What type of girls do you usually attract in your cunt?

What type of girls do you usually attract in your cunt?

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thicc white women and older women occasional asian exchange student


Fobby Asian girls and chubby latinas.

Nonexistent kind.

The brown ones

slightly or borderline underage tumblr thots
[spoiler]and i love it[/spoiler]

girls that like big dick

Anime girls

The worst one

insecure mental trainwrecks

I attract guys

i need a girl's feet firmly planted on my ugly face


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Small ones
Every girl that was interested in me was always shorter than 1m60

girls with boyfriends

homossexuals, trannies, black faveladas, ugly fatties

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Girls with low self confidence. I am anautismo but well educated and well mannered and such a *safe* choice.
They notice that I hate myself more than they do themselves.

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I'm a 25 year old virgin

>that little twink attracts 100% more women that nyou ootyn aweever willö

Girls who want something stable (LTR) and for some reason artsy kinda girls?

Sometimes even girls who like to party even I don't like that at all.

Imaginary ones.

Feet are so sexy. I want an italian woman to dance on my face barefoot


In junior high school? : all of them.
Now? None.

albino girls

poor medicore girls and plumps
they both thinks I'm unable to get anything better, haha

College aged white girls
Asian fobs
Older career women

>What type of girls do you usually attract in your cunt?

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girls wants money, like the picture

I mean, I got a Cs:Go gf once, but I don't count that as a real relationship. She is russian and simply just sent me a friend request, I don't know if it was my voice or if it was because I was doing pretty good that round but she just sent it. When we later exchanged pictures, she giggled and told me that I look cute (even though I clearly don't), that was the warmest feel I ever had because she was the first girl who didn't hate me because of my shit personality. The relationship didn't last long :/

same here. in fact I turned 25 today

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Black women
Mentally ill white women
Shy MeNa women

Zero, nil, nada!

Fat ones (k-pop and anime fans), underaged and fat milfs

do you look good

none. i dont even bother trying. its not worth it here. i should try international online. someone is bound to want to come here right??

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Same here. Also happy birthday user.


no but I'm nice fella :^)

The ones that have a penis.

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15-17 year olds since I look like a child and I could pass as a twink

Emotionally unstable retards.

it's over

came here to post this

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>I suffer in Brazil

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2D girls

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Same but that's why I found a girl abroad

shy introverted latina grills

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Black girls

I want to murder the little shit and take his money, the gold diggers get the saber tho

I would like to visit Indonesia. Not a girl though. I have white female friends from undergrad who went to live in various asian/SEA countries and ended up marrying natives, so there's that.

Indeed it is.


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I am not from Indonesia.

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>2D girls
Only if you hire Japanese you animate your anime girl saying your name.

I am on mobile, sorry.

God I wish this was me and imagine the smell
teens girl have the best body

tap on the flag and look at the URL that pops up, the two letters can give you an inkling as to what country it is

But that's all of them. What a chad.

>only fuck when I am very drunk
>can never fully remember what happened other than brief moments
>most recent girl all I can remember is her distinctly telling me "NO" during sex
>worry for a week that I'm going to be accused of rape or something
>see her again and she apologises to me and asks to see me again
I have no idea what I even did to make her say no but I really thought I might have raped her

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I attract guys

no one between 13 and 50
also no one over 160cm

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Maybe you tried to put it in her butt or something

Nice, thanks

Either those so attractive I don't even realize I have a chance until it is too late or those unattractive.

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That would be incredibly embarrassing but it might be true. I think it's best I never see her again just in case.

user, I know it's retarded to give girl advice on 4channel but if you see any remote chance just probe a bit then take your shot. I get rejected maybe 80% of the time but at least I'm not an incel

the ones nearing 30

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i wouldn't know

sve najbolje švedski brate

well im an incel so that probably tells ya what kind of women i attract

all types, most common around 18 year olds

hey there ;^)

same, although unattractive fat girls seem to like me which is too bad as I consider obesity a cardinal sin

The good, family-oriented ones. Unfortunately I've been avoiding dating and relationships for 9 years now.

how come the vast majority of you guys even attract any type of girls? I used to think we're all insecure ugly virgins here

Latinas and Asians unironically.

Uni is pretty international, always get hit on. Especially ever since I got a gf some years back

Mentally unstable bisexuals, mutts, and black chicks, usually falling into two of those categories. I'd rather shoot myself in the head than date another bi girl to be honest.

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Fat ones only.
I really hate fat girls, but they all seem to chase me. Whenever someone asks me "user, what kind of woman do you like?" I say "all I want it her to weight less than me". I am close to 70kg so that wouldn't be so hard.
My guess is that god fucking hates me afterall.

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insecure ones, mediocre ones, the one whom i'm never attracted to.

Kweens in my dreems

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I talk to Asian girls online since I don't know any females IRL. Never received nudes until doing this.

what's wrong with bi girls?

mmmm nice

Better not be a tranny

probably not anymore ; |

I'm a kissless hugless virgin but some girls on Jow Forums said I was cute.

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I attract jewesses

>Jow Forums

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A lot of them use their sexuality in place of a personality, or as a reason to act like they're sex goddesses and that I should be lucky to have them. Plus I've had a lot of bad experiences with dykes trying to steal my girlfriends or just being awful people in general, so I might admittedly be projecting a bit.

she wasnt a girlfriend mate, she was a friend girl. and hardly even that, did you skype with her and see bobs atleast?

Ugly whores

Only skinnyfat mixed girls or nigresses, I kissed 2 fatties also, but I felt disgusted at it and refuse it since then

I've only had sex with a 34 year old parda, been also ignored by legit ugly girls, I'm 25

It's a shame, I never asked for this, I never thought my life would reach this point, well, it's not my fault, it was my shitty genetics and being raised by a single mother

It's fucked to think this was my only life, I used to fantasize of better shit, I'm slowly coming to acceptance

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Ones with feminine penis

Pushy psychopaths of all ages.