Reminder that China pollutes less than all wh*Te countries combined...

Reminder that China pollutes less than all wh*Te countries combined. The Death of Planet Earth is on the hands of wh*Te people.

5425 million tons
4310 million tones
7711 million tones

7711 million tones is LESS THAN 5425 million + 4310 million tones. China pollutes only 80% of what Europe and America pollutes. and China has more than 500 million more people than both Europe and America combined.

Attached: 1557178873961.jpg (1200x885, 347K)

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Thanks for the info, Zhang.

>china pollutes slightly less than every white country combined
just lol, at least try to make china look good when you put out this bait

China has more than 500 million people than all white countries combined you insect.

>One country pollutes almost as much as three continents

Those numbers for China are going to increase while the west is going to decrease. That’s the real truth cockroach.

>fake news
okay. also ur rent is due so pay up or ill kick u out on the streets

>chink calling anyone insect

Based as fuck

China by itself has more people than there are whites but pollutes less you idiot

Except they don't.
There are about 100-200 million nonwhites in white countries, so you'd have to subtract those (including chinese business owners) as well

Chinas emissions have barely increased since 2013, so they'll probably start decreasing within the next 5 years:

They've mainly focused on increasing their GDP without increasing their CO2-emissions as much so far, but they're serious about mitigating climate change, so they'll keep working on reducing emissions.

Won't help all the rivers they've polluted though, at least in the short run

china under reports 10x

Get rid of nonwhites and you'd only increase the per capita CO2 emissions of whites, retard

For sure not. They certainly still have their issues. As do we, of course.

Anyways, their otherwise lower environmental, health and safety standards are pretty much in line with what you'd expect from a country in their stage of development. They'll continue to improve.

Why are there so many chinks in Canada? Can you guys not just fuck off back to your police state or are you that self conscious of your inferiority that you need the white mans country so so badly deep down but you hate to admit it.

You love us admit it, before the white man helped bring you into the future you were still being ruled by a person you believed to be a living god.

US isn't white and Arabs pollute the most per capita

Attached: Co2-2013-top40.svg.png (1200x1412, 97K)

>discussion about climate change
>*ngloid immediately brings up his cuckold fan fiction

im starting to notice a trend

Well hopefully everyone would work together to reduce pollution, big or small polluter

It's a cycle

Parents born in China -> Flea the shit hole -> Have kids in Canada -> All the Asian men go full Asian masculinity as their sisters and friends date white guys -> Yearn to return to the country they've never been to because they think it's the only way they can succeed -> Too retarded and autistic to move so they just shill it online 24/7

>per capita
The bigger picture counts

christcucks never will their hebrew book says man is above nature

excluding people from a population for per capita stats makes absolutely no sense.

I don't think it told man to rape and pillage it though

.hahah fucking westoids.
The mind of an Jow Forumsasianmasculinityfag is a fragile and weird one.

Attached: 1548025976912.jpg (817x767, 150K)

Funny how the smog clouds over every major Chinese city make me very much doubt that graph. Also,
> the PRC letting out any sort of unfavourable statistics

Oh sweet summer child

this is probably the most poorly thought out argument I have ever read in my entire life. It's like you didn't even look at the image. I'm calling this for bait