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International #1052
I find it so amazing that we can talk each other on the internet at the same time
This one should make the liberals shriek. logic seems to be their main fear
/ita/ - il filo
Do Korean and Japanese Normies hate eachother just as intensly as the Korean and Japanese posters do on this board?
Why do cute Korean girls make this board so angry?
Everyone with bad karma will get here in the next life
Why is the US so gay?
Kys newfags
Do you need a University degree to work in the Government?
/starbucks/ ehemals /deutsch/
Mfw my Chinese girlfriend complains that Indian students in her group project excluded her by speaking their own...
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
What are the next languages that are going to be replaced by English?
>China is the future
Your country
Why do white people actively do everything thats bad for them?
Be firstoid
Sverigetråden - Minus animetransorna
They really do
Why do the Japanese wanna be Korean?
Does Jow Forums smoke?
You woke up in the south of Brazil
White girls or asian girls?
Why was I born in this shithole?
What is your motto on life?
How do you say 'imagine the smell' in your language
China should annex these lands
Woah... so THIS is the power of new york city
Holy shit japan, you know you are not allowed to drop such redpill right?
What did he mean by this?
Will they become relevant again someday?
Best Eastern European country?
Why do Asian cities not have old towns?
Everyone who is native to the green part or whose ancestors hailed from the green part post in this thread
/ - Das Online-Magazin für Geschichten, Ideen und Gefühle ehemals /deutsch/
Why are Koreans ugly?
Virgin freak /vf/ general
What does she smell like?
This is literally nipbot lol
/cum/ + /autism/ + friends
1(ONE) chance in life
Have sex
/fr/ - le francofil
In Japan the age of consent is 13
Why america hebrews do this
Retard culture in Finland
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
How long until they realize they're irrelevant?
>American "cities"
In India, you can literally get arrested for saying "Pakistan zindabad" ("Long live Pakistan")...
These are delicious dates from the humble palm tree. Do you eat these in your country?
Post your favorite American
Why anger and envy is huge in these animals?
Written guinea pig
Are Americans taught about MKultra or any of the other shit the CIA has done?
Thank you Netherlands for making our country so big
/pizza/ general
What is the best US state?
Hear me out. My penis is small and thin. I don't stand a chance among women my own age...
Kurva anyátok
The gook postings here are shit and they always post either of which related Ja'pan, or do you love k poop...
Prooooooh xDDD
How are you preparing for the Hispanic century user?
Say something nice about Slovenia
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
*inhales* NOOOOOOOOO! These dirty eastern europeans are coming to destroy my country!
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
No you are not a girl
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Which of these countries has the most beautiful language?
Japanese sounds so much better than Chinese/Korean
I love my country very much. Dont talk shit about my country
Is Japan more Jomon/Ainu or Yamato?
Shithole feels
Your country
Are you really French if you don't smoke?
If you'r country doesn't have Haagen-Dazs then it's a 3rd world country
Why can't other countries take a joke? nor playful banter
Why is Austria the greatest country in the world?
Israeli jets flying over Auschwitz
Fucking an asian sissy is possibly the most based and redpilled thing you can do
Be american bartender
The only person that remembered my birthday was some worthless fucking nigger
I hate my shit no name university why didn't my country provide me with good education I want to die
What type of women do men in your country like ?
Is Russia the country as comfy as Russian literature?
How do you go from this
Why is banter such a large part of Australian culture?
How do we solve the Asian masculinity crisis?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Is there any proof they lie about crime statistics, or is it just a western/korean cope?
Are Latinas proof that racemixing is good?
Have you ever "played doctor" with a girl, Jow Forums? Is this common in your country?
I just made this map
Brazillian Youtube
Why yes i do report racist and xenophobic posts, Jow Forums should be a place of respect for any culture
ITT: depict your country in only one video. I start
Girls you would impregnate
Does this happen
Fuck this bluepilled cuckoldry, I'm going back to Jow Forums where they know that RACE MATTERS
R8 my lunch/int/
My brothers :)
Allright /int, we been friends for what, over a year now...
