
no edition this time, you don't deserve it

fuck you

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Other urls found in this thread:


jannys? more like fannys

Shan't be posting then

need gf (male)

won't get none of your cds back

How many likes have you got on OKcupid? I've got 47 after 3 years lmao

haha fumbled

sephardim gfs

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gay people are on the wrong side of history

literally who

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imagine joining the battle of nations then discovering as you approach the field of combat that every other man there is over 6'5 tall

If everyone was gay, humanity would go extinct, so how is it any different to some horrible disease or mass suicide?

the uk could beat up australia if it came down to that


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Need some more opinions here

Lads what option shall I take to get to Glagow... These are my unironic options (Railcard discount included)

>Caledonian sleeper, lowest class (reclining seat): £45
>Normal daytime train: £102
>Flight: £117

This thread seems a bit gay

Imagine thinking people should be put in prison for saying or writing the "wrong" words

what? no we wouldn't

it's called technological progress, dimwit

Some of them are like 5'2 and built like bulldogs. Reckon they just stand in the middle of the line and lean on each other.

told u already, incel.

because not everyone is gay

new vegan subway is pretty lit ngl

yeah, that op is a dead giveaway

wait everyone at Leipzig was 6'5"+?!

gays offer some evolutionary advantage to the tribe being as they are totally disposable and not a sexual threat to the other men of the tribe

doubt it tbqh
like the late 40's dad that brags about "man strength" but barely makes it in and out of his car

Now lying in bed with whisky and a milk tray

Dostoevsky blown the fuck out

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where's my gf (male)
i hope shes not dead, lads

are bomb threats free speech?

wish people like you would die

we wouldn't stop being a gynocentric species just because the men claim they aren't attracted to the women

>new vegan subway
umm.ya no sweaty x

no but imagine

Veganism is retarded


hate shakespeare

hope he's in hell

you're all fags

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Imagine being threatened by men who opt out of the mating pool and spend their time wasting money on fashion and bathhouse orgies instead. Net gain to normal people everytime a gay comes out.

you are a raging homo and you created the op innit..don't lie

>hate shakespeare
Thick apazzy cunt, worse than the people in the picture

did someone say Dostoyevsky???



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>"What an asshole, can't believe he'd treat you like that"
>you've done the exact same thing

Attached: Kenny Sansom.jpg (634x774, 176K)

noticed my ass has been really shapely and firm ever since I changed my squat routine

junior junior junior junior

bit mean
we should be friends x

Attached: Bring out a Briton, 1961.jpg (960x771, 628K)

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How was the shag, lad? Tranny again?

joe u legend

this must be from years ago and still in pristine quality
wish more people would use .png
FUCK .jpg screenshot runts

imagine wasting your time bearing children in a futurist society

Attached: D5eT_4HX4AIlehn.png (483x483, 239K)

When did you grow out of your edgy Jow Forums phase?


This still in effect?

still in it I'm afraid
fuck off heeb

Guess what won't be in the future

what the FUCK happened to this policy?
and why didn't my family take full advantage instead of having me be born on a northern council estate?

its from my hd i found earlier from about 2012


been like this since day 1, boss. no edge here

admit it, you've been posting, haven't you?

What's the coin?

where did that oz go? he does this all the time, never answers just flees..s.mh

His bloodline waheey

being a slave to the machine, maan

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didn't shakespeare invent the toilet

2 years ago

biological females?

thank GOD for technology, lads. the future is bright

or else what?

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ayy lmao

Livers hurting

idk but one side is retarded

there you are

what happened to coleman

homosexual intercourse is an act of love

On the train, would quite like to watch some SeasideMark but afraid of what people might think if they see me watching some old fat bloke for 20 mins

you're a toilet

I'm gonna impregnate women still. That doesnt mean I have to waste my time raising it lol

just had some rosedene farms blueberries
utterly grim, they are "best before 08 may" but some of them looked beat already
will be sticking to tesco finest blueberries henceforth

it's a slave name so he crosses it out

or else upper middle class blacks will cry

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honestly don’t know why but i thought better of coventry

boutta finna dabba some eu4 dudes

your mum's a toilet

wonder where these lads got their doctorate from...



Your dad's YouTube

wow didn't know there were slaves in the uk

Blueberries are a shite numale fad desu

brit blacks have it better than anywhere else in the world

p e n g


coventry was totally destroyed in the war, you know