This confuses the american

this confuses the american

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>american card

this confuses the EU

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it does?

always wondered if i could pay with my phone

i have apple pay but never bothered trying to use it

Please explain

I'm sorry, I don't get it

The banks here have their apps for this nfc based payment but no one uses them really.

Hold up is chase going to have paypass soon?

your phone has an nfc chip.
your cc has an nfc chip.
Every pos that support nfc payment should work with both your phone or cc seamlessly

I've seen some old fat guy the other day at lidl paying with his phone. I was like what the fuck I don't even know how to do this shit.

It really doesn't lmao

based brexit

yes, for the credit cards I have with them they have finally added NFC support. most kiosks support it as well with the recent chip upgrade a few years ago

look at this dood

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haha dumb eu
even my mom from syberia uses it

I pay everything with my phone. I dont know anything about the card chip or whatever.

I also suck my fiances toes which is what im gonna go do now.

To buy Krokodil?

Wtf everyone and their granny uses their phone to pay everywhere now wtf Germany and France

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we like paying cash

keep your coins boomer phones are the future

I only pay with cash

no it doesn't
we have both

Why are eurocucks so obsessed with us?)


>it's a woman with 5 kids, 10 cards, and 0 money episode

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i just use based Samsung Pay and it works everywhere ive been

Me neither. Op, explain. I've blipped my phone like this but never blipped my bank card on my phone.

Is it better? Why do cards do this, just because they can? Seems stupid to add more meme gadgets to something that already works just fine.

I've been using nfc on my phone so much I forgot my pin number and now can't withdraw cash
Been living 100% cashless for like 4-5 months already

This, Euro fags are really reaching for the bottom of the bucket to find stuff they can heckle the US about.

>more meme gadgets
How is that a meme gadget? It works just the same as every other card, but you also have the option of paying in like a second, without the need of putting the card inside the terminal or whatever it's called and giving the pin code. It's objectively superior, as it holds all the uses of an older card, but also has the additional, very handy usage.

You can pay in like a second with a chip, the aspect of not needing to put your card inside the terminal is the meme. It's unnecessary.

we have it even here

It's the same technology dumbass.

This confuses any sane person. Paying with cards is like logging all your purchases to one huge database with no removes. It's retarded.

>It's unnecessary
NOT doing something is unnecessary? Quite the opposite, there is literally no reason to put the card in and enter the pin if you have the contactless card. You can still do it of course, which is why it's simply a superior card.

>paper money
This confuses any sane person. Paying with paper money is like logging all your purchases to one huge database with no removes. It's retarded.

Unregistered black market gold coins is where it's at.

>Paying with anonymous paper money

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Germany is densly covered with supermarkets, you will usually have at least one in a 1km diameter. This and low food costs in general means that you'll rarely spend enought money on groceries so that paying by card is actually worth it.

And big stuff is usually bought online

>muh more features is superior
Retard, compounding features is not superior. It worked without it, therefore it is unnecessary.

Why don't you just go and buy things with money? Real money.

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What Europeans don't get about America, is that the vast majority of us are not interesting in the tech of the day. We don't intentionally seek out cool new shit, we like what we have and that's that.


How much cash do you typically carry with you? Like if you're going somewhere but don't know how much money you're going to be spending, how much do you take with you in preparation?

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Obviously not him, but i usually carry 5 or 6 20's in my wallet. And i can do that because i also concealed carry.

>I'm prepared to kill or die for 100-120 dollars

50-200 rubles (25-100$). No need to take more because food and cafes are not so expensive.
t. not him

>It's a woman with 2 shopping carts of groceries and a bag full of coupons episode

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I am a turbo-autist shut in that doesn't even have a bank account, all my money is in cash and it seems like it surprises people when I go to pay in cash in the rare times I go to the store.

I'm prepared to kill or die for 0 dollars, I'm just saying I don't have to worry about getting jacked.

>Bet they're sour anyway

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An addition, that can be useful and doesn't in any way obstruct anything is objectively an upgrade, therefore it is superior.

Speak American before we come up there and remind you who you belong to, fucking canuck.

whats the point of all these securities if anyone with your card can swipe it to pay with it

Once cash will be eradicated, there won't be even a hypothetical possibility of making a living outside of bureaucracy. Then you are going to be compeletly under control and survaillance by politicians.

