Will they ever apologize for the horrors of colonization?
Will they ever apologize for the horrors of colonization?
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Das rite sl*venians
Will the ((""Hun"")) ever apologize for the colonization and genocide of Hungary?
What did the Czechs ever do to Indian Americans?
How are spain and portugal out of the loop?
Will they ever apologise for advancing human technology and giving infrastructure to literal bug eating shit holes?
Oh hey that was from my textbook
Do you remember Austrian colonies?
We only had 3 tiny ones. The Netherlands took 2, France took 1 which they had to give back because the people preferred Swedish rule and then took again.
Muslim lands colonised by Asturias.
Bruh we were literally a colony of Austrians for a few hundred years, we didn't colonize.
wtf im a colonizer now
we barely had any colonies, and never had them long.
Already have, now fuck off. Colonization resulted in the industrialization, which is what made us wealthy, not colonization itself.
what did scandinavia and eesti ever colonize apart from each other a bunch of times? (even then, it was all in good heart)
ESTONIA apologize right now
We already did, leave us out of this
My nigga Macron once said the colonization of Algeria was a crime against humanity but he was not president yet, I don't think he said something about colonialism ever since then
Iceland and Greenland.
Sweden had colonies in America and Africa, and so did the Danes with the addition of India--you guys even had charter companies modeled after the Dutch ones in India and the West Indies.
Iceland had literally no one on it when the norsemen got there. Some Celts arrived more or less at the same time and were all slaughtered by the vikings, but it wasn't their ancestral land or anything.
When he just got elected and went to Burkina Fao didn't he basically said African countries should fuck off whinnying about colonization and focus on their real and modern problems?
W-what colonisation
Fucking Esti colonists man, made Kongo look like kindergarten
if Macron said so then i wonder what Le Pen would say had she been elected
fuck off, gyppo
Yellow countries are literally, and absolutely unironically the only countries that matter, or ever mattered in the world.
Should the rest of the world disapear, it wouldn't matter one bit if thoses countries were to remain.
You could also add Sweden, because if not for their small population they'd be on par with the yellow gang.
And Japan because they strived while being from a subhuman continent.
That's it
Oh yeah, sorry for colonizing a scarcely inhabited volcanic island, icy patches of nothingness and rocky islands off the coast of Scotland.
Fucking retard.
Shitton of Czechs moved to Texas, so it's possible some Jenc yeehaw'd few injuns.
We're not white we dindu nuffin
I have spent a lot of time slating everyone in the world. I have ridiculed the entire planet and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, I want to take this opportunity to apologise...to absolutely nobody. The champ does what the fuck he wants!
>no spain and portugal
dumb cigány
>apologize for the horrors of colonization
Apologize for what? Bringing civilization, prosperity and the word of Jesus Christ to the brutes of the Congo? We build hospitals, roads, railways and ports without us, those savages would still be eating dirt and clubbing each other to death over the last banana.
>b-b-but they had to get of their lazy bums and work a little bit in return
Is 16 baskets full a day, year round, per each person over the age of twelve really so much to ask for?
Should have just sapped more rubber, simple as that. How else could we develop and improve both Belgium and Congo with infrastructure and palaces if those lazy brutes won't even follow Christ's commands to work hard?
Everything was perfectly justified and can be classified as humanitary aid and progression for those with a strong mindset, weak soyboys will ofc claim it was "unfair and cruel".
I think she would not even go to Afrika.
>countries that matter
Subjective and relative. You also lack historical knowledge and are not thinking about the big picture.
the crown treated the indians better than their own iberian subjects that were forced to die in their stupid wars in Europe
all because of Celtic admixture
no need. but they ought to stop the neo-colonial politics and the racism.
memes aside, the narrative around Congo is so ridiculously one-dimensional it's almost laughable.
Everytime I see it mentioned on reddit (haha back 2 reddit, yes) people spam the same memes without understanding what actually happened.
What Leopold II and the people he hired did there was terrifying but people also forget the Congolese themselves were murdering eachother, enslaving eachother etc. There were even cases of cannibalism.
A lot of the time colonisation was not one agressive, evil oppressor against a peaceful people in touch with nature. It was an agressive people against another agressive people, one of them just happened to have more scientific knowledge.
That said, doesn't make colonisation a good thing, was pretty fucking horrible. Hell I even think it's pretty stupid how the UN or Belgium doesn't give a flying fuck when elections are once again rigged in Congo and nobody does anything.
Why the hell is Estonia included in this?
They have too, it was a disgrace
>tfw not glorious Estonian colony
Actually it was Latvia that was a colonial power, not Estonia.
>tfw conquer a shitload of the world
>biggest in the transatlantic slave trade
>biggest in the East Asian slave trade
>literally one of the most violent Empires in the beginning (en.wikipedia.org
>tfw nobody cares, they're more worried shitting on Belgium than us
My only regret is being responsible for the misery and deaths of millions and not billions
Hungarians are devil's spawn, the Austrian should have genocide every single one.
It's because Americans are confused if you and spain are white or not.
fake news we dindu nuffin
why yes I’m a colonizer