You wake up in Russia

Attached: 19145653632_3b9567539d_o.jpg (4000x2250, 2.42M)

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I'd rather not.

I go back to sleep

police will kill me within 3 minute

I’d go find my Russian penpal, Katya, a 10/10 on the qt scale.

I cry in russian, and ask where is the nearest ice skating ring in english.

i buy my wife and come home


I wish we had more asians and less slav(e)s and bedouins from -stan "countries"

Imagine yakutian qts listening R-Pop

btw by asians I obviously meant chinese and not """asians""" from -stan "countries" and siberian n*Tives


Attached: 1556029806104.gif (487x416, 3.75M)

Imagine actually, truly believing that it's possible to suffer in Russia when you're surrounded by so many cute girls literally 24/7.

Attached: 1551087960916.jpg (1538x2048, 436K)

She is not average...

Average russian girls looks like this:

Yakutia is not Russia

Oh man, that camera guy is too cringe to watch

But skipping through the stills, they're all 6-7/10 (and then they get extra points for being Russian and having cute Russian accents)

I go back to sleep to exit the false awakening/nightmare

butifel natasha

Fugg they look exactly like my old russian coworker

>surrounded by cuties 247
>cant get them
w*Sterners know nothing about suffering

That’s USA.

Oh no.

Hey that's my city
Yes I wake up exactly in the city you posted

Is that street called Lenin?

Yes it is Lenin street and cinema called "Center"

Can I choose another place?

Being surrounded by cute girls that ignore you is the purest form of suffering.

What not 190cm chatd with big bbc?

Attached: 1555351141278.png (486x580, 101K)

could be worser

user, I...

don't get to fuck them tough, so...

The pic is from Yakutsk.

blyat cyka kvass adidas *squats* XAXAXAXAXA

Yeah... How about no?
I am a homo and men in Russia are disgusting. At least older ones and I am older than zoomers so even f they know how to dress they are also out of my league because they won't date me and neither I do want to date someone younger than me.

>cute Russian accents

Attached: ezgif-5-cc2b44975f69.gif (100x100, 4K)

Are those Buryats or Kalmyk?

And people say russians are white......


So I’m transported to another world... do I get some type of cheat or power level system?

Neither of those live in Yakutia.

I would settle in my Granpa's village in East Karelia.

but I'm gay

I use my minimal knowledge of russian to get by and find my way to the american embassy so I can mqke my way back home.

>I am a homo
haha ur opinion its 1/4 of opinion normal man

No, in the USA you get killed in a random shooting by a troubled loner.

ok. this picture of new elected president in Ukraine meeting the maindan fucks who are heads of maidanek praliament. he is slowly getting it how much insane those fucks are..

Attached: awertgshtr.jpg (1230x615, 90K)

cool picture.. if you are woundering why their street is dirty. the town safes money from cleaning the streets because in spring all the winter snow melts down and you literally get dirt of 6 month melted in a week down as a dust and dirt on your street. no canalisation can handle this shit. so they let it be and wash it slowly away up to the middle of the summer.

>You wake up in Russia
OK, now what?
I would blend in, no problem.
The only thing is that I would need to mask my accent because som people hate Baltic peoples there.


Settle in, would be an upgrade. Go to Vladivostok.

Tы cepьeзнo ?

based. Same

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