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Cats may be calling in the Emus for support.

cats get gats


They have my full support
They also have to genocide rabbits


based, wild cats need to die, pet cats are based and big cats are based, however feral cats are shit, die.

They should just import a species that hunt cats and let the cycle continue.

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>Roaches, spiders, scorpions, snakes, etc.
>"Notheeng wrong theah cant"

>"Oi, theese eese bollshit mate"

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Cats cause the deaths of millions of birds each year, the worlds most vibrant sounding species of songbird became extinct thanks to a lighthouse keepers cat, If you have a cat keep it inside

should kill feral dogs too. those things are way more dangerous

of all those only cats hunt and kill millions of native australian birds.

Australia's ecosystem is very fragile. Some *Nglo brought over a bunch of rabbits and it nearly cause the ecosystem to collapse because they have no natural predators

siberian tigers are the largest wild kots
only lion/tiger mutts are larger

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this is now a tiger thread

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>no natural predators

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God I fucking miss this meme so much

fuck that was hot

yes, it is

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can australians not say a single sentence without cursing?

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but didn't they ruin your ecosystem?
also genuine question are ISPs in your cunt still blocking Jow Forums?

Heard about it a year ago. If you love your cat, castrate it.

yes to both

No the rabbits just out competed the native wildlife

Just import some chinks to fix it for you.

i don't think the Chinese eat as many cats as we are lead to believe because Australia is about 50% Chinese

Siberian tigers are solitary animals, marking their scent on trees to keep other tigers away. They roam many miles and hunt often. They stalk their prey, which includes elk, boar, bears, and deer until they are close enough to pounce. When successful, they drag their kill to a secluded area before devouring the meat. Tigers also hunt smaller animals like rabbits, pikas, and fish.

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Cats are better serial killers than humans believe it or not.

Feral dogs suck at hunting because they are more domesticated than cats. Dogs will just eat garbage or scraps they find by humans. Cats however never lost their hunting instinct.

Curious to why the rabbit doesnt just bite its way out of the lizards stomach or do the digestive juices start instantly? Pretty fucked up death to be killed by stomach acid alive.

They have special specific breeds of cats and dogs they eat.

Utterly based. Shit tier pet for shit tier people.

What would happen if you picked it up by its tail and swung it around in an circle like a lasso?

The teeth of the lizard chewed it up and broke it's neck I assume

Good for them.

I'm fucking for it. All dumb millenials and liberals have cats. FUCK SOYCULTURE. BUY A DOG!

Such as

Those little lap dogs

bs, country bumpkins will slaughter old dogs and cats instead of letting them pass away naturally cus they dont give a fuck. During the dog eating festivals, any dog they can find will be slaughtered, but the biggest customers will be urbanites who just wanna try dog for the fuck of it.

A stark reminder of the Great leap further

Quintessential British post.

Emus, anyone?

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