Is this a case of slavery is freedom? You have no right to bear arms or freedom of speech.
Gavin White
>human freedom index >>new zealand first >>a country, where you can be literally imprisoned for mean words or possession of a document, and where refusal to unlock your phone for authorities will result in incarceration Yeah, that tells me exactly how much value these indices have.
Adrian Collins
A lot of these indices have weird criteria. For example, part of the reason our press freedom score is low is because Trump is critical of the media. It doesn't seem to matter that freedom of the press is enshrined in our bill of rights, that the press is nearly immune to defamation/slander lawsuits, or that attempts by the government at prior restraint usually fail. Americans don't like modern journalists because of their behavior, so the index says we don't have a free press. That isn't to say that the US is the best in the world, just that these scorecards and indices are far from scientific.
Isaac Kelly
Samefag (look at the poster count)
Jose Adams
flag Presidential system No
> Was the U.S. revolution a mistake? No
Jeremiah Wilson
Wow, great job sherlock.
Jaxson Scott
have sex
Cameron Miller
Hrvatska """democracy""" probably, but that's really nothing to be proud of
Lucas Watson
Keep in mind that in New Zealand, someone went to jail for 14 years for shooting up a mosque.
So let me get this straight: sharing a video of a murder that was uploaded by the culprit himself is only SLIGHTLY less bad than committing the murder yourself. Meanwhile, in America, the coincidentally named Kiwi Farms and its owner told the NZ government to fuck off once they requested the website take down its mirror of the attack.
These freedom indeces don't really take into account actual liberty ie. how much you can get away with before the government asks if you have a loicense for that.
Lucas Jones
Cringe and wrongpilled
Cope Your scores for press freedom weren't much better before Trump and were actually the worst in 2006 And Trump's not just critical of the media, numerous times he has banned or removed journalists from ctitical media agencies and done so forcibly on at least one occasion. He has very nearly, if not outright, hinted toward his support for violence of the media, which he routinely calls the "enemy of the people." That isn't criticism, it's censorship
Tyler Kelly
Flag, plutocracy, depends on the metric
Cooper Flores
>numerous times he has banned or removed journalists from ctitical media agencies and done so forcibly on at least one occasion Which he is allowed to do. >He has very nearly, if not outright, hinted toward his support for violence of the media, which he routinely calls the "enemy of the people." Which is free speech. >That isn't criticism, it's censorship He doesn't have the power to do anything other than complain and make petty decisions regarding White House correspondents.
There are two major flaws with American press freedom: banning specific foreign journalists from entering the country because they covered sensitive topics, and not providing legal protection for anonymous sources.
Oliver Cooper
>be yank >get arrested for getting caught with rain collecting paraphernalia during one of the SWAT team's increasingly routine home raids >recieve 10 years in prison because private prisons are job creators and America has the highest incarceration rate in human history >get out of prison >between drug tests and reminders of your inability to vote your parole officer finds you a job >work hard at your job, harder than OECD average, with less benefits, and far more inequality >go home >like a facebook post about boycotting Israeli products >get fired >parole revoked since employment is a mandatory ctiteria >police come to arrest you >cop feels threatened by your blinking >get shot >as you lay dying thank yankee God that you live in a free country where you can share snuff films or carry a handgun in some places unlike slave-states New Zealand or Canada
Cameron Scott
Josiah Bennett
>start a thread which on the surface level appears to be a serious discussion >immediately devolve into tired shitposting when people challenge you Yikes
Brandon Collins
I understand the water collecting ban, since doing it in large scale can really fuck up the aquifer and ruin an entire area.
Some of what you list is a problem and should be fixed though. Some of it isn't, like a private entity firing a person for any reason.
Landon Jenkins
A country that had something as Infowars for so long I really take a legal action against it can't be called out to not have a free press. Brazil did not have even half of it and it's already talks about "Regulation of the media" a.k.a censorship and recently the Brazilian superior tribunal took legal actions and took some news articles out of the air from criticizing and exposing a supposed case of corruption involving members of the tribunal. For the standards of Brazil the U.S is indeed the land of the free to me.
Parker Nelson
The only meme-tier comment in there is rain-water collecting and I considered using something else like kinder eggs or homeowner's association violations or a marijuana plant or pumping your own fuel in OR/NJ, everything else is a legitimate problem in American society, all of which damage its reputation as the land of the free. I used a greentext story as a framework to present these serious problems because it's succinct and easier to read than blocks of texts about America's problems like SWAT raids being up 1,700% over the last few years, corrupt prison for profit systems, the fact that America has 9 times the population of Canada but almost 500 times the rate of police killings, etc.
Alexander James
And you spin it so that it sounds completely ridiculous. As I've said before: America is very flawed, but when people portray the problems in a cartoonish way, it makes people dig in their heels and ignore the issue. RSF's index, for example, gets ignored by the public (outside of internet dick measuring contests) because the legitimate, actionable criticisms are buried under heaps of bullshit.