Are Asian women hands down the best women overall in 2019...

Are Asian women hands down the best women overall in 2019 ? Seems like they have other women women (especially white women) beat in almost all regards. Loyalty, can cook, gorgeous af, healthy weight, age slower, looks after you no matter what, family orientated, love you long time & morally sound.

Jow Forums what are saying then?

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dude wtf are you saying? they are not loyal, they cant cook, most are ugly af, and terrible to their families and their kids whenn they have them. youre delusional


t. roastie

Only the chinese and south east asian girls. Koreans and japanese are fake as hell.

get out incel freak

I agree with you but
>can't cook
isn't one of them. Most of us can cook pretty good. Can't say the same for Anglo women.


Yes they are, they are the best most Beautiful girls :)
I dont belive you desu

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They are obviously the best, but that doesn't justify race mixing. It makes it understandable though.


>posessing learned skills like cooking and maintaining healthy weight is race related

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Really don't want to (You) an american flag, but this is correct

pls be my gf(wife)

>Are Asian women hands down the best women overall in 2019 ?

Yes pedos like them because they can enjoy their childish body without getting into trouble.

Kinda like when Muslims arrange to marry little girls then, right Hassan?


>tfw had a qt nip gf but she left me for Chad
>tfw it happened 8 years ago
>since then I went back to being an incel
I agree that asian women are cute and all, but it's still 3DPD.

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that's what the data's saying pal.

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Not a muslim m8

It isnt race,its culture. It just so happens race coincides with culture. There are outliers sure but it is few and far between.

Go actually spend your life around Asians and see how wrong this is

I'm spending my life with one, things have never been better. Spend a decent amount of time with Asians too, they seem pretty chill, they cook tons of food for you, always never let you pay if you go out together (even if you try to pay) & like it if you know their language & history. What's so bad about them?

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>family orientared

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>they are not loyal
>they cant cook
me neither
>most are ugly af
a passable 6-7 ultra submissive white dick addict makes up for this
>terrible to their families
only while rebelling by riding white dick
>their kids whenn they have them
citation needed

This line of thinking of thinking is what I dislike.

You alt-right nazifags espouse 1488 while openly chasing after asian women. All stormfags know waitu piggu are endangered but are too selfish to drop their personal hunt for gook gf

My sorry chink ass just wants proper chink gf for once

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asian girls are just discount latinas in personality, cooking, sexiness and loyalty. but they age pretty nice i guess. but who cares about fucking after age 48 anyway

>discount latinas
they're like latinas on the easiest difficulty

For those of you who have experience, how materialistic are Korean girls?

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Latina's are nice but they're usually crazy & have some violent family member that'll kill you or some shit if you do anything slightly wrong to her (Or if she lies that you did). I will give you they can cook, sexiness and are generally loyal (kind of not though desu since they make up a large amount of thots in western nations when they've immigrated).

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Jow Forums is just in denial about the white race savior shit. A globalized work already means it generally won't last. The best whites can hope for are merging with Asians to create a eurasian master race

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fuck lol

wait till you go to china and watch a man shit on the street in 2019

We all wanna be Asian, they are the real master race, that's why we are obsessed to mix with them.
Too bad mixed white-East Asian want to be considered East Asian and are racist against the Barbie Boys =(

Sauce? I assume that's American data... Asian, Asian is probably too low since it includes older generations that immigrated. Will probably go up if you only look at younger couples.

Dude, you can't be too harsh on the Chinese they're living under a dictatorship which had a cultural revolution which wiped out a lot of decency and had commie shit stuffed down their necks. It's gonna take a lot of work for classic Chinese culture and a better modern Chinese culture to come about. You gotta remember it took ages for Europe to get to civilized god tier before we helped the whole world catch up. Besides if you see the streets of Paris and other migrant infested shitholes you'd choose China in a heartbeat.

You're just projecting whatever you think onto my statement. It's not true.

>creating hapas is a good thing
No, it's not, user.

Only person itt with actual experience with Asians. Probably an Asian himself. Notice Asian men never praise Asian women.

It is American data, but I think it reflects the situation in pretty much most Anglo western nations desu. I've never know divorces to happen much if ever in Asian to Asian couples, same for white men to asian women & I assume the opposite couple too. White to white on the other hand....well lets not go there.

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They do have one flaw: they lack big boobs and thickness most of the time

>The best whites can hope for are merging with Asians to create a eurasian master race

this we need more based eurasians like kalergi and r/hapas

That's not true. At least for Japan.

