Wtf is wrong with incels?

wtf is wrong with incels?

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wtf I love reddit now

Isn't the AoC in Saudi Arabia 8?

>this subject
>that post
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I don’t know, I don’t think the congressional representitive for New York should be an 8 year old

literally just a normal day on reddit

i see nothing wrong there

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I think Ivanka Trump is hotter than AOC

seriously tho when I was a teen not this many teenage girls went around with leggings
i was born too early

Why does he want to see Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turned into a loli?

uhh Chads are the ones taking their virginity


AAAAAA, I wish I were a chad so much

It's so easy for them, a single one in any given classroom could pop 7-8 cherries.

when I grow up i wanna be a Chad

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I'm not reading anything wrong aside from maybe advocating for ANY aoc.

>a single one in any given classroom could pop 7-8 cherries

Once he fucks one all the girls chit-chat between each other sharing details. Whenever he walks near them they do that awkward laughter because they feel intimidated

At that point it's a snowball effect, every girl wants to try him

So you guys aren't actually virgins right? Like we're all over 18. You've all had sex yeah?

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Your mom helped me on the losing virginity department, user.

My moms dead user.

I'm waiting for the perfect boipuss


im a 27 years old virgin

>AoC gets lowered to 8
>now can get rejected by eight-year olds too

That's what incels would like you to believe.

Are you an incel? And by that I mean do you build your entire identity around that and agonize every waking moment over your inability to have sex, ultimately leading to a hatred of women and men who have sex?

>do you build your entire identity around that and agonize every waking moment over your inability to have sex
>ultimately leading to a hatred of women and men who have sex?
no, i only hate myself

Left can't meme

im a 21 year old kissless handholdless hugless virgin unironically
even being 6'4 like the memes doesnt help me

i fucking hate how pedos try to act that their sexual tendencies toward fucking children is "normal".

day of the rope for pedos when?

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yea because sure the left loves strong family value and masculine responsibility as opposed to degenerate roastie bullshit

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You won't be able to form a meaningful relationship of any kind until you learn to love yourself user.

you should've just stay quiet lol

You're right, next time I'll just tell you to have sex.

didn't happen in mine, almost no interschool couples and the ones that didn't score
