Russians from Siberia
Russians from Siberia
I enjoy
Where's you? Am gonna draw a dick in your mouth
A lot of girls for ''Technical institute '' !
Som people would pass for Latvians with no problem others would be considered Russian speaking Latvians and som would be considered tourists from Asia .
Is nstu a nice option? I have fuckin EGE in couple weeks, so scared.
There are always tons of Asian students in Russian universities, not just in Siberia.
Cope. I was amazed to be honest.
>underage on 4channel
Beautiful people, beautiful country, beautiful culture and beautiful language.
Is Novosibirsk considered a backwater in Russia? I don't know of anything special about that place or anyone famous from there
... except for one
good looking people!
are the asians from russia or international students?
I live so far from there (Novosibirsk) that everything is a big mystery for me.
Everything that is not Moscow, St.Petersburg, Kazan', and Ekatirinburg is backwater in Russia really.
bottom right guy in the OP is irrefutable proof that all russians are gooks!
All big cities are liveable enough, but I love the Black Sea coast (Crimea, Sochi, Anapa, etc.)
Why yes I live in Sochi. How did you know?
Theyre ugly
how are we supposed to know
but smart thats not important right
That looks max comfy and I really want to live there now
dumb meme
It's not
It's so dirty there, litter, bad infrastructure... Meh.
It's okay if you go there as a tourist but living in Sochi...
Question: Are the Slavic Russians racist or discriminatory against the Mongol Russians?
Not at all.
Mongol *Russians* are not Russian. They are Tuvans, Yakuts, Buryats, etc.
Nah, I doubt it
Mongols (mongoloids) are, on the other hand, in some cases discriminatory against russians, like in those regions where they're the majority such as Tuva
Native Siberians only make up small percentage of the population, so I doubt they care too much about them. Central asian immigrants probably face the most discrimination.
Gypsies face the most discrimination, but they are not human at all, so nobody cares.
Bullshit. Lots of them even in OP picture.
Russians in Russia
>American humor
russian zoomers look so weak
what happened to the tough russian boys who spend their time fighting each others ?
All bydlos are in prison or died from alcoholism.
Ok, Another question: among white Europeans is there discrimination, for example, that a white, almost albino Scot discriminates against a white Italian or a white Ukrainian for not being as white as a Scot?
Discrimination based on ethnicity does exist
Some Serbs hate Albanians for historical reasons.
Germans gets hated for WW2
Russians for Communism.
Racism based on skin color amongst Europeans is very rare
They look far stronger and mentally balanced to American zoomers.
I see only 2
New gen kazaps and hohols are basically wanna-be Americans.
There are no native Siberians in Novosibirsk. Mostly Central Asian immigrants, like Uzbeks
False. I live here. There were a lot of Hakasian and Byriatian qts in my Uni.
Is that me or half of russia is blond
Nobody understood the point of this thread unlike based Jow Forums. I really should go back there.
Lot of Russians have Finnic blood.
Independence when?
Our manifest destiny, though we could remove all the chinks
What about Nizhny
I live here, ask your questions
Big village.
They don't go to University, it's that simple
do the asians one get bullied?
how does the slav bully justifies being that far from europe if so, what is churkas role on this
What are considered the best universities in Russia? I know MSU and Saint Petersburg State, what else.
Middle asians getting bullied and nothing more
why do you bully them? you take their land and you bully them?
What do you do with very angry dogs or with stupid little kids?
certainly not all of them are like that
Yeah and they aren't getting bullied.
>tfw no noble savage Siberian gf
feels bad and too civilized
Post native Siberian qts plox
They grow up so fast
I doubt you would find savages there.