Idk man, I prefer my own women. Never been into Asians (or foreign women in general).

It may not be related to race but it's certainly related to genes, like intelligence.

Is that even a thing Brazilians can do, preferring their own? Isn't everyone already mixed up in Brazil anyway? I assumed they would be least assed about race.

You can't deny that they've made the internet a more interesting place. That's about the only positive that can be said for hapas though.

They're getting bigger and bigger boobs slowly, but it's still not up to perfect standards. Plus they're not thick. And you're ignoring the other asian countries.

This doesn't include you, Julito

>All that shit
Maybe if you date someone from the lower classes...

>Is that even a thing Brazilians can do, preferring their own?
Yep, even Brazilian-Americans tend to stick to their own, and when they mix it's mostly with other Latin Americans, so not really beyond racial boundaries.

>Isn't everyone already mixed up in Brazil anyway?
Much like everyone else in the world? You're mixed too, but overtime your respective populations segregated and became their own thing, eventually having a migrant or two from foreign populations (mostly traveling merchants and mercenaries), which wasn't a bad thing (I'm talking about ancient miscegenation and migratory behavior, not the modern bullshit).

Some regions in Brazil are so genetically homogeneous everyone looks the same.

>I assumed they would be least assed about race.
Any normal person is. I think most people just have a genetic predisposition to prefer people who resemble their parents. Not everyone, but most of us.

If you're a person from a fairly recent New World population like Brazilians you're more likely to prefer the typical Brazilian/Colombian/Venezuelan phenotype (about 70% Iberian, 20% sub-Saharan African, 10% indigenous). If you're English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh you're still mixed to a degree but you belong to an ancient Old World population, you too have a genetic predisposition to be attracted to people who resemble your parents, or the average in your country.

I don't know about actual mixed-race people, as in someone who doesn't fit in anywhere whose parents look completely different to each other. I'm categorized as a mixed-race person but I certainly don't feel like one. My parents look like cousins, my neighbors look like we're cousins, the mayor looks like my uncle. I'm just used to this phenotype and I'm almost 100% attracted to women with this particular phenotype, never been into European women or Asian women, but I rarely ever see one anyway.

Dunno dude, I'm with a qt HKer waifu that's earning more than me & is well off in HK which puts her way above lower classes & even higher in mainland standings. She ticks all of those boxes so I can't complain.

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it is my only option living in a cucked city. hard to tolerate loudmouth masculine roasties after dating simple asian girls

Ahh thanks for clearing that up man. Not to drag politics into this but has Jair started to clean Brazil up yet? Since I haven't heard or seen him do anything major. Which I need to know since I won't ever come to Brazil as long as people on scooters are robbing people by gunpoint and little favela kids are snatching shit in broad daylight.

Also you mentioned never really seeing Asians in Brazil? Don't you guys have the largest population of Japanese outside of brazil? Go get yourself a waifu dude. Also is there many other Asian in Brazil like Chinese or SEA types? And are they usually victims of crime in Brazil?

I'm Asian and prefer Asian women over pretty much anything else, but I think most of you guys are a little deluded in terms of how much you think they fit these ideals. Japanese people, both men and women, have pretty high rates of infidelity. Not going to say if it's worse or better than other groups, but it's pretty high. Most of the types of Asian girls you guys are interested in (pretty Instagram cute types and not the uggos) are very concientious about status and are materialistic. But yeah, I think they're prettier, age better until menopause, and don't usually let themselves go and get overweight and obese like other women.

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please uplolad more thicc asian qts in tight jeans

Haven't got anymore on hand I'm afraid dude :(

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>asian boss
ah yes I too get my opinions from street interviews


Russian women are.

I want to marry a Russian woman because they go to Orthodox Church every weekend, they cook everyday, they're feminine and stay chaste till marriage unlike disgusting Western women who only want bad boys and have more than 50 sexual partners before marriage.

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literally buzzfeed tier

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>Not to drag politics into this but has Jair started to clean Brazil up yet?
To be very honest with you, I don't know, and I don't really care because it doesn't affect me much. Nothing has changed where I live for as long as I can remember, aside from a few more houses, businesses and cars. I care about guns though, I want to be allowed to open carry and I would love to see everyone in town carrying a gun. If only my kinsmen could understand the importance of firearms. We could do that right now without caring about the laws they impose on us. Kids go around driving motorcycles and trucks because we know we are free to make that decision without government approval and even the local police knows that, I just wish they had the same mentality for firearms.

