Tfw genetic studies show that only 10% of brazilians are 100% europeans??

tfw genetic studies show that only 10% of brazilians are 100% europeans??

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Other urls found in this thread:

genetic studies show that only 0% of brazilians are 100% europeans


On the basis of studies in individuals self-classified as White from several Brazilian regions, we estimated that approximately 146 million Brazilians (86% of the population) had more than 10% African contribution to their genome. These numbers should be taken into account in discussing affirmative action programs in Brazil, but in a descriptive rather than a prescriptive sense.

And there is another showing that 4% have at least 5% and only 10% are 100% euros

genetic studies show that only 100% of brazilians are 100% native americans.

Soupa du macaco....hahaha

Attached: _99748386_68129250-0176-4501-a453-41eed7deb9f8.jpg (660x660, 39K)

source for gif

this thread is just an excuse to keep posting those ugly braapazilians women with more testosterone than the average soyboy from int

And i can use my euro passport to go to West Europe and you donĀ“t

gib me source for this gif you fucking macaco

Interessante, mas
>amostra de 200 pessoas


Attached: monkey_brazilian_.png (912x2048, 2.67M)

jesus what a goddess...


nope they are africa ape

If only...

thank you, Argentina is white, Brazil is not

spot on, his state
his other threads for (You)s:

Attached: OP.jpg (1458x2398, 623K)

what's the point of all of these threads and gifs?
if that is op then he ain't bad looking at all

>he ain't bad looking at all
He looks like a fucking ******** with pale skin

>if that is op
he is mentally ill, like that turk guy who thinks he is 100% black
don't know why he does this, but it has been going on for a long time
he was the spammer sometime ago, along with that indian and the mentally ill turk guy

mmmm, I did not understand you, anyway. Is he mulatto? Do you have black features with a mestizo man?
wide nose, thick lips and milk chocolate skin

Attached: mulatto-analbino-a-mosquito-mylibido-yeah-31180174.png (500x2013, 448K)

mulatto is supposed to refer to the children of a black and a white parent, i think
depends on his parents



Attached: Average american face.jpg (300x400, 13K)