it's time for the new edition
Ramsgate (New South Wales) subedition
shan't be voting for sargon of cuckadd
thinking of moving to redcliffe lads
me mum grew up there, even went to the same school as the blokes from the bee gees
Ramadan soon lads
But why
> china/aus/nz/ca
is that a fucking meme or are you serious? The Commonwealth part makes sense but why CHINA?
The Feel Wheel
Is Australia like a British version of the American West?
It's real
We're part of Greater China
well then
they're actually the chink team and dress in chinese armou
nah australia is like an australian version of australia
Just saw a pic of me from like 5 years ago and I have aged like absolute fucking shit
I thought men look better with age
Might have a cry ffs
because this shit is super popular in China and Canadian/Aus teams regularly do shows in China so they are being bankrolled by the Chinese as a result
Just saw an ant in my home
thoughts on wetherspoons?
hate people who pretend to like winter
>the fashion is better!!!
fuck off
the dream
come home white man
full of pikeys and old people looking for a cheap meal out
autumn is the basedest and most redpilled season
I'm a late spring man me
Ah yes, 5 years has gone by........
t. aircon having tarq
didn't sargon say that noncing little boys was ok
who in australia doesn't have aircon?
went to bed about 3 then woke up at half 8 this morning
feel like a zombie but there's no chance I'll get back to sleep
russia + uk = INVINCIBLE
i get one every summer but it always seems to break down or i end up selling it
>It depends on the child
jesus and here I was hoping Team 2 would get at least ONE victory in against Russia & Pals
It wasnt the world that changed it was me desu
venice stinks
london stinks
paris stinks
new york stinks
love how he turns to his mate as if he's going "haha did you see me"
Love the kicks
how cold does it get during your winters
doesn't this last until 19?
surely we'll get one victory
couldn't imagine life without one and I live in fucking melbourne
Na don't think so
Germany and Italy helped too!
i was hoping it would go on longer
schedule said 1pm - 5pm
bit ambitious but still
like black music like jazz and soul but hate black people for the most part based on every single encounter I've had with them
why doesn't white, european-derived music hit the same spot of being chilled or soulful
>doesn't this last until 19?
this shit must be exhausting even after just 2
i've been to melbourne once during summer and it was just as hot as up here in brisbane
in the dead of night, in mid july (the coldest time of year), it can get as low as -1C but you will NEVER see that during the day. Most winter days are like 10 - 15c at their peak. Mornings are usually -1C -> 10C.
Can I get a Corr Peng?
How easy is to get laid over there? Going next month and I want to fuck a lot of chicks
niggers had better attitudes and did better in life when they were kept in line
Where are you then?
Being from London I meet the best and the worst of blacks but for the most part their alright
vile harlot
they're saying there might be another battle lads
It's photo ops time
>wow thats a lot of sudden data, maybe we could have watched that movie together...
>tfw there was no streaker
the lads
I hope so
Guys... I just came up with the funniest joke. You won't believe it
Council estate blacks are as runtish as anyone else growing up there. My city is like 98% white, middle class as fuck and the black kids at school were good lads
>trump announced running for presidency 4 years ago
Russian captain looks about 7ft tall haha
In awe at the size of some of these units
imagine how awesome it'd be after winning a real battle though
looting a pub with your best mates after chopping up a load of baddies
it doesn't look like it unfortunately
thing says round 3 but it was best of 3
willy poo bum!
imagine a lot of pints are getting sunk tonight in Serbia
don't forget raping the local wenches
>please get ready for the next round
surely not another 300 man war
round 3 starting
your heads in the sewer mate
best night of their life
Announcere just said there's another round
This time Alliance 2 WILL prevail
love byzantine aesthetics
this is why Flesh + Blood is such a good film
what if alliance came back
3 more rounds
just called the girlfriend a dog breathed bint
God just imagine the look on their faces when they realise all the men in their town are dead and their about to get the dicking of a lifetime. I wonder if they'll fight it or submit and enjoy it
theresa may has lost both a GE majority and unprecedented council seats now lads, is the cunt ever gonna resign?
never heard of it
downloading now
couldn't care less about Jow Forums tbht
Fucking COR
just applied to be a refuse collector
sounds like an interesting job wonder what's involved
>''Why should we care whether women are pleased or not? Women's opinions are useless. -- If we win, they will support us anyway, if we lose, they will immediately switch sides."
One of my favourite quotes la, simple as, 100% accurate and well informed
evidently not
the little brother just came out as a bender and my parents have invited his boyfriend over for sunday dinner
not particularly happy with this development
you ask people if they want their stuff collected then you refuse to do it
good gig
Got to the point I can walk around without being misgendered, I'm doing pretty well really. I'm not shy about disclosure to new friends so when people do find out they're genuinely surprised. Massive misconception that all transwomen look like frankenfurter. Hormones alone change so much
if she was gonna then she'd av done it by now
maybe she thinks if she fixes everything before she's ousted then her reputation will remain intact
what's that from?
googled it but just got a load of brexit stuff haha
Where is it from?
need to go back to those better, happier times
why? because if you knew they were cool with it you'd have come out earlier?