On a scale of 1 to Armenia, how angry is your country?
On a scale of 1 to Armenia, how angry is your country?
Armenia x2
This is probably due to no gf and no sex. Dating is haram so most men in those countries are probably KHV well into their 20s.
Armenia is Christian
Are Armenians and Nigers muslim?
every country in that picture except Armenia is majority muslim
>american """education"""
seconding this one
I just looked at a map now, I see Armenia is surrounded by muslim cunts
Should be far angrier.
I can't put the mental image into words, but it's really hilarious dudes
Flag checks out.
We are basically Khornates.
No, you are Marines Malevolent: impotent and rather prey on the weak
Westerners' attempts to understand East are so funny
>This coming from a Georgian flag
Oh the irony
I can see why Armenia might be so angry.
iranians are angry because we have to deal with arab shits and iraqis are angry because they have to deal with us shits.
armenia has to deal with both plus the turks, so they got it even worse
and every country, without exception, is sannigger
I thought my parent's short tempers was unique to them
Armenians (and Georgians) like LARPing as Westerners though????????
>Oh the irony
Irony about what? we are at war with nuclear state since 90s while what you ever did was to exterminate few inbred village dwelling turds with backup from said nuclear state.
>Gogi calling others sandnigger
Come on now.
Someone is butthurt.
Its because the countries have manly men with high Testosteron.... very impulsive and maskuline men...
Unlike sissy docile western or asian "men"
Doesn't reflect the real situation, it's only own people's opinion. Chart only shows difference in mentality, like Armenian would say "Yes I am angry every hour on lot of things", just because he is open and very emotional, while German would say "No, I am okay", however he could be uncomfortable with lot of things, but he was grown up to be moderate and tolerant to them.
From my experience, Armenians and Georgians are one of the most chill and peaceful people, unlike most of other Caucasians, which are really one of the angriest people I ever seen.
They wish
If Armenia is Christian then you might as well call Ethiopia Christian too.
All of the countries on that picture are based, except Armenia, Iraq and Palestinean Territories
I see, still butthurt that we supported Russia instead of a eu-wannabe larping meme country?
>we are at war with nuclear state since 90s
Kek, if you didn't suck NATO's cock you'd be russified for a decade from now. Nice projections you got there Gotcha. Btw, Armenian army would destroy Georgian one in a 1v1.
>while what you ever did was to exterminate few inbred village dwelling turds with backup from said nuclear state.
G*Orgian education.
Gib Nagorno-Karabakh
>I thought my parent's short tempers was unique to them
If you're talking about beatings that happens in all 3rd world countries and among the poor people in 1st world countries.
Did you experience a lot of anger yesterday?
>That flag
>That post
Almost all dune coons. What are Muslims always so angry?
I hate Sundays so yes.
>religion of peace
I guess that explains the anger
Niger and Chad are just regular nigger
It's because middle eastern men are not afraid of showing their masculinity and aggressiveness. Our blood boils with excessive levels of Testosterone and that's why white women favor us over white "men".
>Our blood boils
Or it might be excrements and piss and you think its blood, but thats besides the point, I guess
You're a middle easterner, one of us.
Come home and don't let the white cucks fool you.
We arent and I rather get boiled in a brazen bull than be one of your abominable """people"""
you belong with them.
t. Safavid rapebaby
Leave him, one day the blackpill is gonna hit him hard and I'm afraid he won't even recover from it.
>A. M. "let me tell you about your country" Utt.
opinion discarded
>flag of a mongrel nation of t*rks, k*rds and *rabs with "islamic" in his country's name
opinion discarded
>got literally enslaved by the said country for four centuries
t. khabib habibullah
user, I think they have more serious problems that a lack of a gf
Seeing Armenia number one in something makes me angry than anything.
You both calm down real owner of your land arrived.
You literally need to force your women to marry you, they don't "prefer you", lol
Don't (You) me if you're from a country that lost a war to Armenia despite having a stronger military
the lack of argentina in the chart confuses me