Tfw no HBO series about the Reconquista

>tfw no HBO series about the Reconquista

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What about the cruzade against the cathars? So much kino potential

You do realize they would fuck it up beyond existence correct?

you ARE RIGHT :(

Doesn't matter if it's accurate, lefties will cry that Muzzies are getting killed, and Moorberians will yell at the top of their lungs that they're not white enough in the series, or after an inevitable rape scene, they will REEEE about their clean blood. lol

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Do you know that in reality it was a free for all between Christian and Muslim states, them making allainces disragarding race and religion? The Pope once called a crusade against a Christian king, because he was that huge of na arsehole.

I'm gonna be honest I would be mad if they portrayed how we aren't. We have all types of Euros sure, but hollywood is very bad at casting Euros. Alatriste was ok Vigo Mortensen kinda fitted, he could pass here.
But watching some of the actors in Conquest of Paradise.. yikes.

Indeed. El Cid fought agaisn't Christians lmao. And Muslims were convert Iberians, most of them.

You know modern Iberians are not the same Iberians from before Al-Andaluz, right? In fact, the further south in go in the Iberian peninsula the browner people get.

>"Like Sicily, and Southern Italy, Iberia has a low but specific level of ancestry, originating both in North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is largely ascribed to the long Islamic presence in the Iberian peninsula and possibly African slavery,[4] and the population of the Canary Islands shows a bigger African admixture than the average Southern Europe due to its location as an African archipelago.[5] Significant genetic differences are found among, and even within, Spain's different regions, which can be explained by the wide divergence in their historical trajectories and Spain's internal geographic boundaries. The Basque region holds the least Eastern Mediterranean ancestry in Iberia. African influence is mainly concentrated in the Southern and Western regions of the peninsula, though the genetic influence is a minor component of the overall mix."

And of course a series about the Reconquista would be a shitshow because modern Iberians absolutely cannot tolerate the fact that you're mutts, much like the sudacas you hate so much.

t.actual african

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that would be racist and islamophobic and also very problematic. what is wrong with you, istvan?? they could portray the spaniards as 'evil invaders' though. that'd fit the narrative.

Not an actual African, but a Black Brazilian, yes.

it would be too problematic for today's audiences

You can watch the movie about el Cid instead.

As if we need a series glorifying Arabs and other swarthoids

Basically this. Italians can accept that the south is darker. But Iberians REEEEE at the thought and deny every brown person as being a Sudaca or Moroccan who barely came.

>Let me tell you about your country, part 3, using data that is always different in various studies, using small samples of 500 people to a population of 55 million

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>But Iberians REEEEE at the thought and deny every brown person as being a Sudaca or Moroccan who barely came.

That's pretty based if you ask me

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>No those brown people are ALLL BRAZILIANS
>No those crowds are all refugees WTF
>Look at this PCA chart that was published in a Stormfront lite site
>Wtf go back to Jow Forums, even though they're the ones pushing Iberians as white
>how can i be brown if i have blue eyes!
>look how i cluster with Italians
>posts a cherrypicked pale kid from the 1900's
We have heard all your defenses user, you guys are brown, deal with it.

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not gonna read all that desu

>you guys are brown, deal with it.
If I take my worldview from Jow Forums like you do then I'd argue this is a very ironic comment coming from an american flag.

Too bad i got it in the real world user. America is brown too, thanks to your rape babies and Shitalians

Idris Elba as El Cid
8/10 episodes of season 1 are dedicated to peaceful muslim merchants being harassed by evil Christians
White Kang orders Idris Elba to genocide all the muslim and he obeys, reluctantly, whilst crying
Also all the muslims are gay and the only non-evil soldier in El Cid's army is a tranny

fund it

There was already a movie about El Cid, in 61.

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I don't trust HBO/hollywood to do it justice

tfw you'll never play the scene where the berber conqueror fuck his many slav and iberian concubines.

>Muslims fighting other Muslims

Sounds boring.

There's not justice to be done. The reconquest took 100's of years. You either do a few skirmishes. But this is HBO, they will go for the conquest of Granada, and show peaceful Moors being thrown into the sea or something. Probably will make the Spaniards pale and blonde and the moors black, with a few married to Iberian women.

Kill yourself Muslim fuck

>they will go for the conquest of Granada, and show peaceful Moors being thrown into the sea or something
>Probably will make the Spaniards pale and blonde
> and the moors black
>with a few married to Iberian women.

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You could watch Isabel. First episode for some reason is on youtube and subbed in English.

It's made by Spaniards so no American actors and their autism of making everything either black white or mexican.

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That's what I mean. It'll be extremely biased towards mudslimes. Though I think they focus on Cordoba(?) the capital of the united Muslim kingdom and show evil Christians attacking them and causing all their problems

Honestly I can't deal with Spanish. Mexicans and their ilk make it sound like goblin speech and that's all I can think of when I hear it

That's too bad desu, Castillian Spanish sounds good to me.

