Why Thai people portray themselves as white skin?

While the majority of them are swarthy people, this thai manga draw themselves like northeast asian. Is it inferiority?

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They want to look cute, i suppose. We all have our insecurities

Pale skin has been seen as more attractive since time immemorial. Look at anime and tell me you people are any different.

I've noticed SE Asians want to be East Asian just like Latin Americans want to be European.

What do East Asians and Europeans want to be?

atleast some latams look sort of white

monkey face seasians look nothing like yamato übermensch

I personally want to be a western/northern European

since when do Northeast Asians have blue eyes. they're drawing themselves as white, just like you guys do

>coping mentally ill mongrels that want to be regarded on the same position as their conqueror side is the same with people that merely want a skin tone that accidentally similar with people that doesn't even have nothing to do with them

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Gonna ruin your fast, brownoid

Japanese are pretty swarthy too, same as turks and portuguese

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Improved version.

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i want to be a better man



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them, japs, koreans, Indians even Chinese are pretty much western slave races


this is true

Do you find it offensive?

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