"United States of Europe" sounds pretty based, to be honest

"United States of Europe" sounds pretty based, to be honest.

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>USEd goods

USE me daddy

>EUsed goods

European Federation thank you

Turn off your proxy Hans

>the virgin United States of Europe vs the CHAD European Federation

United States of Asia, which include(s) Japan, South Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan would sound better, but it doesn't look possible.

t. Churchill

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why include moldova

European Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Europe sounds better

Just call in Europa


we godda have a town rapist somehow

The American states of Europe sounds a lot better

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why are we there
pretty sure no one in the EU wants us there

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What's with including Turkey?

And I doubt Russians will learn even after the collapse of Soviet Union 2.0

you are needed in order to threaten Russia
you could pass of as an "associated country" ie satelite state until you develop enough to actually join

If by based you mean cancer, then yes I agree.

we gotta meddle in russian politics and cause them to collapse and balkanize


if that means raising prices to EU levels while salaries remain the same (where we are headed) then no thanks

what is your end game Sven?
getting fucked in the ass and doing drugs until the muzzies take over your country?
you need the EU

a fantastic example of trying to fix something that isn't broken

guten bonjourino, fellow european citizens


Fuck NO

>ywn never see a glorious Franco-Anglo empire rise and lead the world into a new and better era

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Need them for what, you insolent little shit?
The EU takes our money and force their retarded rules on us.

fuck europe

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you can't figure this shit out on your own?
America is in full decline
you and the rest of Europe will need the EU to maintain stability on the continent and defend against foreign incursion

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>world power

Never gonna happen and that's a good thing. Fuck eurocrats, we need a second revolution, guillotining the neoliberal-globalist-transatlantic slave masters to the last. Then, the European people can be free again.

>world power

> cant build a proper country
> gotta make stupid impotent nationlets out of neighbors
why you gotta be like that

it cannot act as one in its current state
we need to federalize it in order to be able to project its power outward

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We have to include Russia due to pacific access, curing russian AIDS problem (somehting russians cannot do on their own unlike every other european nation), access to russian resources and most importantly incorporating Mongolia

it does..

Attached: United_States_of_Europe_in_2025.png (1136x883, 392K)

the whole point of EU was to enlarge and include nations ion the fringe
Places like Turkey and Georgia were eyed for membership
EU is not protection, and that's why it enables "incursion" what with refugee policies, supporting wars in neighbor countries and transnational agreements

>you and the rest of Europe will need the EU to maintain stability
And how would the EU help with that?
>defend against foreign incursion
Again how will the EU help with that?
Do you even know what the EU is and what they can and cannot do?
What the fuck are you talking about, you fucking melon?

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Fuck you with your project power bullshit, us of a are projecting power all day and look what it brought to their people. Nothing!

No, thank you. We going to ally with China now.

Fuck EU, fuck Brits and fuck you!

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FUCK europe

Attached: fuck europe.webm (352x640, 2.87M)

Never going to happen.
Fuck the EU


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That's what Turkey is for

vive la france


halts maul huso

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China and Russia always hated each other because of competing geopolitical spheres of influence

The eu caused the 2008 global financial crisis

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Second French revolution when?

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Verreck, Alman.

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