Don't be jealous, Pocahontas

It's like hearing Arabic, Turkish or Urdi in a European city

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People in the south is browner because the south gets 45 fucking grades in summer. Genetic studies said the african admixture in the península goes east-west, not north-south. But what would you know, negro.

I bet you look like a mulato and introduce yourself to everyone as an iberian descendant.

Why not embrace your BLACK heritage and take up the sword against wh*tes instead?

>east to west

So which region has the most black in them

We're white looking non-whites who kill whites, it's even better.

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An area around Lisbon that had literal black slaves I think. You can also find Japanese and Korean blood.

Yes I read that from several sources. Apparently Lisbon was Mulatto majority but I was asking about Spain. I'm imagining it's the South West coast or Barcelona

some based user posted a reconquista song not too long ago:
pretty based but probably would be considered nazi tier by the leftists.
does anybody understand what it says without reading the subtitles?

>Apparently Lisbon was Mulatto majority

Arhm no. Slaves were 15%, and most of them died, didn't have children besides I think 1%/2%.
Japanese concubines last longer, to this day you find people with Jap ancestry that you can't even tell.

>but I was asking about Spain.

No such place in Spain though.

>muh sun
Do you think tanned Scandis look like Arabs? No
You on the other hand, do

Iberians should be killed

Not from the sources I read. The people in Lisbon had the Jungle fever and fucked their slaves

Why do I even bother giving serious replies to you people

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6 hours before the next episode of game of thrones

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>Source: my ass

He's american don't bother with their BBC filled mind.

>Watching GOT

HBO is pozzed. I would only accept a project if it's produced and directed by Mel Gibson.

lmao it would be amazing honestly, it would cause infinite butthurt

Can you refute these claims? Because you're not trying to at all. Most of these are from Travelers journals and English ambassadors

Jungle fever is where you fuck black women not men you fag

Accurate as fuck.
>pic related
I fucking laughed.


>Jungle fever is where you fuck black women not men you fag
Not according to el americANO

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This is bullshit. Christians of white europe were united against the muslim horde until quite recently.

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yes and I won't, you're baiting when I thought we were having a more serious conversation desu

having a serious conversation with Jow Forums autists lmao

Tbf my father is from southern spain and everybody thinks im a maghrebi lol

Funnily enough i've been mistaken for an italian several times too (3 times by italian people - from naples, venice, then sardinia)

I guess im the typical med mutt

Sometimes you have cool conversations

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I'm not baiting. What I wrote is "common" knowledge in English speaking areas

Why do you have that picture saved?

>do americans really do this?

Damn that would be hot as fuck.

None. The ones with the most NORTH african admixture however are Portugal and Galicia, the western part.

We look like native iberians, the ones who have been populating the peninsula for thousands of years. Genetists confirmed this. Arabs, romans and germans barely had any impact on our genes. Native iberians have always been dark haired, dark eyed and somewhat light skinned with the ability to tan.

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>tfw no black slave to rape

would be from the perspective of the brave granadan defenders inshallah

How did they get that far north? Or is that some ancient prehistoric genome.

Still not refuting it? Because Lisbon in the 1500's is described as having many slaves and many mulattoes from the female ones getting fucked

>How did they get that far north? Or is that some ancient prehistoric genome


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>it's another Jow Forums calls Iberians Moor episode
It's very boring desu

>thread about reconquista turns into an "are spaniards black?" shitfest

Is the influx from the arab conquest or from a pre bronze age population/group like the people that the built the megalith structures

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Thank god, HBO sucks

>Do you think tanned Scandis look like Arabs? No

What about melanin, retard? Southern euros and generally meds are more adapted to sun than snowniggers. They get a tan instead of a sun-burn.

I personally become mulatto tier of brown in summer but gradually lose my tan and get my olive skin tone back as weather becomes colder.

Yeah let's make a series about an historic process that took almost 3/4 of a millennia

Finally a source. Thank you

It's mostly from prehistoric migrations.

Each season a different era/event of it

Like the initial invasion and resistance one season, El cid could have one, etc...

>tfw no TV show about the daco-roman wars
what do people even watch these days

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>deixa-me falar pra você sobre a rua raça mano

KYS gorilha

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very disgusting
when are you converting to islam?

Why are you replying to me exactly? I don't get it

game of sanic

How retard

but not against the jewish people thank charlemagne and his christkike army

>no tv show of croatian soldiers impaling g*rmanoid babies on sticks during 30 years war
why even live

no such thing


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It's 800 years pal. Plus, if you let the mutts do it it would be dumbed down to infinite meme levels.

A Hungarian odissey from Adrianopolis to Mohacs would be more viable. Again with no mutts in charge.

Good I don't like Spanish language t.v

Your children will be speaking spanish friend
