/mena/ - Freedom and qts ed
/mena/ = /me/+/na/
Other urls found in this thread:
biji biji
third for iraq
fuck kurds
Israel vaincra
>kurdish women
Whats wrong with kurds?
Oh man krieg had the worst ocs
Dumping here because I wanna delete it
Think I only saved it to remind him how cringe he was
>Biji kurdistan
Mon gars sûr
Don't listen to him he is a Ba'ath wahabbi idiot
I feel legitimately sorry for krieg desu
He was the jord of his time
Wait what happened to him??
>Kurdistan? Why yes it ought to be a fully independent country, all the turkish, syrian, iraqi and iranian parts.
Saha ftourkom frens
I think he's still around somewhere, in discord or something. I just feel sorry for him because he obviously had issues.
Based and redpilled
I vividly remember him posting but I don't quite remember the quality of his posts. Issues with the law or in his head?
Issues in his head. Easily angered and unironically edgy. Not totally a shitposter but can be pretty unpleasant sometimes.
Other anons might remember him differently though.
traffic of porn websites peaking at this exact moment.
is there a discord server for mena?
I will murder the Estonian-Egyptian
*Egyptian Estonian
Estonian Egyptians might exist one or two generations from now ;^)
Here bro discord.gg
يا ترا شكل عيالك هيكون عامل ازاي
He'd spam traps if he got angry
Pretended to be a virgin neet
Would steal phrases from other posters and claim as his own
Would brainwash braindead personality-less posters and make them his beta orbiters (he admitted this)
Then other times he had a fat gross sweathy beasty mauritanian girlfriend he fucked
Sometimes he was pro-berber
Other times anti-berber
When he looks at other people's girlfriends on the beach he is glad that it didn't end up in a fist-fight
Was AF's my little pony horse
Has a fat hairy belly
Is a huge hypocrite
His ethnicity: half slav one time and some other time half assyrian
We will never know how he turned out to have the moroccan flag though
Oh, and he's unironically learning japanese, never bothered to learn german despite wanting to. But I admit he was sometimes smart, well when he parrots what the smarts told him at least. Oh, and has nice music taste. And when I look at my old anime watchlist I admit krieg had a good taste in anime.
What he is doing know you ask? Likely he is just being a normalfaggot with quirky interests. So in some discord server or whatsapp group, or maybe the board /mu/ probably.
He is lying he left because of the quality. He posted so much, that he just got burned out. Int has been bad since a few months after its existence, so don't pull the quality decline card.
i hate you
I entered it anyway
Seems nice
>qt's edition during ramadan
astagarallah HARAM HARAM HARAM
Was Egyptian revolution of 1952 a mistake?
does it feel good to talk about someone behind his back, faggot?
kill your fucking self retard, pathetic
have sex
غالباً مش mutts اكتر مني بكتير، أنا أوريدي متمكس فشخ و حتى مش باين مصري اوي. كل اسلافي مصريين ذو، معرفش الميكس جه منين أو امتى.
>he'd spam traps if he got angry
I remember him spamming gore a lot now
why would you think it was a mistake, fren?
اكتر منك ايه؟
و ايه المكس
ممكن يكونو يونانيين من آلاف السنيين
غير أن مينا + أوربي مكس حلو عمتان
What's the current impression about Sadat and Nasser on the /mena/sphere?
Woke Egyptians :
I don't plan to do that indefinitely.
I feel bad, because he is no longer around to read my insults to him ;_;
Also, quite rich of you, since you saved AND reposted a yemeni dude's face who got doxed by a saudi with vendetta who does not even know what Jow Forums is.