>people on scooters are robbing people by gunpoint and little favela kids are snatching shit in broad daylight.
That's not most of Brazil. I guess you're talking about the big cities like Rio? I live in a quiet countryside town in Mato Grosso do Sul, I work with my parents, we own a small machining factory where we manufacture farming tools and retrofit tractor parts. No shopping malls or busy highways, and no crime. However I have to admit the only reason I didn't bore myself to death here is because I love studying about other cultures and languages on the internet, that keeps my mind busy from all this monotony.

>Also you mentioned never really seeing Asians in Brazil?
I've seen a few once but that was quite a while ago, almost a decade ago I think? But they were probably from a neighbor state, judging by their accent. I've never been outside of my state and I rarely leave my hometown.

>Don't you guys have the largest population of Japanese outside of brazil?
They're almost entirely in São Paulo and Curitiba.

>Also is there many other Asian in Brazil like Chinese or SEA types?
I have no idea. Maybe in São Paulo.

>And are they usually victims of crime in Brazil?
Statistics say not at all.

Fucking hell Chile and Iceland whats going on there??


Not adjusted by availability of abortions

who compares WOMEN of countries, there are a lot different ones, so stfu already
also you fucking normies, stop thinking only in whamen whamen and whamen, grow up bitches

all i can say is have sex

>Go get yourself a waifu dude.
I ran out of characters on my previous post to answer this.

Look, my parents thought me to marry someone I love and who could provide me something beyond physical pleasure, someone who could provide me spiritual comfort and companionship, share life experiences, learn from and with. I'm only 22 and I don't think I'm ready to start a family yet, there's too much to learn and I want to take my time before I make this decision that will determine my future and the future of my family.

Whether she's a local, an Asian woman, an European woman, it doesn't matter to me as long as she's capable of providing me the things I mentioned, as I would provide for her. I find it very unlikely that I will one day marry a foreign woman because I believe we would be too different. I'm not very physically attracted to foreign women, I'm not saying I'm not, but I'm fully aware that I'm not nearly as physically attracted to foreign women as I am to our local women, and when I do feel very attracted to a foreign woman she's always from Latin America.

That being said, if I'm not nearly as physically attracted to them as I am to our local women, that alone would be a -1 in our relationship. Different cultures, different family values, different behavior that is controlled by genes (Asians are genetically prone to being obedient, and I hate obedient people), my children would look foreign and they wouldn't resemble their parents, it's all just too bizarre for me.

I'm okay of interracial couples, however, personally, I'm not into that myself.

Fair dues man. But if you're a white Brazilian you'd get it good with Asians man. I know a white Brazilian dude who's ugly as fuck but he's over in china now dating a girl out of his league. There's still time for you man. But if you don't then that's cool too, whatever makes you happy at the end of the day.

Brie Larson > Asian women

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>terrible actor
>directed terrible movie
Yeah no, I'll stick with asians thank you

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shut the fuck up fucking muttard

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you aren't white

Nice man jaw LMAO

LOL keep sniffing Unicorn coke tard while willingly having Larson castrating you. Neck yourself.

I don't consider myself white, just an olive-skinned pardo like most people here. All I can say is only time will tell. I've always been interested in Asian cultures, especially ancient Chinese culture. The problem is, even if she's beautiful, healthy, intelligent, spiritual and has much to teach me about her history and culture, what about my children? Would my children grow up comfortable looking foreign? Would we be comfortable with our children looking different from both of us? Could that affect them negatively and make them unhappy? Those are questions I still have no answer for, a risk too great to be worth it.

Are you a native British Islander?

also incel

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You're probably autistic so I'll let this slide.

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I'm a native Bong with a HK waifu dude. I've had both white and Asian girls and Asians are 100% better hands down.
>Would my children grow up comfortable looking foreign?
I mean like I said in Brazil especially with many mixed race people is that really gonna be an issue for you?
>Would we be comfortable with our children looking different from both of us
I mean eurasians are literally god tier dude, best of both worlds. Asian IQ, white innovate nature, healthy balance of individual & collectivist thinking, if girl bigger boobs and ass than average asian, if boy bigger dick than their asian counterpart (gives them attention from both white and asian girls to carry your name on). They'll look like whites with slight Asian eyes.
>Could that affect them negatively and make them unhappy?
Just make sure you bring up your son to not be a shut in incel so he won't turn into Elliot Rodgers. Make sure he's socially great. If its a girl she'll be fine, probs get guys no problem. Also don't stress their race too much to them, their identify is eurasian so don't let them stress too much on if they're white or asian, they're the best of both. But more importantly just let them be culturally Brazilian, that's their main identity all race aside right. Hope that helps.