Pick your side
NO you NEED to go to college you CAN'T just live off disability and food stamps you FUCKING LEECH!
This is my ancestor. Post your ancestors and say something nice about him. :)
Noooooo you can't eat dog you gook insectoids!!
I like
She walks into a bar in your country. You're heavily intoxicated and see her. What do you do?
This is how russians travel
ITT: the most Kino war in your country's history
What did you have for dinner, frens?
Why yes I am a technocratic eco fascist. How did you know?
Imagine if western internet wasn't banned in China
Your cunt
What is life like in Guadalajara...
Sometimes I get angry at all the bullying towards Americans on this board and then I see shit like this and remember it...
Tell the flag above you how they smell
1. Cunt
Why are they so obsessed with Germany?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
If I impregnate a Turkish woman, am I a race traitor? They have some euro blood in them, right...
American cops really do this?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
ITT: things europoors can’t have
Mutt genes
My dog killed an african immigrant
Why don't estonia and finland form a union and become a global superpower...
Welcome to exam week in America
Asians are closer genetically to Native Americans than Europeans
Is the tap water safe to drink in your country?
How would your parents react if you brought home Caribbean gf?
/v4/ + friends
Lets have one these threads
No meme: if Israel can afford to shoot down every little tube rocket that the Hamas fires...
What is this called in your country?
How can i get a blonde gf?
Your country
Tfw no Jow Forums bf to sleep with
Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?
Mom and dad are arguing again
What's your favorite british slang
Latinas call their husbands "media naranja" (half an orange)
Why is Liverpool such a wonder of a city?
1. Your country
/luso/ - fio lusófono
What does poverty look like in your country?
Ur cunt
Brazil and Ass (Bunda)
Describe your country in a picture
Dont fuck with finnish artillery!
Days are getting slightly hotter
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Who's the smartest cunt on Jow Forums
/ita/ - il filo
Would you be pretty if you were a girl Jow Forums?
Your cunt
English in Asia
Sverigetråden - Eviga Caddeupplagan
I want a German girl so BAD
How do we deal with the incel menace? I suggest lining them up against the wall
I'm going to Asia
*sigh*.... the world would be perfect if everyone was just white like me
What state/city would you move to, in the US?
Why don´t spaniards like hispanics going to Spain?
/cum/ + friends
What's the best style of pizza?
What happened with their music scene they used to rock the charts
Why are americans like this?
Why are all non Austrians retarded?
When i was in China i impregnated like 40 chinks and im never gonna see them again
Why Colombians girls have big hips?
One chance at life
Sverigetråden - Göteborgsupplagan
"America could never afford universal healthcare because it's too expensive. Only small...
Could she pass as a local in ur country?
Redpill me on 2019´s France
My father ruined my life because he's a fucking moron
Be spanish
ITT: Jow Forums in 1787
In Brazil, 99% of povertyball players are favelados
Do non-Americans understand King of the Hill?
Why The US Has No High-Speed Rail?
Cocksucker basterd bich Fuck your mother. son of a bitch mother son of a bitch. spleen arterial mirkelan fucked bastard...
What's your job Jow Forums?
Hilo latino /lat/
Just witnessed dead human body for the first time today, have you ever seen a dead person...
Your cunt
Where should I fly to? I want to go on a long vacation for a month...
Nordic women belong to ANGLO men
Decide to drink 1 beer
Lets make this happen
I’ve actually been obsessing over this for the past week or so...
/fr/ - Le francofil
/ita/ - il filo
Why do grown women in Japan and Korea act like 5-year-old girls? It's cringy af and it really creeps me out
I wanted to get some wine with dinner, but the government alcohol shop closed 5 minutes ago so now it's not possible
Wet socks thread
What was your high school food like?
