I am a twenty-year-old computer engineering student. I have been performing poorly at academics since I was sixteen. I was a good student until the tenth grade, but once I entered the eleventh grade everything changed. Throughout the eleventh and twelfth grade, I was the worst scoring student in my class. As a result I got admitted to one of the lowest ranking colleges in my city. Among the wealthier sections of society in my country, there is a considerable social stigma associated with which college you attend. Many students even commit suicide because they can't get into a prestigious college, and academic pressure is cited as the leading cause of suicide in India. As a result I feel like I've brought great dishonour to my family by failing to get into an even moderately decent college. In this college, I am studying with other mediocre students like me. But even compared to these students I am unable to perform well. My GPA is in the bottom half of the class, and no decent CS-related jobs are available for anyone who scores poorly even in a low-ranked college. To get a job that even pays 300 USD a month, you need to be one of the best students if you study in this kind of a college.
I feel like my life has reached a point that it's gotten too messy to be able to fix it. One option could be to just get a blue collar job, but the best paying jobs of that sort will get me only 100 to 150 USD a month, and I am not used to living in poverty. If I lived in the West, I could become an electrician and still earn a thousand USD per month, that's more than an engineer's salary in India. I am finding college even harder than I found high school, and this is hardest semester so far. I have already failed to clear one of the eight subjects, and I have to attend summer classes to clear that subject. I can't see my parents disappointed anymore. Sometimes I just feel like an heroing, but that would make my parents feel infinitely worse.
Sell your skills to western folks. I actually often buy a little help online. If $300 for a months work, is a lot, then I've been ripped off
Camden Ross
Leo Gomez
He's more educated than most western people, but the expectations for him by his parents were higher
Leo King
Dude, relax. Family is family, you don't need to worry that much about the future. Who knows what's going to happen next? Do you have some sort of hobby? something you can invest in to make a few bucks? (ex: art)
Kayden Bailey
and desu what's the cause? I feel like you could overcome any difficulty by just studying more and more. My mum was and still is completely retarded, unable to think properly and a sperg (just like me :3) but still managed to finish university with top grades, studying sometimes for 10h straight
Jaxson Sanders
That's not what I said. I said that if I were in the West, I could live a comfortable life even as a proletariat. But the only way to escape poverty in India is going through an education system that is too difficult for me.
>I am a twenty-year-old computer engineering student. I have been performing poorly at academics since I was sixteen. I was a good student until the tenth grade, but once I entered the eleventh grade everything changed. Throughout the eleventh and twelfth grade, I was the worst scoring student in my class. This is literally the same for me , every line . But i've picking myself up now , i had 4 backlogs out of 5 subjects in 1st semester , but then i cleared them in 2nd and scored bit aboce average in 3rd and also won a country wide hackathon . I would recommend you to follow and study what you wanna be , even if its not related to your college course , basically as long as you have a degree you can get by having a skill /course certificate on whichever unrelated field . Like ME fags get into CS jobs just because they know how to code in C. The best thing you could do in college is still add as much as shit as possible into like contest wins , certified skills from lynda or linkden learning . Any employer would literally hired some fag with 6.5 cgpa over 8.5cgpa given he has certified skills which are easy to get by taking online courses and takin thier exams . Dont lose hope yet , you can even get a second try by going for a masters or ms to study in an outside country and then work there. I'm workin myself that way as well.
Your college is the best college in Madhya Pradesh. Mine isn't even among the top thirty colleges of Bangalore. But even here I'm finding the course very hard.
Angel Jones
Even i can cryfag like about my college and better colleges out there . The only difference between getting a worse and newer college is the starting salary , you'll get a lower starting salary comapred to IITfags or some elite college but if you work hard , you can very much make up for it , like i said start doin shit that you can horde in your resume , employers look at your skills (certified is better) and your previous experience and less at your grades and what college u studied in. Just try get by with your grades and learn real world skills that will likely get you a better job.
Elijah Gutierrez
>I suffer in the third world
just get an arranged marriage lmoa
Chase Taylor
Therr are many things beyond just college , it may not seem like it cuz our shitty society makes it look like you either get a degree or become poorfag.
Eli Ramirez
I'm in the same boat, difference is I now have debt for the rest of my life since I'll never be able to pay off the $70k it cost for me to fuck up like this.
Oliver Flores
>great climate, everything is affordable, arranged marriages, family look out for you, can just bribe your way past everything
Only if you're wealthy , whcih unfortunately majority of indians aren't.
Oliver Williams
Haha. People in the Asian continent sure are weird when it comes to these things.
All of you need to step back and meditate or something. This mass tunnel vision and inflexible belief in one path to success is so unwise. You gotta have some room to fail. Failures are learning experiences. Take into consideration the countless highly successful people that achieved their success only after huge failures and losses.
Isn't India the place of Buddhism and other introspective philosophies? Why are these people killing themselves over things so shallow? Do the best you can with what you have. This is where I feel individualism shines and collectivism fails.