لماذا أنتم لا تحبون الولايات المتحدة؟
nuke mena
>Also, quite rich of you, since you saved AND reposted a yemeni dude's face who got doxed by a saudi with vendetta who does not even know what Jow Forums is.
you do realize that I'm not the only syrian flag here right? yeah nah wasn't me.
cope loser
Nasser was living an illusion. pinky dreams. an arab nationalism was/is a mistake
why does turduni dress like a zoomer
Well if you are not him, the one who had the iraqi girlfriend, then the only possibility is
>Would brainwash braindead personality-less posters and make them his beta orbiters (he admitted this)
لماذا أنتم تكرهوا الولايات المتحدة؟
We dont
gib greencard and i stop the hate
لماذا أنتم تكرهوا الولايات المتحدة؟
>لماذا أنتم تكرهوا الولايات المتحدة؟
REALLY want a brown qt gf
No Ramadan until tomorrow
>طبعا انا بصلي صلاة تروايح في منزل مش في مسجد كيف عرفت؟
If you are a man, you can come marry me
How do I get qt brown mena gf?
How would you say that in your native tongue?
Nobody hates America though?
pay jizya first akhi
just be yourself
Who said I am not Muslim, don't be race focused.
But there are no brown people here, qt or otherwise :(
Just be yourself
اكيد راني رايح نصلي في دار ماشي في جامع كيفاش عرفت
On some image-boards lying and deceiving provokes your anonymity. This should be done on here too.
You’re fasting, right habibi?
>he thinks muslims are excluded from jizya
didn't matter for us you still pay habibi
come to France
If I pay zahak you'll have to fight me to get jizya out of me too you capitalist pig.
Polacks are pigs
You can never be Muslim
Detoxing from you fucks for two weeks was fun.
Also fuck you Bushra. I ODed on Lexomil but my mommie dragged my ass to the hospital before I could get legitimate issues. I got a free vaca because my parents fell for my attentionwhoring.
Woah i remember my classmate did pic related
Dumping here to make more space on my phone
Rate my OC xd xd :)
This is actually perfect opportunity to skip ramadan
Now, make a crowdfund and think of something and get lotsa money.
Facebook tier/10
>You can never be Muslim
Don't worry I am not. I swear to God I did fuck a Lebanese Muslim girl who has a bf not too long ago ( not in Poland tho )
I’m not a Muslim so it’s okay :)Arab girls are thots who think anal means they’re virgins
I honestly have no idea who this is but he is half north african half french and an art student
We didn't do anal. She blew me thrice and I fucked her once. I just wanted a couple blowjobs but she forced me to fuck her for them.
I’m not saying you did anal I’m saying Arab girls are thots who lie to themselves
Did she suck your balls too?
my favourite Canadian poster
Guys, how do I woo an Iranian girl whose family fled the country after the revolution?
She hates Pan-Arabism and is a Zoroastrian LARPer.
I was literally tripping for 4 days after. 30 pills is no joke.
They still forced me to sit for finals, so no fasting hehehe
Once asked my Sharia wanting Muslim friend why he talks to girl if it's against his religion, and he told me that anal sex isn't haram because both the girl and boy stay virgins
There are communities in Iran that never converted
Zoroastrians are the coolest (Sh**tes are scum)
wish this Jow Forumsshit would go back to /cum/
You don't Arab Muslim scum
degenerate crackhead
Rate my OC
>Did she suck your balls too?
Yes, she swallowed the two times I finished in her mouth as well. The time I fucked her I finished inside as she's on birth control.
It’s just fact that Arab girls are thots and that Shi’ites aren’t good
I missed you baby
Praise Sisi
I mean she is really an atheist and has told me so but she likes the culture.
I am an ethnic German m8.
I can’t find unsalted peanuts anywhere
I want to feed the squirrels
Based but needs editing
I'm not urd*ni and he will never get married
i'm talking about the polish flag
>giving attention to the monkey, lebanese larping mutt or incelina
are you retarded?
>proud of being a total subhuman
Anyways tfou on all your faces bunch of n&%%÷=× im off now because my mandatory 20 minutes a day internet time is almost over and I might get a spanking
Nashmi I am beginning to get jealous
MENA is for everyone, you have no place here.
Yes and now you need to make a gofundme donation page. This is perfect opportunity I'm telling you.
Pic unrelated