1. Your country
Does Jow Forums like black girls?
When your country takes mommy milkies and BLACKED memes a bit too seriously
Black americans contributed more to popular music than white americans
Did you know that Swedish high school kids get $130 every month from the state for free?
Why are Finns so stupid and gay?
SIMMERING ehemals /deutsch/
Why isn't portugal it's won country? are they that different?
I dare you to find a more punchable face
Tick tock
Does Japan love its new emperor?
"*wheeze* GLASS *wheeze* GOES *wheeze* IN *wheeze* THE BLUE BIN!!!!!!!!"
How come greedy russian give the kazhaks so much vast land
What the hell is happening, Sweden?
China is the Rome of the East and India is the Greece of the East
Notre-Dame in 2050
Why do korean girls crave for white guys so bad?
What languages do you speak?
Keira Knightley
What's your opinion of the Balkans?
1. Your cunt
REMOVE DRAGON remove dragon you are worst targ. you are the targ idiot you are the targ smell. return to pentos...
Be me
Ap chinese and Japanese exams have the best score distribution
Wtf dude you can't just masturbates to these "lolis" or whatever you call them. They are literal children you sick fuck!
What's the point in learning a language other than English?
How can anglos compete?
What's wrong with white women?
Cant find a single country that I want to move that also wants me to move to it
Sverigetråden - en fin tråd
WTF I love Brazil now. Absolutely fucking based
Are you proud of your country?
Google ”[insert your country] prison” and post results ITT
Country per IQ
Why doesn't your country just use our currency. I guarantee it's better than yours
Italians have Italian mafia
Yo blanco 100% iberian
/ita/ - il filo
How do you call this in your country?
Is your country building a big ass statue?
Why are Americans so hateful?
Why is Jow Forums so Anti-White?
/danmarktråden/ 3.0
You wake up in Norilsk
Int /mu/, what are you listening to right now lads?
Mfw high
Kurva anyátok
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
AHEM We were Romans
How the FUCK are the Americas more dangerous than Africa?
You wake up in the Kingdom of Norway in the year 1263
Why yes, I can speak at least 5 languages, how could you tell?
Can you feel Russian soul?
This board is garbage
/fr/ - le francofil
What's her ethnicity?
How long until Poland is as good as Germany? Its economy has been growing at a good rate for a long time...
You laugh, but that's how the boys survived in that cave
/v4/ + friends
Georgian here, anybody up for my national dish
Reminder that Istanbul would be as disgusting as modern day Athens with commieblocks if it was under Greek control
Euros and deodorant
Why did Asians become so much more intelligent than round-eyes...
Any /virgin freaks/ browsing int right now?
How do you say hi in Italian
Why was Norway such an unsuccessful nation throughout history?
Why didn't europeans convert muslims to christianity during the 1900s colonization of africa and the middle east ?
Are you ugly?
Can we all just agree on this?
You are now required by law to actually have sex to everyone you ever told "have sex". How fucked are you ?
Why, yes. I did bully Swedish speaking kids in school. How could you tell?
What do Indonesians think about Sukarno?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
What separatist movements do you support?
Objective Ranking of European Countries 2.0
Discuss this country
Post your best 5 movies
French stereotypical hat
I have a crush on Finland, but I don't think she likes me back. What should I do euro/scandinavian bros...
Most cucked humans
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hands of Jow Forums
Sent to die in gallipoli
That coworker who leaves the office once the clock hits 5
Do French people see themselves as belonging more to Mediterranean civilisation (Italy, Iberia, Greece)...
Why do you love your country?
Do boys in your country do this?
Is it common in your country?
For me its Indian what's your favourite foreign food Jow Forums
/mena/ نسخة الاعتراف بالمثلية
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Tell me about Norway
Sverigetråden - Breva era näsor upplagan
Haha, look! Stace, see that loser over there...
What is this phenotype called?
