Right on schedule.

This raises the total number of Indian aircraft carriers to three.

Attached: SmartSelectImage_2019-05-06-05-48-25.png (1421x2334, 1.13M)

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I'd like to apologise for any jokes about India or Indians I've ever made, please be nice to me and my country when you're a superpower.

proof that India still has a thing for great britain

ladies and gentleman

ive give you

Thailand's sole aircraft carrier

Attached: Thailand's only aircraft carrier deployed to participate in active Thai navy exercises 1.jpg (950x635, 209K)

Is that a ramp?

it's a glorified sex yacht for their meth addicted king

Based ally.

Attached: Chakri_Naruebet-Kitty_Hawk_size.jpg (2234x1488, 543K)

That is actually not a bad idea to be honest. I can imagine aircraft carriers can be useful for all kinds of work not just for the military.


You will have one more carrier than China. Together we will defeat them :D

Lol We don't need your help, fuck off.

we dont reinvent the wheel
its called efficiency

Attached: 1278733163563.jpg (221x232, 15K)

They shot down a couple of jets, so?
Do you not know that they have lost every war they've fought against us?

Except the last one.

That's not a War you dumbfuck.

Because you lost? It's okay, no need to be embarrassed. It happens.

Thats cute

Attached: 1557033209521.png (545x676, 351K)

absolutely based

get rid of the chinks and send me a desi gf

You need to learn the different between border skirmishes and War you brainlet retard.

You sure need British technology and designs.

Loog ad me, I'm de Aryan now.

And we sure as hell don't need the help of fucking Thailand to defeat China

>britain is thailand

So it's because you lost.

You need our help to teach you how to use toilets.

Attached: inji.jpg (1896x2024, 526K)

Border skirmishes have been going on for decades now. There is no decisive victory or failure in this.

They don't have sea-aircraft,probably only have f-16s which need a ramp

No thanks

Attached: 1557091256903.jpg (975x975, 170K)

See, first you sit, then you do your business, then you wipe, and then you flush. If you have a more modern toilet, it will even rinse for you.

I know your scientists are working day and night to figure it out but it's quite simple if you think about it.

Attached: dGgB3VvY.jpg (1000x1000, 62K)

>Actually wrote all that down for a lame attempt at insult.
Fucking cringe. Try harder next time.

Pakistan and China vs India.I feel bad for indians desu

Lol we've been fighting both of them for decades now (and constantly BTFO'ing pakis) We can manage them.

kek u mad

Attached: india.jpg (1629x1682, 696K)

As long as you keep your muslim population in check then you won't have problems.


Sasuga, India-kun.

Attached: Gloriana_Dream_end.jpg (1366x768, 119K)

India doesn't have f-16s though. We chose the Rafale.

Why not pay for a bigger one?

They don't have the technology for that

Nice larp

Attached: A808F098-ABAB-4034-84FD-D6C41FE554D0.gif (413x243, 51K)

How is it a LARP, Ahmed? Please explain.

The cost of maintaining an aircraft carrier is not worth it otherwise a good half of first world countries and even militarized third world shitholes would own one.

We won. Pakistan got scared