It's over, the ants have won

It's over, the ants have won.
This is their appartment now.
I'm merely a guest ...

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literally use a vacuum cleaner retard, does the government tax that too westie?

atleast theyre letting you live with them :^)

>You have beaten me in honorable duel oh mighty ant, as we agreed this residence is now for you to do as you wish...

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best thread on Jow Forums rn desu

What is worse, ant invasion or flea infestation?

you should have cleaned your room desu senpai

just use arsenic faggot

fleas obviously

I tought you were talking about chinese people desu

Fleas are hell, ants are literally a non-infestation, like just scoop them up and use some salt or something, you can literally stop the infestation using a bottle of vinegar and 5 spare minutes. Fleas are a different beast. Fleas will keep you up at night and come back when you least expect them. Fuck fleas.

Fleas are retarded bloodsuckers, litterally parasites

Ants have hive intelligence and are civilized.

I vacuumed hundreds of them during the last 4 weeks
it didn't help.
they are unbeatable, like sowjets

my room is cleaner than your mouth, fag

YEs, and once you get rid of them, they have layed their eggs in every carpet and wandering sock, every piece of cloth they've encountered. So all it takes is one hot day and the infestation is back.

Bed bugs

ants are little soviets, but fleas are little jews.

Release the gas, Hans

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Tell the landlord to pay for heat treatment or you'll move. It'll kill everything in the apartment.

nice house bro

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why are these motherfuckers invading italy
I swear there weren't so many some years ago

Truly the CHAD of insects

That's what you get for living on ground level

>family went on vacation when i was in highschool
>stay at home alone
>comfily playing vidya and eating pizza
>ant invasion happens
>drop by the store, buy some anti-ant gel
>put some here and there
>ants eat the gel and get all their hormones fucked up
>they bring it back to their brothers, infect everyone
>3 days later, all the ants in a 50m radius are dead
>clean what's left in my apartment
>resume vidya

This is how you win a war.

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At least it's not spider. I'm killing them daily....

At least it's not roaches

Yeah had a flea infestation, lasted for several weeks, treating the cat was enough but those fuckers are probably still here waiting to come back

what's that, a cicala?

I had scabies for 2 weeks once. My mom refused to let me see a doctor she said it was just bad laundry detergent. I hate her. She is a cunt.

>didn't surrender
That's how I know you are not a native French

Just clean your room retard
Better yet just shell out some cash and buy ant killing bait

Thanks for joining us tonight Yuri

Thank China
I have the same problem, i cant grow my own tomatoes anymore because of those shits and it wouldnt be my tomatoes if i sprayed insecticides on them
Also, there are chinese ladybugs that swarm my weekend house and they stink when you kill them, worse than those fuckers
Add to that the indian hornets that came with some pretentious hipster faggot fruit that mixed with our local ones and created the more aggressive mutt hornets
I still remember the african small red ants in my apartment too, we defeated them in the end but it took 10 years

Why yes I'm Algerian