I'm a liberal!

>I'm a liberal!
>I'm a conservative!

Attached: nkl.jpg (300x300, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm an anarcho-monarchist

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

engage coitus

after matrimony

>pick a side ?
>no bro i'm an independent

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haha, yes!

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>I’m a social democrat that believes China should be wiped from the face of the planet

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why should my position on abortion be correlated with what I believe about the war in iraq

>I don't like politics but I'm still racist and hold right wing values

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Because you’re never going to get exactly what you want in politics unless you run for something yourself. Accepting that and not getting bootyblasted because candidate A doesn’t approve of measure #1302 is the first step to adulthood.

>I am a Minarchist who's end goal is to create a Night-watchman state

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>not a Jeffersonian night watchman state

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It maybe you should allow more than two parties


That's inherent user, no need to mention it, just look at the flag.

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Better than one party.

I'm an unironic nazbol

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At least we get a choice. You get Putin

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Didnt expect such a based answer so quickly.

>Why yes I'm a nihilist communist how could you tell?

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Wow, good one


>Why yes, I've voted Donal Duck for the last 10 years

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