Why are mexicans so mean?
Why are mexicans so mean?
>shitskins being subhumans
they were raped so hard they think they are white
Go on...
The Mexican Revolution was literally caused by Mexican men being upset because Chinese immigrants were so successful in Mexico and taking Mexican girls from them.
we aren't mean, we just lack proper education
>this whole post
also I think we and Chile are the countries with the most koreaboos in Latin America
The official term for this was "antichinismo". On Cinco De Mayo :
"On 5 May 1911 (Cinco de Mayo), a revolutionary leader, a bricklayer or stonemason named Jesús C. Flores, made a public speech in nearby Gómez Palacio, Durango, in which he claimed that the Chinese were putting Mexican women out of jobs, had monopolized the gardening and grocery businesses, were accumulating vast amounts of money to send back to China, and were "vying for the affection and companionship of local women." He concluded by demanding that all people of Chinese origin be expelled from Mexico. One witness recalled him stating "that, therefore, it was necessary... even a patriotic duty, to finish with them."
lest they not forget..
>>this whole post
Learn your own fucking history.
id hug and kiss her desu
>expecting anything else from sports fans
what is the context for this?
Why are they thanking you for?
I don’t even remember, I think they beat Germany or something
In one chilling example, you’ll read how Pancho Villa gave orders to execute 60 Chinese prisoners by throwing them down a mineshaft. Magonistas, along with many other revolutionary parties on the left and right, used antichinismo — anti-Chinese rhetoric and policy making — to popularize their own movements. But those incidents pale in comparison to the massacre that occurred in Torreón, Coahuila, during one of the first battles of the revolution. There, 303 Chinese men, women, and children were killed — some even butchered — by both civilians and soldiers, marking the bloodiest incident of anti-Chinese violence ever recorded in the Americas.
Mexico men got mad seeing this in their country and that became the 'fuel" for the Mexican Revolution / Cinco de Mayo
Is there a more powerful force on the internet than r/asianmasculinity?
Something wrong with giving facts? Pancho Villa (see) is literally one of the leading founders of the Mexican Revolution. It is like hearing George Washington was railing against blacks & calling the populace against blacks to get them 'hyped' up to fight against the British.
Asian women
what is wrong with them defending their country and women? stick that leftism and soyboism up your ass you emasculated chang
Because they are Spaniards rape babies who think they are white
>they don't know Amerindians are basically Asians.
Not really. Native Amerindians were 60% Ancestral East Asian group and 40% Ancient Northern Eurasian (ANE). ANE were the ancestors to modern Nordics and is thought to be where blonde hair originated from. Todays Mexicans, which is a mix of Caucasian and Native Amerindians, in 2019 are mostly Caucasian.
soy mexicano y estoy de acuerdo contigo
its true tho
most indians had chink eyes tho
>Native Amerindians were 60% Ancestral East Asian group
Exactly, basically asian.
Is it racist, though? Mexicans unironcally look like fat and short SEASIANS.
mexicans look more like pakis
Don't be sad Korea, half of Mexicans look like half of philipinos.
No we fuckin don't most mexicans can pass for Italians and Iberians
El deludeado señores
They probably go on about Trump being racist.
I would take 3 million Mexicans over 1 million Chinks any day.
You're both wrong. Mexicans have squinty eyes, like Asians.
pure indians have squinty eyes but most mexicans are too mixed
Why is it always from my country?
These two are really sad
These people aren't natives, they are Mexicans that I used to go to class with. They spoke Spanish, their last names were Peleaz and Salvvaderas, and the one on the left is walking a stereotype; dad in prison for rape, sells and does drugs, and likes cars.
they are mostly native
Why are Asians flipping out about this gesture so much lately?
south cuckreans are very insecure about not being white and havimg small eyes
fire bants
their civilization performed hundreds of thousands of human sacrafices every year just a few hundred years ago
meximutts arent indians
>and likes cars.
Steals cars FTFY.
Because they want a bigger dick in their life, but they don't want to be a single mother. So they settle for the balanced best in whites. Sorry dude, maybe you need to stop working and pay attention to women.
yes we are.
Indians weren't the ones who did that, aztecs are. Indians hated them because Aztecs would sacrifice anybody who wasn't "of the sun" (Aztec) which is why they were such a pushover when the old world showed up
Kill yourself, stop false flagging
BASED and heart warming ...and dick stiffening .
Asians just know.
They really are the best desu
aztecs are a type of indian
how south do you have to go for them to stop being indians?
wtf I hate mexico now
all native americans are amerindians
i feel bad that asian women like white men so much
i know white women who like black men are a very small minority but if it was as big of a thing as asian women who like white men id be very depressed about being white
im sorry asia bros
it was needed
they were sickening our people
She is a girl, she can't do much.
ANE were not blonde that was EHG who where ANE mixed with some WHG's.
id really hate to be a chink
what's mean about that? it's funny. don't be an american retard.
latinas love southeast asian men though
literally doing chinese eyes isnt insulting you sensitive faggot.
Be proud of your eye shape mexicans were doing the asian eye gesture as a symbol of solidarity and admiration for koreans
absolute delusion, most mexicans look like natives only the upper class 10-20% look southern european
the other guy is a retard and so are you, that pic on bottom is a family almost fully of amerindian genes
Most mexicans are mestizos unlike the family below, most of us have somwhat of 30-45% Iberian DNA
the mexican chicano in this pic is over 50% european
completely possible that family is 40-50 percent european too
it's fucking retarded that you take chicanos to provide your point, as your image states, any person living in the US is a huge mutt
Yeah that's the iron knee, the 'only when it affects us' mentality.
Hispanics are the original mutts
Hernandez... mi amigo, absolutely no
Prietos de mierda
Those are indios, 7% of our population. Most Mexicans (i.e. 70% of us) are mestizo/harnizo. We look like pic related.
That is like aging I prefer infections of rats to cockroaches. Cockroaches are greater in number, but easier to clean. Just sweep directly into pan, then garbage. Simple.
>Just sweep directly into pan
Kek. You can't make this shit up.
>make slant-eyes
>dicklet chink loses his shit
Wolks like a wondel. HAHAHAHA get fucked.
he literally took a dna test you retarded proto chicano
those people dont look full native either
That guy is Dominican, not Mexican
Also because Porfirio was making Mexico first world but poor mexicans wanted to stay poor.
Only an American cuck think that such a complex Revolution would have this stupid motives, to understand it you would have to read at least 2 books:
La sucesión presidencial.
Los grandes problemas nacionales.
you're seriously more retarded than I thought
I've seen that video before. He's not Mexican
the dude you're replying to is braindead and yeah you're right, he's not even Mexican lmao
This is be soooo predictable like, wow. Chinkroach immigrants infest the said country, enrage the native people, and get purged by them. At the end, the reputation of asians they ruinned affects every asian nationals. It’s almost like the entire history of racism against Asians around the world can be traced back to a single nationality.
We korean immigrants are different. Our folks have a decent reputation in Russia and Central asia. Why is that? Because while successful enough to rise from the bottom to the top, our folks care about coexistence with the natives unlike chinks. Really wish someday these dumb foreigners would stop lumping us with subhumans who happen to be of the same color and understand there are two subraces of Asians: chinese and non-chinese.
Pancho Villa hated any foreigner. He undressed them, humiliated them and shot them.