Could someone please translate this manga page for me?
Thank you
Could someone please translate this manga page for me?
Thank you
shidddd :DDD they bouta make me stickie in her bickie
Haha benis in bagina xDDDD
I wish that were me
ching chong nip nong
It's not even in Japanese
What language is it?
"Anime is faggotry"
"It sure is"
wait i already read this
communist chinese it looks like
I'm pretty sure there's already a translated version of this.
I'm looking for an english translation.
>Do you think Shitaly is white?
>What a nonsense, surely not.
>thank you but please take away your underwear to get completely naked
>[boy on right] why us... this thing...!?
>[girl on left] uuh... in front of everyone... what's more... in front of yuukun... this thing...
>too embarassing
pretty much this
thank me later
Watashi-tachi no seikoui tokubetsu jisshu
>oh fug lugs lige you 2 missed benis inspection day :DDDDDDD
>well the retage is in frond of the whole class :DDDDDD
It's Chinese in traditional characters.
Announcer: We really thank you, now please take off your underwear and get completely naked.
Boy: Why do into these kinds of things?
Girl: Oh...I'm in front of everyone...but...also in front of Ayou (the boy's name?)...this....
Fourth Panel: Is really too embarrassing.
t. John Zhang
Why didn't you thank me you potato nigger I also translated it and earlier.
Fuck you I hope you have another famine.
>thanks the chink who translated the translated version
>doesn't thank the paellafag who translated the original
What a whore.
Does this happen in Japanese sex ed class?