>There are people in this board who think +30ºC is hot
There are people in this board who think +30ºC is hot
shut up monkey boy
20°C+ is too hot for me. 30+ is a living hell
+20ºC is hot
+30ºC is a natural disaster
Living in -40C in winter, 40C in summer.
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW that thing -20c is cold
Yeah but if it's +15 C I'm putting on a sweater and that's plenty reason for Euros to laugh at us, too.
>There are people in this board who think 0ºC is cold
For me it's about the wind. I would rather be out in -20° with no wind than -5° and windy
I'm from Victoria though so 0c is the cold cutoff because we only get that cold like 5 times a year. Coldest I ever experience in Victoria was like -7.
It's 17° here right now and I have the AC running, I haven't adjusted to spring/summer weather yet
Yes, people
>There are people in this board who think -30ºC is cold
I consider anything over 22°C as hot, and everything under 12°C to be cold
Why is american so annoying?
Come to Brazil.
Wat. I challenge you to walk naked on this weather.
Hello brother
>humidity 19%
25-35°C is the best weather for outdoor activities. Only snow monkeys and old "people" disagree.
I got relatives in Canada who found the weather extremely cold here due to the wind, even though it was only around 0.
>tfw 19º
I can feel frostbite on my toes. Summer can't come soon enough.
10C and sunny is the best weather desu
what about humidity
I'll die if I do this
Ola amigo
There are a lots of wrong stuff I even can't start to telling
This is pretty much spot on.
>48c in the sun
It's never been warmer than 42c in Asuncion
I'm a mountain BULL, I'm fine in cold temperature but 16° and I'm sweating like a fountain. It sucks considering I moved in the south
Our houses are built to keep the warmth in and we don't have ACs.
We often have 33/34° in summer too but it's very windy
>certain monkeys live in an area where temperature doesn't range between -20c and +40c
Are you saying that less than 30 degrees is hot or are you saying that there is no hot temperature?
Comfy 4°C here
+15 °C is hot
+30 °C is Auschwitz tier
Do you have the template?
I'm saying between 30ºC and 40ºC isn't hot.
32°C is the best temperature. I spent my first winter up north this year, and I swear I couldn't even go outside even after wearing 4 layers. How do people survive this shit.
Last summer it hit 30C here and it was pretty bad I thought but our heat in England due to being an island is all nasty, humid heat so it isn't simply enough that it's hot, you sweat buckets and feels god awful. However when I went to Arizona some years back the highest I experienced was approx. 45C and I didn't even mind because it was so damn dry (desert and all).
below 20 chilly
20-22 normal
23-24 a bit hot
25-29 hot
30+ get into an air conditioned structure asap
>le high temperatures are for subhumans
I'm sorry but if you can't tollerate the heat of the sun on your skin while you work the land you are an estrogen filled """"man""""
I was in Italy and actually found 28-29C to be pretty pleasant. I guess I'm a true southron
Why are american and italian so annoying?
We dont live in the jungle like you monkey
30°C is fucking hot tho
It is
30 °C is hell on earth for me even worse on a school day when you're in a uniform and fucking sweating your ass off
Sai daqui, poortugues burro.
0-5c - miserable
5-10c - average winter day
10-15c - warmer winter day/cool spring day
15-20c - good summer night weather
20-25c - god tier
25-30c - nice and warm
30-35 - hot and gross
35-40 - end me tier
40-45 - rapture tier