Why did nobody inform the Belgians that you're supposed to put your shitskin ghettos far from the city centre...

Why did nobody inform the Belgians that you're supposed to put your shitskin ghettos far from the city centre? I thought that booking a hostel LITERALLY 5-10 minutes from the fucking main tourist square would be fine but I woke up in Morocco a stonethrow from where the Bataclan terrorists lived.

Pic related, anything west of the red line wasn't Europe.

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Am I literally the only person who gets along with these people? In Toronto, Paris, and Antwerp they have all been bro-tier and not once have I been harassed or robbed. I understand your concerns but when I’m going to the bad parts of the city I dress like one of them, and use black twitter slang and they instantly like me. I know Europeans don’t want to wear Gucci caps and adidas track pants every day but these guys ain’t so bad

i can't tell if this is satire or not

wallah it's safe don't worry brotha

It's not.

Nothing happened and they didn't stare as much as they do here but it was still a weird experience.

It’s not, really. They do come of as pushy or rascals when they’re in groups but when we have a conversation I usually dap them up and call them blood or homie, they accept me as someone from the streets and I can keep walking

Why are you guys so scared of shitskins? We're not gonna eat you.

what's your white %?

t. Aghori

A low percentage most likely

Realistically? >96 because there was a black guy somewhere
Jow Forums wise like 0% because my senpai came from portugal



your first mistake

Where do you recommend then?

everywhere else basically
Gent has its shitskin ghettos cleanly outside the city
Bruges doesn't even have shitskin ghettos because it would harm tourism
even Antwerp, though they have plenty, is more or less ok

my friend went to belgium and told me that everything was a shithole but bruges, is that true?

Bruges has been kept relatively free of enrichment, that is correct. I love to take walks in the small streets at night here, city is virtually empty and the sights are pretty.

>anything west of the red line wasn't Europe
Your definition of Europe may be a bit outdated.
In other words, anything east of the red line isn't yet a new Europe :D

Are you from NJ?

>when we have a conversation
Implying these guys can speak english.

Get on Londons level
>Be in Kensington near the Chelsea ground, fancy restaurants , hipster coffee shops, 95% white people on the street
>Walk 200ms north
>Signs in Arabic, fried chicken shops, phone card shops, , hardly , fat smelly black women, Muslims with 8 kids, poles drinking tyskie Infront of halal supermarkets
>Walk another 200ms north
>Loads of rich people and their mansions
>Walk another 200ms north
>Literally everyone is Indian, signs are all in Punjabi

a multicultural paradise :)

How does this work? Won't the muslim gangs jus go into Kensington and rape and destroy?

Had the exact same experience 3 years ago

Which hostel? I wonder if it’s the same one

Brxxl 5, close to Midi station. The hostel itself was great but the area sucked.

that entire post was like a delirious nonsense of an alcoholic

No as they are controlled opposition to the white working class

then why not more people move there?

Europeans are soft ass white incels who do not know how to interact with anyone not even their direct family.

that somewhat resembles ghettos right next to rich mansions in cities like chicago, maybe others too. somehow they co-exist just fine, and most crime occurs in their containment areas around the public housing projects. maybe cops are actually good at doing their jobs despite the public sentiment about them being murderous psychos.

you can get along with a few of them at work or something, i know i do, even had non white gf ... so fucking what ?
mass immigration still makes the country increasingly a shithole with declining quality of life, soon we'll live in the 3rd world
poverty disease violence etc etc etc it doesn't matter that you find bro tier ones or whatever that's completely irrelevant actually, it's like in 1940 an american would come saying "yeah it's war but i have a german friend he is great some of them are cool" well yeah ok sure so what ? doesn't matter

Aren't white Americans portrayed as the biggest fucking losers in American media? Blacks, Hispanics, Asians... they all make fun of you. Say your food is shit, you have no culture, say you are ugly and racist. At least Europeans still dominate their respective societies.

That's where you fucked up. Next time get a hotel room like a real adult.

Hahaha I knew it. Not the exact same hostel but right next to it in the same area. That’s why I starred the square de l’aviation back then so I could find my hostel

Attached: 808F67C7-C979-4B91-AB74-F91A5BF6958F.png (750x1334, 246K)

he is obviously larping or may be a proxy or a foreigner. but he is posing as the average burger and as such, his post makes no fucking sense. can you imagine the average american tourist hanging out with random locals that he met in the streets, let alone the refugees? bullshit. 99% of american tourists in europe are boomers who travel in large groups and are bussed from place to place so they look at the churches and listen to the guide and then have an organized lunch and go to the next place. yeah, he was chilling with the racailles in the streets, right.


Most of the friendliest people I've met in the US were black people, that doesn't mean it's safe to be in Compton or a bad area of Detroit.


like this youtube.com/watch?v=HzVsefpZBtw ?

lel you're even deeper in the shit, that's actually in Molenbeek? Did you walk the area at night?

It’s just the other side of that main road. Yeah I did, I wasn’t scared. Just kind of disgusting to see them everywhere