Well, Jow Forums?

Well, Jow Forums?

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>Why yes, I dream of Frangleterre every night, how can you tell?

Attached: chad.jpg (640x640, 51K)

Fixed it.

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don't thank me

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Fucking based my froggy friend. We could have ruled the world, our actions unfettered by Americans, Russians and the Chinese. Now look at the state of our two great civilisations. Viver la norf

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I support a global british empire which includew every single centimeter of the planet.



I also support this

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>Parliamentary Republic with elected Lord Protector in the place of President
>New language using A combination of French and English words, with the best grammar elements of each system (masculine and feminine abolished)
One can dream

The UK has just voted itself into dissolution

In a few years Scotland will leave and it will just be England and Wales after the Irish border poll

No one will care about them anymore after that

So sad ;-;

What about glorious Franglemagne? You wouldn't cheat on us, would you?

>elect a Lors Protector
based and Cromwellpilled

We must see the big picture


Have you ever seen England yourself? Better think twice. I would rather add BeNeLux.

Yes, it wasn't so disgusting, and you mean BeNepo right

Based and >Pilltugal

fuck off


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Nobody cares except you two, though.

You won't say that when the Franglaise armies will be bombing your fjords, vikingoid.


>Scotland will leave
I’m Scottish and just lmao

>Yeah, I advocate for an Islamic Caliphate encompassing both France and the UK. How could you tell?

Attached: uber_1.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

>merge France and UK
>a whole bunch of trashy chav are now available as potential gfs
i kinda want this to be real

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>Pakialgeria? Of course I support it!

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I support it. We could call it Atlantea and we could call ourselves Atlanteans.

It would be more logical to merge with Italy no ?

That's already a thing and it's called Canada, it mostly works quite well.


s e e t h i n g

Make both nations devolved within the union and make the diplomatic capital one of the Channel Islands. That way you get a good dose of Anglo and Frog without claims of unfairness.