they claim themselves to be dutch, but they act like frenchmen. Nobody fucking likes the french arrogant cunts that they are. The french don't want them either.
Based. Fuck gaijins am I right or am I right
Never been in Japan nor the USA so...
t. German in pocket format
ate krauts
Simple as
Isn't that Wallonia though?
ignore the Dutch tard, he gets high on his own farts, they all do up north
>they claim themselves to be dutch
Why are you lying?
How do they ''act like us''?
>The french don't want them either.
Wouldn't mind having them tb h
Our kings would be smiling at us
The Flemings and the Dutch, we have been taught to hate each other, while in reality we are the same.
not culturally (catholic vs calvinist), nor genetically (germanic vs celto-germanic)
we can pick each other out of a group without speaking m8 you are full of shit
>there should be no diversity whatsoever within a nation
Very Bruxellois of you to want more diversity
Flemish people look like the people in the Jim Carrey Grinch movie. They have a distinct inbred look especially the women.
Its all fun and games here but the current government loves them immigrants a tad too much
That's not at all what I meant, kill yourself.
I went to flanders for an entire semester and it was pretty comfy.
Like denmark/northern europe atmosphere and people but with nicer south europe architecture.
There were a lot of weirdos though, and sometimes on the train or bus between nice places you'd go through literal "ew, what?" zones. Also sometimes it seemed like people were either ultranationalistic rightwing, or annoying leftists when it came to politics. Unlike americans though if you disagree with someone on politics for a few minutes, you can go back to being friends and talking about nice stuff right after. Beer is very good, probably some of the best that exists.
Where were you?
t. walking talking barrage balloon
>Implying there's more similarity between dutch and flemings than walloons and flems
Dutchies are celto germanic, like germs above Schleswig-Holstein
just call them swamp people
Ghent, but I moved around a lot with some bros I met. Even to very small places.
Sounds correct
I will take the the time to answerSo flanders brussel being a bit separate than the rest of flanders, is a well develloped industrial area. with very dense population. Flanders has kinda it's own language. at least on the flemish zending vrt they have an algemene nederlands show and subtitle the more than 5 accent/ dialect. and sometime the bourgeoisie and historical french speaking authority, and without forgeting that belgians are bastard and mix melting-pot. (tought some thinks they are of pure blood, or the important flemish) the culture is lot nordic germanic influence, cold blooded very clean city well organised city . but each province city has a long history and alliance. like Ghent are now to be the stuborn people. and are a very modern mediaval themed city , Antwerp is the port city. brugge is the beguinage traditional touristic city. with the roof having Crow-stepped gable. like "stairs steps roof" The people in flanders like to use bikes in generals and there is very big-pool of bicycle in city like Leuven. Cont
The northern part of NL is distinctly germanic, and you already see it when you cross the rivers. Large people, blond, horse face women. Very distinct from ours.
That explains the politics bit.
It's kinda true but other places are more reserved about sharing their political views in my experience
Big cities are always more leftist in general.
as to compare general belgians to japan or american.
Belgium people drink a lot soda, coke , etc.
They have self-mocking humor. The flemish are average nationalistic. The political party change every generation and it's a proportional election, people need to tie alliance to govern the Region. The area of Limburg is there is sand -clay area forest and the HEsbay farm land . The criminality is average low. there is need for working force has the flanders is quasi- full employed. the end.
>tfw stuck with discount dutchies for the rest of eternity unless we start a war
God why? It makes me more and more depressed every time I think about it
White people in Belgium are not very different from white People in denmark are not very different from white people in germany are not very different from white people in Netherland.
Can you actually tell a difference? The main groups which actually make sense to me are like Latin/Germanic/Slavic/Semitic divisions.
I went to Diksmuide or Ieper (don't remember which, it was close to france and not by the sea) once and there was a sort of nationalist march. It was a bit strange at first but pretty based.
In wallonia people were Latin/Med pseudofrench
Very far away from the standard batch of germanic people, aka scandis.
And what are the french ?
Germanic ?
Latins ?
>In wallonia people were Latin/Med pseudofrench
We are not french
Latins au lait
While the rest of west med is Latins Noir
okei but you look like them and there is no denying that. Culture and identity is different, but I don't know much about it to say. Apart from the part of liege province which speaks german.
>okei but you look like them and there is no denying that
French are uber mutts, they don't have a distinct look, we are just celto-germanics speaking the same language, the ones who are more med looking are probably italian/portuguese mutts(biggest diaspora here)
Yes I can easily tell a difference. In fact we even did it on a TV show, one Dutch guy had to pick out Belgians from a mixed group without talking, and vice versa. I can do it too, but mostly for the Dutch that live above the rivers, southern NL looks too similar to us.
Perhaps it is because we are small countries and very used to each other. I can pick out typical Walloon faces too, but that is actually harder than Dutch above the rivers.
it's the outliers of the Celto-Germanic zone, if you want to include Denmark in there too. The whole of England is still less germanic then them.
Rofl, France is probably the most diverse country in Europe (even before the first waves of migrations). Look at a norman and say it again, latin au lait.
My point is that germanic, slavic and celtic backgrounded folks share a really large ethno cultural area.
the flemish are a reserved group of people who live rent free in the shadow of their more successful and outgoing big brother, the netherlands. it's a low self esteem nation, byt they keep forgetting that they are a separate nation with a separate culture. the flemish are a lot less assertive than their dutch neighbors but also less autistic and retarded. they also have good humour
Normans is us
came but were too autistic to get Latin au lait gf so they never bred out of themselves and preferred to fight the English all the time instead.
Here is the demonstration that french aren't latin au lait. There are multiple ethno cultural clusters in France.
If you say so, Nordmand
Life in Flanders is pretty much just like life anywhere else in northwestern Europe. Friendly, but often distant, regional differences and rivalry between provinces or even towns, big cities more openminded, but also more shit, hinterland nicer than cities, but more trad/conservative in general. Most people under 50 will speak some degree of English, and if it's not English they'll certainly know French. Beer.