is danish low swedish or low low german
Is danish low swedish or low low german
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High hell
norwegian bokmål is evolved danish, so danish is devolved norwegian
It's modern orcish
It's high Icelandic
It's a very cool language.
I don't think you understand the low/high thing
It's Swedish pronounced by Germans with a swollen throat
>The 12th-century Icelandic Gray Goose Laws state that Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, and Danes spoke the same language, dǫnsk tunga ("Danish tongue"; speakers of Old East Norse would have said dansk tunga).
it's even worse than that
the dutch are high germans :^)
Okay this is epic.
Nothing but pig grunts.
Danish is North Germanic like Swedish and Norwegian
German, Dutch and English are West Germanic
>Danish is North Germanic
Primitive swedish. Basically they are dutch people we taught to speak swedish.
Danish is the mother of all languages. See: English
>german double-a's instead of å or á or a variation thereof.
Swedish is a danish dialect, a sad one even.
Atleast our country is large enough to have dialects
As a total outview I would say that
Norwegians > Danes > Swedes
Fins are asians I guess
Denmark has many dialects, Jutland alone has 4.
Our countries are too fucked for me to enjoy bantsing with you like the old days Sven. Sweden is dying, Denmark is dying. Lets work together instead.
We use å currently though.
Gör din del i kampen för vårt hemland!
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