You obviously don't into engineering. One more unnecessary feature is one more thing to break.

It is faster
It is better
Simple as
You can argue semantics but i think you should just take the L burgerbro


and boop
Semantics is far from the only reason you eurotards are fucked.

Literally hundreds of millions of people use it, it's not necessary, but it is very handy. Why are mutts so stuck in their ways that they can't even admit that something is simply a better solution when it clearly is?

Do you think I'm wrong?

t. 742

tf you babbling about, go roll somewhere else

Either gets shot or dies on the street after the hospital starts billing him

Stay safe burgerbro

>why are mutts so stuck in their ways
Because our ways keep you alive and free

>Paying by card is worth it

What do you mean worth it, do you have to pay to use card or something?

Nah i was agreeing with you

So you're saying if you had contactless cards then you'd stop "liberating" oil rich nations?

Parrots what liars tell him about US healthcare and gun safety

Stay wrong mussy bro

Surprisingly many banks still take a small charge for paying with their cards

>Because our ways keep you alive and free

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T writing from the safety of his classrooms' panic room.
S'allright dude
Happens in like all over the Latin america all the time

Where have you been fucko, we became a net exporter of oil.

>carrying tracking devices around with you
for me, it's solid gold bars, like in looney tunes

Even more reason to liberate, less competition.

Can't protect the free world without getting a little ruff, but i wouldn't expect a fucking pol to understand that. Don't you have an anal fisting scheduled for later today?

>at least one in a 1km diameter
Fucking pathetic, I have like 20 without 1 km only counting the two major chains.
One's visible from my windows and two are within the range of my WiFi sometimes.

And i assume you're using a VPN right now and also never use electronic currency ever and also don't own a cellphone?

He's talking about cashbacks - small amount of money that is returned to the card after a purchase, in exchange for data of what you've bought.

Careful, we might liberate our fucking neighbors first.

Start with Mexico please

>black and white
Stop being disingenuous, information security is not an on or off affair.

>implying we couldn't take you both out at the same time
And still have time left over to stop at McDonalds drive through

>the things i say only apply when i feel like they apply HON HON HON
*insert a smug face*

Do you even know what VPN abbreviation stand for? It's not a fucking proxy, it's Virtual Private Network, the technology that allows you to connect to workplace for example.

>Can't even stop talking about food in the middle of a threat

Yeah scrape that barrel, keep going you'll find something of use eventually.

posting this from my underground bunker

Funny way of spelling promise. And abundance isn't something to be ashamed of cuck, it's a badge of honor.

It's always a huge shock going to the states and having to swipe and literally sign my signature everywhere I go. That shit is way more unsafe than a quick tap but americans are fucking morons who dont understand technology.

>Being obese and food obsessed is a abdge of honour


They route your data through specialized servers and encrypt your data masking your information.
What seems to be the issue?

You're incorrect sensibilities do not change the fact that it is. Yikes all you want, you're still just a sad canuck.

Of course I wouldn't understand your definition of a free country. No sane person would. You're a nation of fat retards ruled by jews through a 2 party not-really-democracy, you have the most ridiculous healthcare system, you have 3rd world tier crime rates, dystopian violent murderous law enforcement and you terrorize the world with your millitary and CIA.
Every day I pray to Allah to rid the world of the mutt scourge.

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>visually identifiable skimmer
>as of yet not readily identifiable tap skimmer
Who the fuck doesn't understand tech again? Because i can guarantee you the criminals do.

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You're using VPN as proxy without knowing how it works nor what data you're exposing to the VPN provider. If you want privacy/anonymity use TOR.

I'm going to repeat myself
Parrots what liars tell him about US healthcare and gun safety

The irony here is that the jews are the ones telling you that stuff.

Well yeah, not like i'm really arguing for what's best privacy or looking for it too actively.
VPN was just a quick example in my original reply so if it feels better i'm sure to use proxy from this point onwards.

With tap the card literally never leaves your hand. With a tap/nfc transaction there's no personal information or banking information shared. It's a short one time window for that one transaction. I've had servers and clerks literally take my fucking card and swipe it in the states. Not only that they have a copy of my signature. If you forgot your card at an american store they could literally use it for everything and you'd never know. Meanwhile tap/nfc has a limit on max transactions per day and limit of how much you can spend in one transaction. There's more credit card fraud in america than pretty much anywhere else and there's a reason for that