Imagine if the ummayads never fell

Imagine if the ummayads never fell
Imagine a muslim México

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>assuming muslims would finance an italian captain

>Imagine a muslim México
You dont want that, trust me

I am a Lebanese chi this sounds very based

>Imagine a muslim México
Bunch of brown people beheading each other.

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Why would they colonize bruh
They would be buddies with kebab so no need to go round the world for spice

history pilled.

It simply wouldn't have happened, for many reasons at many stages.

But imagine there is no kebbab

But at that time who can stop the rampaging turk?

>I am a Lebanese chi

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>muslim México
mexicans are already fucking subhumans

at least they'd stick to only beheading which would be an improvement over current day mexicans.

God willing Saint James the Moorslayer, Pelagius, Alfonso Henriques and many others removed them. Santiago!

You are a sandnigger lmao

Muslim Mexico would mean a country filled with its natives who have converted for to jizya.

It means they wouldn't have been massacred

Lebanese in Mexico are almost exclusively Christian, if you think a Muslim Mexico is cool you are a cuck

Simple as

It means they would have turned into sandnigger wanna be's like Iran or Egypt

no sand here. only plains. you qualify more as a sandnigger in both geography and behaviour.

You look like one and your culture is the same as theirs so...

Not only you rape and kill and steal but also make horrible "jokes"

No wonder the americans are trying to build a wall

And that's a good thing, at least the murder, drug and trannie problem wouldn't be there

>no murder problem
pick one

What if it's switched? Eastern roman empire remained strong but Iberia remained Muslim. What would happen then?

Murder rate in Muslim countries are quite low if you don't count countries in war.

Just look at morroco

But you act like muslims already

Imagine Muslim extremist cartels. Those gore vids x2

Honestly would probably be more safe. If they went hardcore, i can see the citizens beheading the cartels in the name of Islam, instead of allowing themselves to be bussed to mass graves like IRL

Knowing Mexico they will go full retard and justify selling drugs even as Muslims. See la Santa muerte and something something malverde. They made 2 saints specifically for helping drug dealers

>We must peddle drugs to kill the Infidel Allah wills it!
Nvm, i can see that happening.

>muslim México

good thing the whites are scared

hola amigo, i know you dont have education back in your shitty fucking shit stain of a country but just know that serbs arent considered as sandniggers by any means
now go back to the jungle and cut some cocoa leaves for your cartel overlord

Don't worry, spic

Conquistadores were mostly Moors.

What the Spanish Brought with Them: Phenetic Complexity of the Spanish Population at Contact

Colonial contact in Mexico brought together populations from diverse regions of the world – Europe (especially Spain), Mexico, Africa, and eventually, Asia. While much attention has been focused on the contributions of these groups to the admixed population that resulted, this attention has primarily been about quantifying broad patterns of continental ancestry, and so may have missed much by ignoring the diversity that existed within each region. We begin to address this shortfall using evidence from dental morphology, which provides phenetic evidence of population genetic admixture. Data from 10 European countries, 13 African countries, and Mexico (n=3552) from the 9th century to the present were analyzed using Structure, a program that estimates ancestry proportions at the individual level.

>Results reflect the genetic complexity of the Spanish colonizers. Medieval Spanish samples are more similar to those from Morocco and Tunisia than from other European countries. Historic Mestizos cluster with Europeans, including Spain and Morocco. However, contemporary Mestizo samples cluster together, separated from their European, African, and Native American ancestors. Our results show that including North African samples provides a better understanding of the Old World Origins of admixed populations in North America.

Why would muslims have found America?

If Spain remained Muslim they would not have colonized the Americas; they would have continued conquering the rest of Europe and then Africa


You are sandnigger in behaviour and appearance. I'm sorry.

>sandnigger calling slavshit sandniggers
at least theyre european

Imagine a mexico were all the subhuman amerindians were genocided by Spain

imagine a mexico full of people that look similar to pic rel

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Don't you have some toilet's to clean?

Imagine a world where spain's colonists were slaughtered by natives continuously until they stopped sending them.

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In general, muslims countries are very peaceful compared to other third world countries, and even compared to some first world countries(namelyUS)

You're literally considered the mexico of europe, go clean some anglo's toilets


But then there would be no mexicans

Why would you want a global jihadist drug cartel named ISIS?

disgusting chicano mutts

My heritage :)

>calling people mutts

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And nothing of value was lost

castizo =/= mutt

>it's another mentally ill indio looking for spaniard approval
tired of these threads

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his ass

like being european means anything nowadays, mexicans are better than muzzie loving eurocucks

The study isn't out yet, this is just the summary.

calms down abdul, being european, even s*rvian/y*goslavs has quite some value to most people here. And mexicans are unironically sansniggers + being on the education standard of an average burger

>Imagine a muslim México
would be better than the actual mexico, hopefully the next vid on bestgore would be your mother.

A man can dream

Serbs are the successors to Ottoman Empire

very convenient

i’m latin american, and way better than you eurucucks, and don’t worry eventually all those inbred sandniggers will significantly bring down the average iq in europeon countries haha

>Muslim Mexico
That's like shithole^2

Page 209

based and redpilled

can't wait for this to never be published for being bullshit

Less crime likely

>Says the mentally ill amerimutt opening 30 threads/day in a cambodian basket weaving forum to create bad blood between Spain and Mexico.

>teeth from Spain during the Muslim invasion (aka medieval Spain) look Moroccan
>teeth of historic mestizos look European
>teeth of modern mestizos no longer look European

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nice projection

>way better than you eurocucks
if you guys are so good mate why are you here, please go and contribute further to your utopian mayan state


Science isn't BS you assblasted hapa-moor. It was obvious that conquistadores were Moorish, whiteys are so weak that they can't kill a few rapefugees, let alone a continent.

there are millions of europeans in non-euro countries too

but were there to establish apartheid regimes

is that why i’m 0% sandnigger despite being latin american

3552 Mexican samples > you

only way moors could have to the americas is as defeated slaves of the conquistadors

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Well there were 3 french guys among Cortes troupe, so you might be right about that moorish bit in there.

Also as to why syphilis got there.

That's not what it says. All the conquistadores were Christian, it was considered more a religious conquest than a strategic or nationalistic one, like a crusade. Hispanic-Americans have as much E-M81 (Berber) as your average Frenchman.

so basically the same thing

stop replying to the sandnigger jesus christ
it's an abstract that the faggot doesn't even have access to

shut up, i am bored af

Listen well, rapebabies

Most conquistadores were pure-blooded Moors and Jews who left Andalusia because they were too brown to cheat the limpieza del sangre test. Once in America, they unloaded their pent up Semitic rage (from loosing their land) onto peaceful asians and created the modern creatura known as spics.

Picrel is an actual half-Asian half-Spanish mutt, she looks nothing like a spic.

Attached: model-released-cute-young-girl-in-her-twenties-half-asian-half-spanish-APJD73.jpg (1300x954, 105K)

>actual half-Asian half-Spanish mutt
Enrique Iglesias is one. Spanish dad, Philippine mum. Try again.

That support his point.

We do that already

Spics are dolichocephalic and browner whereas half Iberians are brachycephalic and lighter.

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