Gilets jaunes(yellow jacket in France)
Post the most KINO picture from your current President, you've ever seen
ADB says the Philippines is the next "Asian Miracle", sees 1st world status by 2030-2040
Rich and boring
/deutsch/e Ausgabe für NEETs, Studenten, Lohnsklaven, Hausmänner/frauen und Privatiers
How long would he last in your prison system?
Who is your favorite american intellectual?
Where do you stand, cunts?
Please love Evropa
France has the best European military uniforms
A day on Jow Forums
Kurva anyátok
I wish I was Russian so bad. Why did I have to be born in America, its not fair
Post your nose
I'm an el goblino. What do I do?
Yo ser muy orgullo de ser XICANO AZTLAN WARRIOR
Your cunt
”black people have no right to exist. niggers should be all exterminated”
Give me a bf
Do you love Finland?
Stop taking our women
Post a old pic from your country's army
Uhh... Meow?
Any East Asian anons have tried this?
Have sex
Do you love englund?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why are Aussies and Nordics so over represented on this site relative to their population?
I want to date a pure native qt, they're really rare but some of them are very good looking
1. Your country
/fr/ - le francofil
Finnish music
Average house in Mexico
Has the blanqueamiento worked in brazil?
Canada will take back all the trash they dumped in the Philippines, and pay for it
Do you use 24 hour clock or 12 hour am/pm clock?
Be firstoid
What is it that makes German keep doing evil things over and over again? Is it ingrained in their culture...
/ita/ il filo
How does one city trigger so many people?
Are America and Israel the only countries that get circumcised? I thought it was more common than that
Foreign women don't want to have sex with American men because we are circumcised
My only joy in this life is to trigger people on Jow Forums. I make countless bait threads...
Filipinos on changing the age of consent from 12
Do u rove japan?
Will the glorious Han chinese genocide latinos when they take over the Americas?
Americans are evil
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2190.5
I just saved dozens of innocent Brazilian lives
I was blessed to be colonized by Spain
The region accounts for just 8 percent of the global population, yet 38 percent of the world’s murders...
/brit/ + /poo/
Which one would you learn?
Culture Pals /cp/
I want to call Japan my home
Jow Forumscraft is a Minecraft server populated by the fine folk at Jow Forums, the international board of Jow Forums...
See all these high quality generals with their own banner
Oh wh*Tebois
How does it feel
Why do americans dress like children?
Post the average people of your country
/luso/ fio lusófono
"Why aren't Southeast Asian people feeling anti-Japanese?" Chinese and Korean people are puzzled
Yes I am Chinese
Xinjiang Authorities Force Intermarriage of Han Men and Uyghur Women
If Euros think America sucks so much then why do I keep seeing them in my city?
The US Army is getting new uniforms this year based on the service uniforms they wore during the 2nd world war era...
ITT: music that was popular in your country during the millennium
When was the United States at its best?
/sino/ general
/nachtschicht/ a.k.a. /deutsch/
What's "la"? is that supposed to be how brits talk?
I'm part ASEAN American and part European American
Best east coast state below New York?
2. Your cuntree
What would be the easiest + most useful language to learn?
Does every country hate its capital city or is this just a British thing?
Why do scandi girls age so fucking fast?
Reminder that China pollutes less than all wh*Te countries combined...
Vocaroo Thread - Nighty Edition
Why are they so 3rd world?
Ur cunt
Sverigetråden - Caddeupplagan
Is this the quintessential European game?
Does your country have exotic tastes?
How's Ramadan going brothers?
Less than 1 billion wh*Toids in the world
/flag/ - /extraflags/
What do Italian's think of cooking with jack? He brings up his heritage a lot
You are not a real country, you will never be a real country
Post sexy girls from your country
Hmm, I wonder why
I'm 24 what's the youngest girlfriend I can have in ur cunt?
My French celestial girlfriend is real just accept it
How wh*Tes die when they eat our food and we do fine with their food?
