Why did the Japs stopped making kino? Please make kino again

Why did the Japs stopped making kino? Please make kino again.

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Geniuses like Kurosawa aren’t born everyday

Japanese cinema is genuinely awful even in the context of movies that don't take themselves seriously.

>Current Japanese cinema

don't blame japan for your ignorance

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most npcs don't even like the good Japanese directors/movies

most people only know how to criticize and aren't interested in watching films

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What was her fucking problem, Jow Forums?

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What is Kino? Cinema?

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it's a /tv/ meme

>Why did the Japs stopped making kino?
Kurosawa died.

jeez alright, I'll watch it

she supposes to represent calculating unadulterated vengeance

please see kiyoshi kurosawa too
sometimes koreeda is good too

it's not for foreigners, the movie is full of name cards for random characters if you don't know who they are you can't watch the movie, all the backstory is implied already through name drops
the movie opens with a famous scene in japanese historical anecdote about how hideyoshi met ishida in a temple and the story about three cups of tea, an outsider wouldn't understand the implication for instance yoshitsugu is referred to by his title and his mask, and their relationship is not established so you really have no idea during the movie why yoshitsugu is the only royal friend ishida has

Kiyoshi is based as fuck, Koreeada is for teenagers who fall for basic melodrama

i like masato harada

Is there any other Japanese movie like cure (1997)?

Name one vietnamese movie, SEA monkey

What do you guys think of Miike Takashi? Audition and the MPD series were very good.

13 assassins was pretty good but he is hit and miss kind of director