Misleading data. Loyalty and divorce rate are 2 different things, but that guy is trying to make believe they're the same.
Divorce is a huge taboo in Asian societies, and divorcees are extremely shunned. This data just mean Asian couples prefer not divorcing even when living with a shitty and unloyal partner than having to handle the social shame and the family pressure.
All the weeb who're all about >muh submissive obedient faithful traditionnal Asian woman are utterly delusionned.

Come on Pierre, don't be like that. Sure things aren't literally 10/10 perfect every second but they are definitely the best option for men, especially white men.

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based amerimutt, yellowfever fags should die

incel freak

Don't you have to go kill yourself in the woods or something? Or is that after you've helped house a migrant Somali family or two?

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>I've had both white and Asian girls and Asians are 100% better hands down.
Are you from a big city?

>I mean like I said in Brazil especially with many mixed race people is that really gonna be an issue for you?
As I said, despite Brazilians being, technically, overwhelmingly mixed-race, we are still genetically homogeneous within our respective regions and genetic makeups, mainly outside of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and the major capitals. That's like saying all British people are the same so why care about each individual culture within Britain, and we know that's not true, you have many distinct cultures in the UK and a ridiculous amount of dialects, and that distinction is important when we're talking about race and identity.

>They'll look like whites with slight Asian eyes.
All those traits you mentioned are almost entirely random, you never know the outcome because your children may inherit one gene set from one parent, another gene set from another parent, or overlapping gene sets such as skin color, hair color and epicanthic fold development. Your children may or may not inherit those desirable traits, they could be either astonishingly beautiful and intelligent or grotesquely ugly and stupid. However, if you married a woman from within your ethnic group they're much more likely to inherit the common traits found in your local population, which I hope are desirable.

My local population has desirable traits for me. We're healthy, very social, disobedient and family-oriented, and I want those traits to continue to exist in my descendants. If I marry a foreign woman I would be risking annihilating those traits for something worse.

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>Make sure he's socially great.
Makes sense. I don't think they would be mocked by their appearance where I live, as Mongoloid features, albeit uncommon, are not rare here, but them looking visibly foreign could cripple their ability to bond with the local population. Do you believe your children will be able to bond with their fellow countrymen? Don't you think the fact that they look different could make them feel out of place, not belonging anywhere? Not wanting to partake in local cultural celebrations, politics, etc.

>But more importantly just let them be culturally Brazilian, that's their main identity all race aside right.
Regarding cultural identity I'm more pro-humanity than pro-nation. There's too much to learn from other cultures and I don't want to limit myself to territorial boundaries determined by some bureaucrats and their dogs in the military. I have learned so many things from European philosophy, Chinese philosophy, Japanese, Jewish, Iranic, Arabic, Indian, Mongolian philosophy. I wish to teach that all to my children as part of our shared human wisdom and I don't want them to develop any national identity whatsoever, however, I do want them to be aware of who they are, where they came from and where they belong. There will always be a place for them in the world with people they can relate to, and that's our hometown. I don't think a mixed-race person would be comfortable anywhere because they wouldn't be able to develop a strong ethnic bond with any population.

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I'm with this guy. Only fugly weeb losers who can't get a decent western girl go after these gooks.
t. Lived in Hong Kong for a year, have had my share of yellow

This being said. I would kill for a 1/4 happa like pic related

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there like maximums 5 points IQ difference between whites and Northeast Asians. At best it would make an average 2.5 points bonus on your children's IQ, which is insignificant. I agree that Asian make better partners though, likely for biological reasons. The question is just whether or not the perennity of the white race matters.

What he said is true. Divorcees are shunned by society. There are many married couples in Asian countries who have a terrible arranged marriage life but refuse to divorce due to social ostracism.

>Yes pedos like them because they can enjoy their childish body without getting into trouble.

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Kill yourself please fucking retarded, she's a perfect Goddess

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based bolita BTFOing the yellowfever incels

she's a perfect Goddess, and you're a fucking retarded

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Thanks chilebro, those weeb mutts needs a fucking punch in his faces

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You could literally say this about Africa, the Middle East, Latin America.