why was Japan late?
Why was Japan late?
Forgot to set the alarm
*laugh in german*
because korea didn't let it take advanced chinese technology by limiting trade
low iq subhumans
200BC China
that last one also looks cool tho
i like it
200BC Japan lol
they're growers not showers
desu the wood thing is cooler
>hurr durr but it’s not a super detailed sculpture so it sucks
Realism is fucking gay. Art is all about being bizarre.
before white man came here we were eating acron and doing nothing all day alll time
thank you
they were behind
but now they are above us
be proud of who you are, my japanese friend
Giroide Animal Crossing
but you stupid gaijin don't know how to use our toilet
choose one
Why are haniwa so spooky. It's as if someone's soul is trapped inside.
Later you find out the wood thing is actually african idols and now you no longer find it "cooler" right?
dumb american
Are the nips the nordcucks of asia?
nah, nips actually built civilization, "based" vikings only plundered and lived in african tier huts
fucking this
even if you post greek tier african art they still get shit
Wait it wasn't that bad
>message from japanese hotel to korean tourists
>please flush your used toilet paper
>do not throw them into bins outside
>thank you
nah, we civilized and built modern east asia
What are you talking about? Africa is the oldest human continent, it has a shitload of cool stuff.
>Public nudity was quite normal and commonplace in Japan until the Meiji Restoration. Commodore Matthew Perry's interpreter Rev. S. Well Williams wrote "Modesty, judging from what we see, might be said to be unknown, for the women make no attempt to hide the bosom, and every step shows the leg above the knee; while men generally go with the merest bit of rag, and that not always carefully put on. Naked men and women have both been seen in the streets, and uniformly resort to the same bath house, regardless of all decency. Lewd motions, pictures and talk seem to be the common expression of the viler acts and thoughts of the people, and this to such a degree as to disgust everybody."
but even in today still public nudity is normal in your cunt
>In Mexico, there are a group of people that protests because their lands was robbery for a politician. This group is called “The 400 towns” (Los 400 pueblos). For this people is difficult to do this type of protests, because they are native people of the country, and their ideas are very conservatives.
>OMG I too wish I had an airplane cockpit to operate a toilet
Bit silly to compare how Japanese peasants lived to Chinese monarchs. Odds are life was shit for both sets of peasants.
Vikings were the most advanced civilization West of Byzantium in the Early Middle Ages along with the HRE, they discovered America
yes they had boats that they use to roam the seas and plunder ther villages, who would have thunk it.
Now post actual viking civilization like architecture that isnt hollywood forged Thor/Skyrim bullshit
the Vikangz
try again
One of the biggest (most wide stone architecture in the world) tombs from the world are from japan
Kofun (古墳, from Sino-Japanese "ancient grave") are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan, constructed between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century AD.
Histiry of Korea.
>We can compere korea and Okinawa and we can know the situation very well.
Japan and China had war at 20 century and Korea was finally independed from the tributary puppet states of China.
But became puppet state of japan instead.
At 17century, One other country was being the same process of it. It’s okinawa.
Okinawa / Ryukyu was exactly the same situation of korea as the tributary puppet states of China.
At 17century, samurai clan of the Kyushu invaded Okinawa and got political power of Okinawa. and china could not do anything for it and Okinawa was ruled by japan from that age. (Anyway Okinawan has one of the purest Jomon DNA from the first.)
About korea, they were complitely being tributary puppet states of China until 20century.
culture of at that age of korea was complitely chinese Confucianism. And korean have to give a lot of money to china every year. and it had festivals that korean king entertains Chinese embassy as more higher positions than Korean king. (it had also in Okinawa.)
Japan and China had war at 20 century and japan won. Korea was became puppet states of japan as like Okinawa at 17century.
Korean at that time was developed rapidly by the Japanese style modernism and disciplines of the imperial Japan.
Japan lost the ww2 and anti japan group of korean ruled Korea and its continued even now (Kim of nork was one of example.)
got Korean War and separates noth and south. And modern korea was finally formed.
In short, Oh Shit..
