I'm moving to Slovenia this year. What should I expect?

I'm moving to Slovenia this year. What should I expect?

Attached: iu.jpg (1024x682, 268K)

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A visit from the town rapist



Depends on which part.

the capital.

beautiful landscape, lovely cities, towns and friendly people

lots of bosnians

low wages, irrelevance and lesser slavs with no sense of humor who think they are germans.
that said it's a nice country-

expect to be sent as plumber in Trieste

why are italians so butthurt about slovenians?

I said I like it

Be careful with the pickpockets.

this, other than that its a nice place though

Maybe because they send very bad immigrants to Italy. Yougoslavians are human trashes, you know.

Thats the romanian meme

most of them don't even know that we're neighbors, they're that ignorant

and don't fall for these terrible baits

slovenians are not bosnians

Attached: slovenia.jpg (480x640, 45K)

my wages are 2,500euro a month. more than what I earned in Milan (2000/month).

you earn more than the vast majority of slovenians then

woah, a lot more than what I earned in London (1200/month), I was CEO of buckingham palace

Nowadays Slovenians are model immigrants, beloved even by our FPÖ.

Homosexuality, it's everywhere.

I'm aware. I also earned more than majority Italians.

you'd know about that sort of thing huh

daytime temperatures in the high 30s for the whole of every August

but that's not true, also Milan has the highest wages in the country, I used to get paid 1k euros for a part time job, don't flatter yourself.

Attached: Net average monthly salary.png (1798x1352, 792K)

It's more like Germany and UK, unlike southron shitholes like France and Italy

As a Germanic Anglo-Saxon, you will fit right in Slovenia

If you've made a decision to move to a different country BEFORE you figured out "what you should expect" there, that means only one thing - you're underage and move in with your parents.
Which means that you violate the rules of this website.

I've been to Slovenia twice user, just never lived there. I'm also 25 for the record.

my dick in your f*rstoid ass

Attached: 1545888029815.png (402x369, 259K)

Non memeing or gay, but I will know nobody when I move there. Want to be friends? I'm not autistic.


what a fucking faggot jesus christ

that would be Hungary. Slovenia at least has mountains and hills everywhere so you're never looking at nothing.

I love the single music tone at the end, as if he's said something jaw dropping and impactful.

>I'm not autistic.

but i am, so if you better not be a normalfag

you would't say thatif you see all his ex wifes. being an intellectual is a hude magnet to qt

do you honestly believe that? it's power & money that draws women.

i know but some girls especially art hoes and litterature student (who are qt ) love men with lots of culture and being verbally dominate. Why do you think in france we have tons of pseudo intellectuals with glass and long hair ? because those guys have qt around them trust me

Slovenians don't migrate here

post feet

Attached: 1554097973914.jpg (768x1024, 43K)

So why the fuck do you ask what should you be expecting? Are you that dumb to not understand what the country is like after whole 2 visits?

kek why you so angry? do you honestly think visiting a country on holiday in summer is comparable to living in it?

ok rape you next week ;)

when are you coming here?
