>I'm a liberal!
>I'm a conservative!
I'm a liberal!
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm an anarcho-monarchist
engage coitus
after matrimony
>pick a side ?
>no bro i'm an independent
haha, yes!
>I’m a social democrat that believes China should be wiped from the face of the planet
why should my position on abortion be correlated with what I believe about the war in iraq
>I don't like politics but I'm still racist and hold right wing values
Because you’re never going to get exactly what you want in politics unless you run for something yourself. Accepting that and not getting bootyblasted because candidate A doesn’t approve of measure #1302 is the first step to adulthood.
>I am a Minarchist who's end goal is to create a Night-watchman state
>not a Jeffersonian night watchman state
It maybe you should allow more than two parties
That's inherent user, no need to mention it, just look at the flag.
Better than one party.
I'm an unironic nazbol
At least we get a choice. You get Putin
Didnt expect such a based answer so quickly.
>Why yes I'm a nihilist communist how could you tell?
Wow, good one
>Why yes, I've voted Donal Duck for the last 10 years