Do you love Israel?

Do you love Israel?

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No, but I would fuck some jewesess, ashkenazi women are fucking hot.
Also, Israel is one of the few decent nations in ME, they should give them all Palestine so they can civilize the place.

They're finna stomp Hamas piggus !


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No but Ben Shapiro's sister's tits are 10/10

I legally cannot hate Israel in my state.

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would love to do an exchange semester there, their girls are p cute

I'm half Palestinian so yeah on paper but none of us in my family really gives a shit about. My grand parents used to joke that they got on the first boat that dropped off the Jews to get away from the Muslims.


I do but wouldn't cut my foreskin for them.

Yes but ever since an Israeli tourist asked me what my grandfathers did during ww2 and got really angry when I didn't tell him I'm not sure Israel would love me back.

Are you christian?

What did he do during ww2?

inb4 fell from a watch tower

No, fuck em

Yes i do

טופ קק

Yes but unironically

That's literally the only joke that we have and you just destroyed it for us. Why are you so evil.

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yes, moving there in 2 months with my GF and have no plans to return.

He worked in an airplane factory and after the place got bombed they conscripted him into the SS.

Didn't you have to be an actual Nazi true believer to get into the SS?

Get new ones. Here is a classical Israeli one:

Two children are fighting in Auschwitz. One of them starts taking dirt from the ground and throwing it at the other kid. The other kid gets angry and yells at him "Hey! Stop bringing parents into this!"

Israel is a good example for small nations.

This. Suck enough western (specifically American) cock and we will give you everything so long as you are in a strategically valuable location.

Before the war, yes. But around 1943/1944 they started conscripting more or less everyone who was able-bodied. Look at how their numbers grew by the 100.000s in 1944.

Oh, I didn't know that! If you said that he was forced into the SS people might be more forgiving.
It's not like he was stationed in Auschwitz or hunting Jewish partisans, r-right?

not even a sionist but what in the fuck make exemplary patient germans/austrians support such ruthless africans tier bloodbath against jews?

>people might be more forgiving
What is there to forgive?

holy shit I actually loled
Your sense of humor is amazing. Got more?

America is not the master of Israel though. Israel has a lot of control over US politics due to Jewish influence over the US.

For such things they had special units composed of fanatical nazis.

He got a rifle, the instruction which end to point towards the russian and then a train seat to the east.

sounds like an interesting story

What's the difference between Jews and Santa? Santa goes down the chimney

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Jews or you just like the country ?

Russians here might be butthurt about it, but it could be much worse.

Unfortunately, the greatest holocaust joke of all time is a word play which I can't really find a good way to convey in English, so you'll have to settle for this:

>Where in the world is the highest concentration of Jews?
>The atmosphere

no, the occupation of palestine is pretty fucking disgusting, especially given the fact that they will regularly shoot unarmed CHILDREN on their ways to school

hang on
uh muh kikes and sandniggers

t. paki

Thanks guys appreciate it

OK, I'll try to give a literal explanation.

The preface to the joke is that in Hebrew, the the diminutive suffix is -on (as in, adding it to a noun makes it smaller)

>What do you call a small child (yeled)? Yaldon
>What do you call a small book (sefer)? Sifron
>What do you call a small grandfather (saba)? Sabon

The joke is that Sabon means "soap", not "small grandfather"

I didn't knew jews made holocaust jokes, they're pretty good

I don't. What's there to love? It's a desert shithole.

Is it true btw Israel made nazi themed porn in the 60s? I've read about this but never found out whether this is actually true.

Stop trying to explain Hebrew jokes you're ruining them

yes and italian did as well

I only heard about it on Jow Forums

I don't think could move there without being Jewish

No, but most Israelis are alright.

Its surprsingly hot for 60 year old porn.


Rape time

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I like the fact they are an ethnostate and take care of their own but I hate the fact they control our foreign policy.