/ita/ il filo
Be american
Latin Americas
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why yes i'm Polish howw did you know
Mexican Drug War
/v4/ and others
American culture is becoming more and more normal in my nation
What nationality gf would you prefer and what would they look like
Dad is listening to judas priest again
What is this called in your country?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Heritage Thread
/mena/ = /me/+/na/
/neu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Are polish triggered by this? A woman might face 2 year prison sentence for this picture...
What is the finest Scandinavian cuisine?
Not long until this clusterfuck. Anyone hype?
What is the country with the hottest pornstars?
Is it true Americans don't know how to write in cursive anymore?
White people be like : mmmm this food too spicy
What are some little-known facts about your cunt?
The world is literally going to end and you freaks are arguing about politics when the real issue is much more grave...
Why do Nordics hate Starbucks?
The American dream really is real. She went from the streets of Los Angeles California to being duchess of Sussex
"Great" Britain
Wow, europoors really do THAT?1
Why is it in the culture of European descended people to do this? What exactly is their problem?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
/fr/ - la francofil francophone
Live in croratia
Why do they get so butthurt when you don't speak French?
1. your cunt?
Quick, rent to one
Gay life
Why are people so obsessed about her?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are japanese women like this?
Norway's prime minister of health
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2190
Why are mexicans lazy?
This is what happens when I see a racist post on Jow Forums - International
What are the most disturbing facts about modern Japan that most people (especially weebs) don’t know?
Would Arabs, the Balkans, and the Cacaus accept Erodgan's Ottoman Empire if given a choice?
Be minimum wageslave
/ita/ il filo
What are they naming their child?
I am wh*te but i want to marry a CHINESE woman and take her last name...
I ate at KFC once. It was shit
>let's not do anything about environmentalism because of the 3rd world
I fixed Iberia
Where in America, apart from Cali, can I get a MENA gf?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
The future is China
ITT: Jow Forums in 1931
Monaco is the ONLY country in the world with an HDI of 1.088 (over 1)
Unpopular opinion: Countries inside the blue area should be nuked
Dear Eastern Europeans
Would this half dutch spaniard pass as a local in your country?
Sverigetråden - Motståndsupplagan
Why so mexicans unironically call us mutts?
The absolute state of nordcucks
Hair of Jow Forums
Nooooo I suffer in f*rst world! It’s soooo stressful! My NEETbux can barely cover my new Lamborghini! Also I have...
/cum/ + friends
Why are Portuguese people like this?
/fr/ - le francofil
/deutsch/ Feierabend
Do Americans really do this?
On a scale of 1 to Armenia, how angry is your country?
Hands of Jow Forums
Why don't you live in an economically free country?
Post pics
/v4/ + the gang
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Russia is fucking grim
Imagine driving an American car
Fuck Islam and fuck ramazan. There I said it . 99.9% of them are chutiya cunts
Bolsonaro is trying to pass a law allowing americans to buy land in Huezil without limits
I miss them
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
Is this common in England??
Can we all agree that Korean chopsticks are the worst?
Tfw Jow Forums bf
Monarchy shall be abolished
You wake up in the Thai military
Brit here:
I am half-Armenian
American government doesn’t pay American retards to go to Uni
Yesterday I went to the gypsy cemetery and took pictures of dead gypsies
Whats wrong with Scandinavians?
Egypt thought Italian student was British spy, tortured and murdered him
Woah what a CHAD
"oh no i dont want those african immigrants"
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ il filo
Post yours
Indians tell me how is the life in your country? i'm curious to know
Am a 170cm manlet gook
Hilo /lat/ino
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden - Hällristningsupplagan
Have you cuddled with your gf today?
We are angry...
I suffer in the third world
What's the typical breakfast in your country like?
There should be many prostitutes in India because they are useful to decrease the number of rapists
Sometimes Americans just leave me speechless
Why do indians stink?
What do the people of Italy think of Mussolini?