What is the difference of the situation of Japan and Korea , Okinawa.
Japan kicked out the embassy of ancient China and call themselves as "nation of the rising sun Nihon with own emperor of the rising sun Tennou Heika with the own army samurai shogunate" and stop tributes to China at 7 century.
Korea and Okinawa was failed to be like japan and keep on tributes with China until 20century.
(Okinawa was under the japan at 17 century) .
this is the difference.
Koreans really need to realize that in they are an insignificant little country that hasn't ended up being just another part of China (yet) by pure chance.
Like what the fuck. Korea has pretty much always been a Chinese region, no different than Guandong or Manchuria or Okinawa Ryukyu , and now keep running into some Korean wewuzdakangz stories all over the internet.
Korea existed because the Japanese took over some land from China..
Its just a shitty kurgan that every society constructed. Hell, we had those in III millennium BC
"Samguk Sagi" the korean oldest histrical primary record is saying one of the king of silla korea is Japanese.
wiki page here.
And Korean is Useing the samguk sagi as primary records of own korean national history officially by the gorvenment.
And silla is very important identity of korean people because that ancient country is the first time United whole korea as one country.
and it’s directly mentioned in the ancient primary record of korean themselfs that one of the king of the silla was japaneee.
It means one of the first king of the korea who United ancient three kingdom of them was Japanese Ainu Jomon and it was mentioned own Korean official ancient history record.
Talhae of Silla (?–80, r. 57–80) was the fourth king of Silla, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. He is commonly called Talhae Isageum, isageum being the royal title in early Silla. Also known by his personal name as Seok Tal-hae(昔脫解).
Talhae of Silla
탈해 이사금, 토해 이사금
He was a member of the Gyeongju Seok clan, one of the noble clans that shared the Silla throne during the early Common Era.
According to the Samguk Sagi,
He has Japanese origin. Tal-hae also came over by ship. The location of his birth place Dapana Country is estimated as somewhere in Japan peninsula. It is precisely estimated some part in Kyushu.
1li is roughly equivalent to 400–500 meters.
2Tanba no kuni was located 460 km northeast of Wakoku Japan (hanja: 倭国)
On the other hand, there is a view that Ryongseong-guk (Hangul: 룡성국; Hanja: 龍城國) listed in Samguk yusa has been regarded as a nation of Ainu, and Tal-hae has been regarded as a citizen of Ainu.[5]
ofc its in fucking japanese
Interesting show me.
Anyway point is Japanese Kofun is world most widest architecture anyway. It has rooos inside of Kofuns
>""Because ton of monies are involving in this issue.""
>>At 2018 again the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2
Each of the "220,000"of korean people is asking at least "$89,051.50 = ¥10000000".
South Korea already forcefully seize the property of some of Japanese companies in Korea at 2018.(crazy but this is the reality.)
>korean is always saying what they need is apologize from japan, then why they are keep on asking such a stupidly huge amount of the money again and again even at 2018.This is the hypocritical act of them
""They fools the world, to get money and advantage from Japan endlessly.""
The only reason? Money.
>1965 in the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty , japan paid The total amount of 800 million dollars [currently converted 4,500 billion yen] to south korea.The total amount of 800 million dollars is 2.3 times the Korean national budget at the time.
>And Japan's private assets in Korea amount to 5.3 billion dollars (1.98 trillion yen, about 15 trillion yen now converted) was given for free.
and 1994
The Asian Women's Fund
a total of ¥4.8 billion ($40 million) was provided by the Government of Japan.
And 2015 ,
the Japan-korea agreements made over comfort women.
"Japan paid 1 billion yen again in 2015."
>Also, We can see Japanese government apologists so often, and the government of Japan itself never denied the existence of Japanese war criminals of the past.
just piss in the sink and put water temperature to max so next nip gets his ass burned
Jews are white, if they're not then Greeks aren't white either
Nips have you read taishou wotome otogibanashi or sth like that
its wider than the Pyramids though
b-but what about m-muh comfort women
still many sexy korean girls are available here in japan desu