>I suffer in Bosnia
I suffer in Bosnia
why does this look so much like here
What a lovely landscape!
Because you live in a metropolitan soulless walking slave.
and you don’t?
Still looks like shit to be totally frank with thou.
looks based. you could land a jet on that big street.
I wonder what is worse South Africa or Bosna.
>I suffer in sweden
Wow, is that my hometown?
>I wonder what is worse South Africa or Bosna.
You earn probably the same wage, but you won't have to pay for a security service to shoot robbers trying to invade your home
nice train station.
honestly it looks comfy. more comfy than america and its suburbs where you need a fucking car to get everywhere.
soulless but based
Why are their apartments descending in size? Why not just make them all tall?
>I suffer in the usa
>I suffer in the Netherlands
I suffer in Norway
Based white Muslims, are Macedonians Muslims as well?
>"I am very happy to be born in Greece it's the best country on earth!"
Nothing wrong with commie blocks
The Netherlands is like a utopian version of the UK.
typical village from the province where I'm from (Friesland/Fryslan), I like the mainstreet, its comfy
Pictured parts of the city are actually some of the best/most well off
t. lives there
>t. vidéki suttyó prolicigány
To be able to suffer first you have to qualify as a human, which Bosnians certainly aren't.
pity me
Megszólalt a pesti korcs
How did Athens end up looking like a favela