I fixed Iberia.
de nada.
I fixed Iberia.
de nada.
I fixed Iberia.
de nada.
Okay but why is France also split up
Close, but you need to make Galicia its own independent state
Sorry but your "fix" was just awful.
This is how you really fix Iberia
de nada.
this t.b.h
They are genetically identical to Portuguese
>A country should be based on genetics
>let's ignore culture and history, what matters is genetics!
>"modern" iberia
2/3ds of modern day catalans are from other parts of Spain mainly Andalucía
t. scatalan
that flag is awful. I saw an orange one a few years ago that was beautiful. putting green on flags is ass.
You have tons of slums to do it in your own hole
Well, they are culturally closer to us than Castilians as well.
I fixed Iberia.
de nada.
more like 50/50 I would think
t. Fuigdemont
Portugaliza is kino
Some day
Whats with second portugal?
yes please
this flag is better
>more like 50/50 I would think
Not even close, 70% are "natives" and 60 % of these "natives" are from or have partially roots from outside Catalonia so 30% are "pure" Catalonians
Somoehow like Madrid, just change Pakis Moors and Niggas with Latinos and Romanians.
First off, day of the rake is coming soon. Second, r/thedonald is the place promoting throwing away the genetics and history of Europoid civilization. I am NO WAY like a (((German))) or a Spaniard. They are distinct, genetic groups that have their own place.
A country's culture is partly based on genetics, and needs to be more of. This is how people of a similar tribe can feel a connection rather than light, black, or red hair ALL in the same place.
>It's another episode of genetics autist.
When can your country can survive without Catalunya and the Western Euro tourists? Hmmmmmm idk.
Catalan for example has been a language since the 9th century and continued to develop its own culture.
I have no idea what the fuck you're on about you stupid nigger Schizo.
That different regions in the world have different cultures and genes, where Catalan is distinct from Castilian. I am Europoid, not Africanoid.
Okay nigger.
>I am Europoid, not Africanoid.
one day, brotugal, one day
All of Iberia belongs to Portugal. We can keep the Spanish as slaves perhaps, if they behave.
That would make sense for your shithole.
spanish are bros.
Whiter than you, João de Algarve
Unironically posting this mememap. Holy shit the average IQ here may be lower than even Jow Forums
The dream
More respectable.
I am sorry leaf, didn't think it through. It was a big mistake.
That flag is meh
>let me divide the rightful land of natives
True Iberians is who.Iberia belongs to the Basqid race.
Nafri blooded peoples to north africa middle east to arabia, and Iberia is fixed.
this but with Brazilian Portuguese as the official language as a compromise between portuguese vocabulary and spanish phonetics
Leon never reached beyond Extremadura.
You need to keep the map the same but delete ISIS and make all of Andalusia Castilian.
Just reestablish the Visigothic kingdom and make Gothic the official language