It’s New World hour so that makes shit interesting
Heritage Thread
>It’s New World hour so that makes shit interesting
Maybe for you...
Half from Veneto
Half from Northern Iberia
I have no idea what the fuck half of these flags are. Only know the Nordic flags, china, and American flag. Everything else looks retarded or made up
>doesn't know the Iroquois flag, Ming flag, Republican Chinese flag, or even the modern Mongolian flag
>>Iroquois flag, Ming flag, Republican Chinese flag or even the modern Mongolian flag
LARP group that doesn’t have the right to exist, the fuck is that, that is Taiwan, Mongolia doesn’t have a right to exist
Kys you illiterate retard
Solid b8, m8. You actually had me there for a second.
Here's my personal spergout
The level of autism on this is impressive
>trying to conceive baby for over a year
pleb, my mother tried to conceive me for over 3 years
This made me chuckle, congrats
im a bit of a swarthoid for an anglo but i have ginger beard
ha you get fucked
I refuse to make one of these threads only because all 4 of my grandparents did some cousin fucking
Implying being ancestorslet
That is a pretty cool family desu
What do you think?
I am half-Armenian
Have you been to Jersey? Some of muh ancestors came from there, I was thinking about visiting it someday
Autistic indeed, I like it
Nice bait
>this thread
dios mio...
>tfw you will always be a mutt
yo what's good
It's just that simple
Gay thread
Gay person
Gay bottom
Gay nigger
Gay Chink
Gay spic
Gay redskin
Don't know a lot of the specifics as my mom died when I was 6 and I didn't get to know my father's side until I was an adult.
Gay gypsy
>Manchu-Sino-Mongol from paternal side
>Fraction Finnish from maternal side
Are you an assburger or high functioning autist?
are you from Novgorod or from a backwater peasant village?
I'm sorry for you, user
You must look like you ride horses and raid Han Chinese everyday
chinks deserve no less
Based Finland, one and only true heir of Genghis Khan and 3rd Reich
Lithuania, Poland and Prussia
For some reason only Americans care so much about their heritage
America doesn’t have a cultural heritage or much of a culture for that matter so we identify with the culture of our ancestors. I know it might sound stupid to Europeans but you don’t know what it’s like to live without a culture