tfw genetic studies show that only 10% of brazilians are 100% europeans??
Tfw genetic studies show that only 10% of brazilians are 100% europeans??
Other urls found in this thread:
genetic studies show that only 0% of brazilians are 100% europeans
On the basis of studies in individuals self-classified as White from several Brazilian regions, we estimated that approximately 146 million Brazilians (86% of the population) had more than 10% African contribution to their genome. These numbers should be taken into account in discussing affirmative action programs in Brazil, but in a descriptive rather than a prescriptive sense.
And there is another showing that 4% have at least 5% and only 10% are 100% euros
genetic studies show that only 100% of brazilians are 100% native americans.
Soupa du macaco....hahaha
source for gif
this thread is just an excuse to keep posting those ugly braapazilians women with more testosterone than the average soyboy from int
And i can use my euro passport to go to West Europe and you donĀ“t
gib me source for this gif you fucking macaco
Interessante, mas
>amostra de 200 pessoas
jesus what a goddess...
nope they are africa ape
If only...
thank you, Argentina is white, Brazil is not
spot on, his state
his other threads for (You)s:
what's the point of all of these threads and gifs?
if that is op then he ain't bad looking at all
>he ain't bad looking at all
He looks like a fucking ******** with pale skin
>if that is op
he is mentally ill, like that turk guy who thinks he is 100% black
don't know why he does this, but it has been going on for a long time
he was the spammer sometime ago, along with that indian and the mentally ill turk guy
mmmm, I did not understand you, anyway. Is he mulatto? Do you have black features with a mestizo man?
wide nose, thick lips and milk chocolate skin
mulatto is supposed to refer to the children of a black and a white parent, i think
depends on his parents