Which body type do you prefer Jow Forums?
There are multitudes of beautiful women out there who are single and lonely because men either assume they don't have a...
In Korea they call Japanese Emperor just "king"
US and Japan ruined Sonic
Why do I keep seeing this nowadays? When I was younger everyone just stuck to their own race
Do you like the Kurds?
William Szekspir was 100% pure polish
Can you tell someone's race by looking at his hand?
Happy ramadan, guys
See French flag
Südtirol ist nicht /deutsch/ und gehört zu Italien
/fr/ - LE fil
How do you deal with being a failure (in your country, very Jow Forums-related)...
Do you want to have children , Jow Forums ?
No no no, you can't put food waste in the black bin!
Does this happen in your cunt?
Epic literature
Why doesn't Iran just give America what it wants?
My cat has been gone for 6 hours
/sino/ general
I don't understand. If everyone is crowded on the left, why dont some of them go on the right...
Post your monthly income
What the HELL is wrong with Americans and Russians?
Whats your opinion on CHIs?
I suffer in Bosnia
Daily reminder that thirdies and firsties have no right to conplain. Us secondies have the worst of both worlds
Do people here really think you can "save teh planet" w/o killing the third world?
Why are white American stomachs so weak?
Literal subhumans
What does Jow Forums think about this?
Sverigetråden - Finska forntidsupplagan
Underwater by 2030
How do you find meaning, user?
Be firstoid
Types of incels
Why are chicanos so based?
"-Nein, bitte, nein, don't kill me commissar! I a-am a father of 2 kids, have mercy! I was just following orders!"
Today is Megumin Monday! How do people in your country celebrate this day?
/cum/ + friends
Your cunt
Why don't Spain and Morocco build a floating bridge/tunnel across the Strait of Gibraltar...
How do sweaty japanese girls smell like?
The only Chad Asian cunt
Any thoughts on the English language?
American perverts stay OUT of my country!!
What do you know about Indonesia? and is there anything you would like to know about it?
Why did the Japs stopped making kino? Please make kino again
American culture: fast food, debt, consumerism, hollywood, colleges, major cities, guns, free speech, cars...
Amerifats will defend burning a Japanese child alive
Why do normalfags and women always feel the need to decorate their houses and apartments with retarded shit? Like...
Be an american dog
Kurva anyátok
International virgin thread - Jow Forums
What do non westerners think about US-EU love/hate relationship?
Are there boys like this in your cunt?
Hong Kong today is more democratic than it was under British colonial rule
Why do american high schools look like prisons?
Post your country's vassals
So Jow Forums, do you think Trump will win the 2020 election? Will the Rust Belt swing in his favor yet again...
The world is getting better not worse
ITT our ideal gf
Why Japs are so beta males??
If americans could exterminate one of their enemies what would it be?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Arkhand Bharata
What is this called in your language?
Let's have one of these
Anyone know how well a gringo can live in South America on $50,000 USD per year...
Why are we so based?
Japanese soldier beheading racist white Imperialist for Liberation of east Asia
How come non-Americans hate Game of Thrones so much?
Korean study thread
Post beautiful landscapes/nature from your cunt
The Japanese are basically pets
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Brenton is still killing people
Why does the asian woman reject her own men
Are we not allowed to have frens anymore?
What do you know about my shithole, Jow Forums?
Am I an Amerimutt?
Omg islam!!!
Uh oh
Traditional clothing dump
1870 Humoristic Map of Europa
Worst posters on the site. I know there’s a few good ones on here, but you’re far outnumbered by these wannabe-aryans
What was the high school experience in your country like?
You won't replace us
Why do languages need this?
Why do mestizos worship white people so much?
Why people here are so butthurt at gayposters? Are their sexuallity so fragile that they feel threatened about it?
I saw a black guy walking in my street
/mena/ = /me/+/na/
You wake up in Russia on 6th of may
Rule Britannia
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship