vittu perkele panios
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Might use that as my bio
If they're not going to match me anyway I may as well insult them
dominic is guy's name you sillygoose
pretty based but meat is degenerate
signed my gay mate up to tinder as a joke haha
I don't have pictures for my Tinder
That's why you get news about women struggling to find someone with the same level of pay as them and all of that stuff and the story is about how hard this on women instead of the real story which is that men are being left behind by the education system or w.e.
You could probably find some story about how the real victims of male suicide are women if you looked hard enough
It's more that men don't give a FUCK what a woman's job is and doesn't make them any more desirable
Holy Crap, France BTFO!
That's my tinder profile!
It's too late to stop it though
imagine having a gf
nary a character
Hyper-masculinity is literally a sign of the end times of a civilisation
It's the last thing that happens before collapse
alri Domini(gger)c
>Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today’s warfare, victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children.
If you had to guess, how virile are you?
have sex
holy fucking BASED
very, quite, balls deep even
I'm high test but autistic, you decide
>chinese claim: 4,000 men
>french claim: 40,000 men
reckon a single drop of my sperm is enough for a 1000 eggs
Yeah what we see today is just the blooooming bit of whatevr was planted decades ago or w.e.
If I drop a million gallon shit upriver and you're down river then you're drinking my shit water desu, it might take 50 years to reach you but you're drinking my poo
doing my phimo stretches
>a man hired a prostitute to come to his hotel room - and answered the door to his own daughter
you cannot be aggro melvin
if this is some kind of smoking mirror to get people to give a shit about mens issues by appealing to the innate gynocentrism of humanity then it's pretty clever
but that's giving them way too much credit
Impregnated a girl before so I know it works
Hyvä painos veli
many such cases
redpilled post 2bh
kikes are playing the long game
they are like radiation
they eat away at logos, creation, and beauty
jews are literally satan
aye but don't men have to do the actual dying
what do wogs drive in the uk
here it’s the classic bmw bought on finance
don't do them too much
women don't like baggy foreskin
Ahh yes, the valuable resource that is a chink soldier. Next will be claimed Pierre fired fewer bullets and this means he won.
wouldn't happen
Been dating an black girl recently and I like her more than any of the white girls I've dated.
Would like to pull a Jaimie Mantzel and just move to some island in Panama and build dumb shit all day
> discount?
popular men often have a close group of friends whereas women are always bitching with theirs and swapping about
ask her about iq
This is white genocide.
just not gonna finish this paper on time lads lol
it's alright only the first draft is due. the final draft isn't due until friday. i'll only lose like 5 points out of 200
girls' bums lads
pedal bikes
for me its chebs
that being said
heres a choon
Based Carl of Swindon redpilling the masses
blog on you uninteresting cunt
the media has too much power
Same lad. Literally the dream
black or mixed?
STATE of ukip
>Carl Benjamin of Swindon (address below) admits to eating mixed race babies while flipping off mecca at prayer time
oh come on now...
Is that right aye
not very
bashed my prick until it waved the white flag
>"i am bad" says ukip man
this unironically
normie women are so inane
sorry to say it virgins but modern civilisation will literally never collapse we’ve reached the end of history and even if it did you’d benefit from it in no way whatsoever dream on you creeps
yes but it's women who have to pay the ultimate sacrifice
Is it though
>we’ve reached the end of history
who started this awful meme
porn is a human right
have sex
>we’ve reached the end of history
i bet the romans said this as rome fell
She's pretty smart. At least compared to some of the airheads I've been with in the past.
You cry more while I keep tapping that booty every night.
Fully black.
He knew the media were like this and ran anyway, even with his rants about white niggers, pederasty and elliott rodger having some good points online for anyone to clip
Hes a moron and deserves everything he gets
Literal retard
It really is the last ditch effort before decline or collapse
>we’ve reached the end of history
Why do most girls wear those ugly boxer shorts these days? They are not sexy. Bring back thongs or bikini briefs.
Hes butchering the theory anyway desu
did she answer though
how does she feel about the gap
daddy diddled me
Men have always been the primary victims of rape. They lose their wives, their mothers, their daughters to rape.
mad how you’ve all been BTFO by this one post
Aye is that so
>really want to have sex
>can't bring myself to make the effort for a woman unless I feel a connection
Call me soy, low-test or whatever you want, but I'd rather wank than have sex with some idiot
I think it really is ridiculous that amerifats had to choose between the person that made this quote and the host of The Apprentice as their head of state and leader of the free world.
Yeah wish i could be bothered to rec you something i read but i cant think right now
this unironically
only had sex with four people but i hated having sex with two of them because I didn't really care abou tthem
Have sex
because said materials don’t exist?
Backpeddling now
he mentioned that the greeks bummed boys and someone in the stream said "careful, someone could take that out of context" and sargon said "haha yeah i could be quoted as saying it's ok to have sex with little boys"
this was reported out of context, next to another quote: "it's not even that controversial" which sargon said, in a completely different conversation, in reference to the dutch age of consent
he never said pederasty was right, but you stitch together a bunch of lines taken out of context and now he's reported as saying something he never actually said
the very same media have helped cover up actual pedophilia in the elites for generations
will my local tesco be open today lads?
What about depends on the child
That wasn't taken out of context
Hes still a dumb fakenigger who will get nowhere in politics
there's me at 1995AD, shagging away
Why would I ask her that shit?
I'm trying to get my end away with a qt with a nice arse.
watching the vikings episode where jarl borg gets blood eagled
*police sirens can be heard in the distance*
Well no they obviously do but i really cant be bothered to comb my memory but fukuyama is pleb tier and you buthcered it anyways so its whatever ive read what you have read and then more by a factor of a thousand probably basically youre still waaaaaaay back this isn't the 80s anymore you born sucker
hypermasculinity is last ditch attempt before COLLAPSE
is this
*rips a massive fart*
THAT'S my tax policy!