How do we fix Central America?

How do we fix Central America?

Attached: Central America.png (1200x1200, 302K)

>t. mexicant
fuck yourself, carlos

by allowing them all to work in the USA and then send the money they earn back to their own countries

With 5 of these

Attached: 300px-Little_boy.jpg (300x197, 13K)


with THIS

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_Federal_Republic_of_Central_America.svg.png (1280x853, 52K)

That’s how the problems started tho

You can't.

That's why the US should give Mexico to build a wall between Mexico and Guatemala. Based taco bros are no longer coming over. It's time to join forces against the savages from the jungle lands.

By letting mexicans raze and kill everyone there before settling it and turning it into their wild west

True blood free markets. Central America wasn't nearly as bloody when they were controlled by the Banana republics.

The issue was the US government went communist and blew up the banana companies who ran the government in these countries which basically left the country prime for a power vacuum and the immideitely monopolization of force from a dictator.

When these people say the US fucked up their country they are not wrong. Everyone lost their jobs when the Banana republics were nuked and foreign investment has never returned because the people where growing their economic capital.

In another world, America leaves the Banana republics alone and these places gradually grow as English-speaking colonies and close allies to the united states.

People use the money they get working on bananas to build schools and infrastructure much earlier allowing easier transportation and specialization. As people move up the social ladder Central America becomes equivalent to what Colombia is today with office buildings and various technology enterprises. The blossoming economy allows tourism generating even more capital for the people.

The companies still pledge fealty the united states, but fully control their land in Latin America. Most likely functioning as a psedo-monarchy like the Dutch East India Company.

Any conflict these countries would have would be based on their relative power against the united states. Maybe they try to secede but they probably don't. Assuming the banana companies dont branch out to producing cocaine then they would be even richer than Mexico today, but still poorer than the united states.


fuck off paco

Fuck off gringo. We've learned our lesson this time

Nuke yerself bootlicker

Attached: 05.Museo-de-Perquin.jpg (640x425, 73K)

Threaten them with shutting down all the aid and financing programs and to cancel the residency requesting processes, actively hunt down and deport their diaspora unless they agree to create international transparency comissions to investigate corruption in the 3 branches of the state.

This is very simple and will stop immigration without a doubt. Why doesn't Trump do this already?

Fucking idiots like you obsessed with the commie-bad narrative will never understand what caused any other country to be what they are now.

Your banana republic bullshit only pushed US brand fascism in latin america, Of course everyone was pissed at it, so everything blew up in civil wars. What came after is that after the USSR fell you stopped giving a shit and let the shitholes get infected with narcos which you enable thanks to your liberal consumerist culture. The US is the only one responsible for these problems, you are the cause, both because of excessive repression and neglect.


This is true.

Give them to China as an offering. When the generation of Hapas come through, they will be better in every way


t. Zhang Smith


Select ctrl+delete

China can't control our neighbors.
