Please spread your superior gaijin seed to our women
Please spread your superior gaijin seed to our women
gib ASMR PPOMO pls
*live streams a looping montage video 24/7 to shit up your feed*
My superior Turkish seed is only reserved for Jap women.
I want a tall and thick korean gf
What is tall by Puerto Rico standards? 5'3"?
have you forgotten that chinks are small as well?
Ugly insects
I don't live in Jow Forumss imaginary version of Canada, we're less Chinese than you are Colombian.
I'll think about it.
How come Koreans don't have a word for gaijin?
I wouldn't recommend it, Koreans have no bobs and their vagene is sideways.
Koreas get indians and blacks
>vagene is sideways.
What do you mean sideways?
hate* why would I type get sike
>tfw gonna fug a big titty Korean soon
And I never said I love them.
Because they love the white man & everything he's created in this world too much. They literally would do anything to be honorary whites.
who is the one on the left? and how did she become a kpop singer? she's kind of ugly.
Well, who doesn't?
Is it important more important to be a good singer or just pretty looking in Korea?
Ungrateful minorities in America and deluded white liberals*
looking pretty and acting cute i'd say. you can always digitally fix voices.
Are you really rich? Be honest please.
Also, I love your country, I visited in 2017, loved it so much. How do I live there?
Please let me bury my face in that
>just talked with my Korean qt on the phone for the first time last night
Had to sneak it in there that I'm 6'3, she was very happy to hear it
Show us a pic of her bro
Get us jealous
Let me see your big titty girl first
Ironically all Canadian tourists I served when I worked at a bar in San Juan were shorter than me. Are you sure you guys are white?
Ah yes the classic "Well I know like everyone and they were worse!" retort. Definitely believable, funny how everyone on Jow Forums seems to work at a hotel, vacation resort, airport, etc.
How about a waifu qt album cover instead?
This board doubles for a hospitality jobs board
Good album
hmmm Koreans...
>you're lying, Canada's average height is like 6'2" and those people you talked to were all a product of your imagination
We have, it's wae-gook-in
i'm latino, i'm not superior, at least i'm white hehexd
personally no. family mildly. rent here is expensive, 2500€ for a very small 1bed.
Nice to the west is a good option. Close enough that you can visit here often but still kinda expensive.
She's voted by women, no man wanted her
Sakura pulled strings to get her in
c'est rare de voir des mnégasques ici, ça roule ?
canadian men are, on average 5'8.5" or about 174cm, and women are 5'3.4" or 161cm. I'm actually surprised how big the gap between men and women is, I thought they'd be at least 5'6".
That said, tourists aren't usually the übermensch of the country, if you know what I mean
what? she is more beautiful than the one on the right
how do i talk to korean girls? i am 6'1 tall nose fit build blonde hair green eyes good fashion sense. do i even have a shot?
dont go for basic korean qts. aim for the loose cannon.
fill your wardrobe with All Saints, sprinkle a little Hollister and Boy London. Buy some decent trainers and boots (All Saints boots) and you'll dress even better. Trust me Asian women will like you more fashion wise if you wear those brands.
>canadian men are, on average 5'8.5" or about 174cm, and women are 5'3.4" or 161cm
Pretty close to PR, most statistics put the men at 172cm and women at 162cm on average. I doubt it's this low on 2019, most guys I know are around 5'9" - 6'0".
Caribbean hispanics are different from other Latin people in the fact that the indigenous DNA which is what makes people short among us is almost not present (the people that have it contain no more than 10% on average) due to the taínos getting wiped out way faster than all the all other tribes in the Americas during conquista.
>tourists aren't usually the übermensch of the country
that's why it's a good way to get an idea, they're mostly average people
>everyone calls Koreans gooks
>Koreans call everyone else gooks
Everyone is gook except Japanese
Well yeah, one of the possible origins for the word "gook" was Koreans referencing to Americans as "Mi-gook", phonetically "Me gook". Do the math.
>>big hooked nose
>>round face
well it's okay, Brazilians have different taste.
Fuck no. If a k*Reoid "woman" ever got within 5 metres of me, I would pick that fucker up and suplex them into the ground until their head is a pulp
just realized that your red part in your flag is bigger than me
You're not just going to take that sitting down, right?
Where can I find porn stars that look like these k-pop chicks
>non japanese asians
sorry not happening
Kinda hard given porn is illegal there so you won't see as much as you would normally
damn shame
>americans are Mi-Go
Based Korea.
so how do i get a cute white blonde gf?
What about me?
Isn't Japan swarming with western women that can't get dates.
they're busy screaming how racist and xenophobic it is japs don't date them and I don't want to bother them.
start wanting to bother them
you're a hoe
Really? Fuck why is it always the most pathetic white people that end up living in Japan as "teachers teaching English" usually trying to teach English to a country that has no interest in it.